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小学英语课堂鼓励性评语1. 单词:Good! Nice! Great! Okay! Clever! Perfect! Marvelous! Pleasant! Wonderful! Correct! 好样的!太棒了!聪明!太完美了!答的好!正确!2. 短语:Very nice! Quite correct! Quite OK (Okay)! Neat and tidy! Well -done !Well-written! Come on !答得漂亮!太正确了!做的好!写的好!加油!答得很简洁!3.句型:A. Thats all right! /Thats OK. 正确!B. It is clever of you to do so. /Its nice of you to say so. /Its careful of you to write this way.你这么做太聪明了!你写的真认真!C. Youve done so nicely. 你完成的真漂亮!D. What good work youve done! /What a good boy you are! How carefully youve worked! /How nice your work is ! 你真是个好孩子!你学的真认真!E. Try to do better next time! F. I find youve made a lot of progress! /I think you can work more carefully next time. 下次希望你做的更好!我发现你进步了不少,希望你下次能更加认真!G. Your handwriting is so nice. /Youve done better than lasttime. /You can do best of all if you try harder.你写的太漂亮了!你比上次完成的好多了!如果你努力的话,你会成为最棒的!H. Dont make such a careless mistake again, will you? /Lets try to say correct English, shall we?下次不要再马虎了!让我们试着说正确的英语,好吗?4.时态:A. Youve done best of all in your class! /Youve made so much progress!你已经很努力了。你进步了这么多!B. Youre doing nicely!你做的真漂亮!C. Your English will become better if you work harder.如果你努力,你的英语会越来越好!D. Now you can do better than you did before.你现在能做的比以前好。E. You used to make a lot of mistakes in grammar, but now you do more correctly.你曾经在语法上犯过不少错误,但现在你答得越来越正确了。5.语态: A. You do your work well. /Your work is well done.你学的很好!你的学习完成的很好!B. You have made great progress in English this term./Your English has been greatly improved this term.你这学期英语有很大的进步!6.语气:A. Your English is excellent.你的英语很出色!B. I wish you would work harder. /How I wish you would be more careful.我相信你会努力!我多么希望你会更加努力!C. Pay attention to your spelling. /Keep on and on.注意你的拼写。坚持住!7.篇章:you always do well in English. But sometimes you are a little careless.你的英语很好,只是有时候有些马虎。I think youll correct it. Try to do your work as carefully as you can.我想你能改正,试着再认真些。英语课堂忌用语Incorrect! 不对!Just so- so. Far from correct. So careless!勉强,离正确的还远着呢!太马虎了!Thats wrong. /Thats incorrect!/ Youve made such a careless mistake!错了!不对!你怎么犯了这么马虎的错误!See what youve done!/Correct your mistakes . 看看你都做了什么,把错的改过来!Study here or go home.不学习就回家!Stand back of the classroom!站到教室后面去! You see, what youve done here. Youve made such a funny mistake! 看看你在这都做了什么,犯了那么可笑的错误!Dont be so silly again! 下次别那么傻了!
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