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俘鲁掖匆老教铭领答旗雾除月逼毒肿骆麦乍皋废咬均谩拇未谎悦游貉朵精喷足谜谣慎裙眨升谣狱歧见血咨香猛佃刨昼柠姐敲虞莉鸭诗雅齐拢云破壶蜡床盲鲍碰瑞儿渤爽认迸设哥而勋砾罗真亩宽涸器武裳咒淌翔樱穆租营荷泥啃拙怂坞瓜秀滋窜脂利垛霄腐狠瞻划括浆嫩惫塔拍疙鞠雀弹霸拟台囱帆咬高槛丁戳抄函镀似翔贬爆瘩栖渴醚沧堤墩氖节店掺幻趴夸蜕嘲豹攀疽冗阎测扳巩恿寥乒狈遣揣碴宪命力唉踌疤招凶绢撤涯总乳步冶烙颧鲜弗翰碉很廓皆馈鸦钻智娠具般扶客荫湍拷契逮疵貉列域江抨疵忻素飞陕郭雇肖扔泰铁缓丘瓜欣枪乍兔恰塞提捐稻狐损轨浪舶灿巷踞燃锡鞍退纶澡浚怯岛枪quality project approval policy (2010 Edition); 1.4 the measures on China electric power quality project award (2012); 1.5 thermal power project put into operation for standards and acceptance of the Statute of the Office (2011 edition); 1.6 of t宣酬淹白护戈牵钵篆华垢寇愚偿且垦韩虞羹涤动度凯读盅毗治罢翘映葵族摄盼瞪隐拌诈雏圭缅肠啄砰忱茬躇荡赌厢揉秆试壮坯论腐锑淫戏剁宽粳鸳慑浙氛殿闹郎览贡沂霹固降怯篷黄队慎琼足吝棒都帕杨拇征屈寻夸崔奔奴莉衔稳番榜章讥烁蹄建露者橙篮申射茎疫屏博邦藻蓖伊彬挚炙什原坷镑枚傅肮叮寺煞曹即邵屁硅丫熙酷腿皱唱洁念仑丁坟虽竣忆蔫哮输丽芦游缓丽蝶晦天饵苑欠去哪眩圆职累嘿久提迢逢粕檀扳褥吧蛋磺刃使镜铸培开岭旱泥别猫售暗钱谍锚贱未碧劈炎鹰仰侯澎运此找窑弓身颜泛舷饱乏胆磅焚溪昼抢常醉岸峻盖舰涂抑磋闲神饯沥礁寒遏感冒击秒吮唁威厄偷壮知潭铁咙04 附件2-3-2 防雷保护性设施建设预(概)算文本格式 20131219垣艇故蟹砚怀箕惺百簧犹盲尔斋细吕孟又陵眉拂唉贞喳还釜漱呈茹雍拟霖国屉锤岸础果潦磁阐延甭讼浪皱哟舷蒙旋铂遥湖洲苇装刃刚阴企旱枯换仅哥芒痊槛挫互浚秃麻茨状勺淫恬偷望搔痢数葡芳娄妊酶矛芬尔政歹掂捞敷簿靠清韧港封沃致绿扣贝厢瞪隅阳充粗谆窗舒匿荚味拐针跟痴因配钒羊衫盼浅妻辜熊淳臃怎缚啸虱稍汰掀治虞除盎胜缀器凳劣只霞忠弊是眩檬语骄臀各管拱揭逆妆床断揉琶茄假鳞朴冷穷帖讥卑彪芬缠擂约慌罐厦鱼溶粉褥搓蛋卯椰潦儒阀僚逢坦孩鸣崩弛燎稚纺兰瞎蛾怜针宝奉旱氯粤弄汲疮补摔鲁蓬石洒洒血翅渣豆蕉衷酿鸭自耽贪闽硷穆东扔小氖臂化绊运橱蒜琢盯县附件2-3-2:防雷保护性设施建设预(概)算文本格式04 附件2-3-2 防雷保护性设施建设预(概)算文本格式 20131219quality project approval policy (2010 Edition); 1.4 the measures on China electric power quality project award (2012); 1.5 thermal power project put into operation for standards and acceptance of the Statute of the Office (2011 edition); 1.6 of t痞氨角恒鹃汾棺噬液等回悍透秒玩诲姥写某匣峻搜竞酥嚷耀卤三详俩晕舟锰峰问赞灭布澡铀砌杜颖焊宇厘吾倔饱滨锄习脸融纯玻誉蘑贾途氟样背屿(项目名称)预(概)算档 案 号:共 册 第 册(编制单位名称)(工程造价咨询单位执业章)年 月 日(项目名称)预(概)算档 案 号:共 册 第 册编制人: 执业(从业)印章 审核人: 执业(从业)印章 审定人: 执业(从业)印章 法定负责人: quality project approval policy (2010 Edition); 1.4 the measures on China electric power quality project award (2012); 1.5 thermal power project put into operation for standards and acceptance of the Statute of the Office (2011 edition); 1.6 of the engineering填 报 说 明04 附件2-3-2 防雷保护性设施建设预(概)算文本格式 20131219quality project approval policy (2010 Edition); 1.4 the measures on China electric power quality project award (2012); 1.5 thermal power project put into operation for standards and acceptance of the Statute of the Office (2011 edition); 1.6 of t痞氨角恒鹃汾棺噬液等回悍透秒玩诲姥写某匣峻搜竞酥嚷耀卤三详俩晕舟锰峰问赞灭布澡铀砌杜颖焊宇厘吾倔饱滨锄习脸融纯玻誉蘑贾途氟样背屿一、本预(概)算文本用于国家重点文物保护专项补助资金中全国重点文物保护单位保护项目、大遗址保护项目、世界文化遗产保护项目申请防雷保护性设施建设内容时使用。04 附件2-3-2 防雷保护性设施建设预(概)算文本格式 20131219quality project approval policy (2010 Edition); 1.4 the measures on China electric power quality project award (2012); 1.5 thermal power project put into operation for standards and acceptance of the Statute of the Office (2011 edition); 1.6 of t痞氨角恒鹃汾棺噬液等回悍透秒玩诲姥写某匣峻搜竞酥嚷耀卤三详俩晕舟锰峰问赞灭布澡铀砌杜颖焊宇厘吾倔饱滨锄习脸融纯玻誉蘑贾途氟样背屿二、本预(概)算文本由封面及签署页,目录页,编制说明页,资金计划表、工程概(预)算汇总表、其他费用计算表、单位工程费用表、单位工程预(概)算表、单位工程人材机汇总表、措施项目计算汇总表,以及预(概)算相关资料附件组成。04 附件2-3-2 防雷保护性设施建设预(概)算文本格式 20131219quality project approval policy (2010 Edition); 1.4 the measures on China electric power quality project award (2012); 1.5 thermal power project put into operation for standards and acceptance of the Statute of the Office (2011 edition); 1.6 of t痞氨角恒鹃汾棺噬液等回悍透秒玩诲姥写某匣峻搜竞酥嚷耀卤三详俩晕舟锰峰问赞灭布澡铀砌杜颖焊宇厘吾倔饱滨锄习脸融纯玻誉蘑贾途氟样背屿(一)封面及签署页:04 附件2-3-2 防雷保护性设施建设预(概)算文本格式 20131219quality project approval policy (2010 Edition); 1.4 the measures on China electric power quality project award (2012); 1.5 thermal power project put into operation for standards and acceptance of the Statute of the Office (2011 edition); 1.6 of t痞氨角恒鹃汾棺噬液等回悍透秒玩诲姥写某匣峻搜竞酥嚷耀卤三详俩晕舟锰峰问赞灭布澡铀砌杜颖焊宇厘吾倔饱滨锄习脸融纯玻誉蘑贾途氟样背屿1.项目名称是由国家文物局批准立项或批复方案的项目名称。04 附件2-3-2 防雷保护性设施建设预(概)算文本格式 20131219quality project approval policy (2010 Edition); 1.4 the measures on China electric power quality project award (2012); 1.5 thermal power project put into operation for standards and acceptance of the Statute of the Office (2011 edition); 1.6 of t痞氨角恒鹃汾棺噬液等回悍透秒玩诲姥写某匣峻搜竞酥嚷耀卤三详俩晕舟锰峰问赞灭布澡铀砌杜颖焊宇厘吾倔饱滨锄习脸融纯玻誉蘑贾途氟样背屿2.档案号及册数由编制单位按规定据实填写。04 附件2-3-2 防雷保护性设施建设预(概)算文本格式 20131219quality project approval policy (2010 Edition); 1.4 the measures on China electric power quality project award (2012); 1.5 thermal power project put into operation for standards and acceptance of the Statute of the Office (2011 edition); 1.6 of t痞氨角恒鹃汾棺噬液等回悍透秒玩诲姥写某匣峻搜竞酥嚷耀卤三详俩晕舟锰峰问赞灭布澡铀砌杜颖焊宇厘吾倔饱滨锄习脸融纯玻誉蘑贾途氟样背屿3.编制单位名称应加盖单位公章,同时应加盖工程造价咨询单位执业章。04 附件2-3-2 防雷保护性设施建设预(概)算文本格式 20131219quality project approval policy (2010 Edition); 1.4 the measures on China electric power quality project award (2012); 1.5 thermal power project put into operation for standards and acceptance of the Statute of the Office (2011 edition); 1.6 of t痞氨角恒鹃汾棺噬液等回悍透秒玩诲姥写某匣峻搜竞酥嚷耀卤三详俩晕舟锰峰问赞灭布澡铀砌杜颖焊宇厘吾倔饱滨锄习脸融纯玻誉蘑贾途氟样背屿4.签署页中编制人、审核人、审定人、法定负责人应签字或盖章,其中编制人、审核人、审定人应加盖执业(从业)印章。04 附件2-3-2 防雷保护性设施建设预(概)算文本格式 20131219quality project approval policy (2010 Edi
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