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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 9B Unit 1一 掌握下面的短语和句型:(Comic strip and Welcome to the unit)1. How do you like ? = What do you think of ? 你认为怎么样?2. get to = reach = arrive in/ at 到达3. think about 考虑4. in the future 在将来5. travel in space 太空旅行6. try to do sth 尝试做某事,设法做某事,努力做某事7. dream about / of 梦见,梦到8. compare A to B = compare A with B 比较A和B* compare A to B 把A比喻作B9. care for 关心* care for 照顾=take care of / look after10. help sb with sth /help sb do sth 帮助某人做某事11. in the form of 以的形状=in the shape of 12. make sb do sth 使某人做某事(Reading)1. find out 找到,找出2. It is +形容词to do sth. 做某事是。3. more and more crowded 越来越拥挤比较级and +比较级“越来越”4. spacecraft 宇宙飞船(单复数相同)spaceship 5. first of all 首先6. at present 目前7. too to 太而不能8. large numbers of 相当多a number of 很多(谓语用复数)the number of 的数量(谓语用单数)9. It takes sb some time to do sth. 花费某人多少时间做某事。=sb spend some time (in) doing sth. 10. at the speed of 以的速度He is traveling at the speed of 130 kilometers an hour. 11. three eighths 八分之三分数:分子为基数词,分母为序数词,分子多于1时,分母用复数。one third 三分之一;two fifths 五分之二;a half 二分之一;a quarter 四分之一12. prevent sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事stop/keep sb from doing sth13. in many ways在很多方面14. space 空间(不可数)room15. take exams in online schools 在网上学校进行考试16. called = named 被叫作的=with the name of =that is called17. as +原形as 和一样18. speed boots 加速靴子19. make friends with 和交朋友20. many kinds of =many types of 很多种21. under the control of 在的控制下22. tie sth to 把某物拴在上We often tie our cows to the tree. 我们经常把牛拴在这棵树上。(Vocabulary, Grammar)1. take high-quality images 拍高质量的图象take photos 拍照片2. connect sth to 把某物连接到上3. provide sth for sb. =provide sb with sth 给某人提供某物4. in that case 在那种情况下5. take the place of 代替,取代6. digital camera 数码相机7. dried food 干粮,脱水食物8. notebook computer 笔记本电脑9. space sleeping bag 太空睡袋10. the solar system 太阳系11. be willing to do sth 愿意干某事(Integrated skills and Study skills)1. turn on 打开(电器、水龙头等)turn off 关闭(电器、水龙头等)turn up 调大(电器、水龙头等)turn down 调小(电器、水龙头等)2. begin/start with 以开始* end with 以结束3. be quite different from 和很不相同4. worry about 担心be worried about 5. neither nor 既不,也不(邻近原则)Neither you nor I am in Class Eight. 你和我都不在8班。6. be afraid of 害怕7. do harm to 对有害8. have sb do sth 让某人做某事let sb do sth 9. run over 浏览10. 比较级表示最高级的意思:比较级than any other He is stronger than any other student in our school. =He is the strongest of all the students in our school. (Main task and Checkout)1. a guide to living on Mars 火星生活指南介词短语作定语,后置。2. keep away 驱赶Settlers usually keep these animals away with laser light. 定居者经常用激光驱赶这些动物。keep off 远离,不接近Keep off the grass. 请勿践踏草坪。keep on doing sth 继续做某事3. finish doing sth 做完某事4. We get about M$10 for every ¥1. 每1元相当于10火星美元。5. a popular form of entertainment 一个流行的娱乐形式6. prefer to do sth 宁愿做某事7. low-gravity basketball games 低重力篮球赛8. be easy to do 容易做be hard to do 很难做It is easy to say but hard to do. 说时容易做时难。9. feel like 感觉像feel like doing sth 想要做某事want to do sth 10. have a rest 休息一会11. calm down 镇定下来,平静下来12. take off 起飞13. by the window 在窗旁14. I dont believe hat there are any aliens. 我相信没有外星人的。否定前移,常见的动词有:think, believe, expect, imagine, suppose .二 掌握下面的语法:1. 情态动词can, could, may, might 都可以表示允许。can 朋友之间使用could 跟老师或长辈之间使用may 跟陌生人和尊敬的人之间使用might 非常有礼貌但很少用2宾语从句宾语从句要掌握三种引导词和两点注意。、三种引导词:由 that 引导(可省略)。由连接词 what, who, which, where, when, how many 等引导。由 if 或 whether引导。、两点注意: 陈述语序(从句的语序为:引导词主语谓语。) 时态对应(当主句为过去时时从句也要变成相应的过去时态。)Lucy asked Jim, Have you ever been to America? Lucy asked Jim if/whether he had ever been to America.9B Unit 2一 掌握下面的短语和句型:(Comic strip and Welcome to the unit)1. complaint letter 投诉信2. complain to sb about sth 向某人抱怨某事3. have to do sth 必须做某事,不得不做某事4. *post a letter 寄信5. do the laundry 洗衣服6. explore dangerous places 勘察危险的地方7. look after =take care of =care for 照顾8. make the bed 铺床9. help sb with sth =help sb do sth 帮助某人做某事10. play with 和一起玩;玩耍,玩弄Dont play with fire. 不要玩火。(Reading)1. become/be interested in 对感兴趣2. the first person to do sth 第一个做某事的人3. in many ways 在很多方面4. in order to do sth 为了做某事5. buy sth from sp 从某地买某物6. much easier容易得多比较级前可用much, many, a lot, far, still, even, a little, a bit等修饰。7. as a result (作为)结果8. no longer =not any longer 不再9. at work 在工作He is at work. =He is working.10. * return home from work 下班回到家里* return 回来=get back / come back 归还= give back return sth to sb = give sth back to sb 把某物归还给某人11. as _+原形as “和一样”12. be ready for 为作好准备get ready for = prepare for 为作准备13. be happy with 对感到满意be satisfied with / be content with 14. a few weeks later = after a few weeks 几个星期后(用于过去时态)15. go wrong 出问题;犯错误go missing 消失;不见16. catch a virus 感染病毒catch a cold 感冒17. wake up 醒来,叫醒18. washing machine 洗衣机19. knock over 撞翻20. * in a mess 一团糟* mak
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