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? Unit8 At the shop ?第 1 课时三维目标一语言知识目标:能够掌握表示食物的7个单词:“carrots, potatoes ,tomatoes ,cabbages ,fish, meat, rice 。 二、语言技能目标: 1、能够正确、合理运用“what would you like? 来询问他们想要什么 ,并能用“Id like some . .来进行答复。2、能进一步在真实的情景中运用对话并进行表演。三、情感态度目标: 通过本课学习使学生有兴趣听、说英语 ,敢于开口 ,乐于模仿 ,在鼓励性评价中树立信心 ,并养成合理饮食 ,保持健康的习惯。学习重点:掌握表示食物的单词:“tomatoes ,carrots,cabbage、potatoes。2、能够正确、合理运用“what would you like? 来询问他们想要什么 ,并能用“Id like some . .来进行答复。学习难点1、掌握单词tomatoes, carrots, cabbage 和 potatoes的发音。2、能够在真实的情境中运用英语进行选购食物。 教具准备 课堂教学活动设计二度备课StepI : Warming up:1、Greetings2、Lead-in 引出本节课课题3、Watch a video(水果、食物儿歌视频) StepII: Presentation 1learn new words.1、 Learn“carrotT: Listen and guess, Its a kind of vegetables. Its orange and long, Rabbits like it .What is it?Ss : 胡萝卜。.教授“carrotRead carrot carrot-引入“carrots-practice-write2、 Learn“ potatoT:出示“potato剪影 ,What can you see?Ss: 土豆教授“potatoRead potato potato -引入“potatoes(利用食物potato练习) -practice-write3、Teaching “tomatoes, cabbages, fish, meat, rice by the same way.4、Practice these words:A、利用chant 帮助孩子们愉悦的识记单词B、在观察中发现 ,并利用顺口溜帮助孩子区分“tomato和“potatoC、通过猜“箱中物和游戏帮助学生稳固所学单词。(2) learn the dialogue.1、Lead-in T: Id like some fish, What would you like ? -引入“ What would you like ?板书 ,并教授“would之意 ,并引导学生答复。2、Practice the dialogueA : T: Lets go to “Happy shop, OK?Ss: OK.T: There are so many food, What would you like?Ss: Id like someB: Practice the dialogue(work in pairs)(Look at P39, One play Kittty, One play Joe)C: Show Step3: Extention1、T:周末快到了 ,Lets go to Ren Ren Jia SupermarketTogether,OK? Ss:.T: What would you like? 你想知道如何用英语进行购物吗? Ss:.T:让我们先来欣赏Kitty 的购物表演话剧。引导学生学会用英语礼貌购物。Practice the dialogue.(work in pairs)Show the dialogue.Step4 :Self-checkI、根底题 我会听 1、A school B tomato C office 2、A rice B potato C candy 3、 A carrot B computer C meatII、开展题 我会选( )1、_ would you like?Id like some potatoes. A What B How C Where( )2、_ is the meat? 20 yuan. A What B Where C How much( ) 3、Here you are ! _ A OK B Thank you C SorryIII、提高题(我会分类potato milk tomato candy juice water carrot egg cake 1、蔬菜 _ _ _2、饮料 _ _ _3、食物 _ _ _Step5 情感教育Step6:Homework1、必做题:课后 ,和家人或朋友去超市进行一次购物 ,同时 ,用今天所学的句型采访一下他们想要的食物。2、选做题:用心去“找一找我们身边的水果、蔬菜、饮料、食物等英语单词 ,并分类整理好 ,下节课 ,我们比一比 ,看哪个小组整理的多。 本节小结 板书设计Unit8 At the shopcarrots A: What would you like? tomatoes B: Id like some potatoes 评价区:1 2 3 4 potatoes cabbagesfishmeatrice教学反思 /
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