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双语 研究表明人们潜意识中存在种族歧视2011-09-30 10:41:50来源:国际在线专稿 打印文章发送给好友0提要在美国的一项研究中,一些志愿者倾向于选择那些穿西装的人为白人,即使这个人的肤色偏深,或是选择穿工作服的人为黑人。不仅仅是那些穿着西装的人看起来像白人,穿着破烂的像黑人,甚至要是一个白人穿着棕色的衣服,那些志愿者一开始都会将他们认为是黑人。Clothing, it seems, can make us colour blind, because whether we perceive someone as white or black depends not just on skin tone but also how smartly they are dressed, according to researchers. 研究者声称,似乎,衣服能让我们变成色盲,因为我们不会仅仅依靠肤色来辨认一个认识黑人还是白人,而是他们穿了什么样的衣服。 Volunteers in a U.S. study tended to label someone as white if they were dressed in a suit even if the face had dark skin and labelled someone black if they were dressed in working overalls. 在美国的一项研究中,一些志愿者倾向于选择那些穿西装的人为白人,即使这个人的肤色偏深,或是选择穿工作服的人为黑人。 The scientists revealed that perception of race is shaped by prejudices that we already hold - and that racism runs deeper than we think. 科学家们说我们所持有的种族的概念已经非常深了,甚至比我们想象的还要深。 In the study, conducted by a team of researchers from Tufts University, Stanford University and the University of California, participants, of various races, were shown a series of computerised faces, with different skin colours and clothing. 在由塔夫斯大学,斯坦福大学和加利福尼亚大学联合进行研究中,来自不同种族的参与者都被电脑记录了其面貌,尽管他们拥有不同的肤色或是穿着不同的衣服。 Some wore business attire and some working overalls - similar to what a caretaker might wear. 一些穿着商务装,一些穿着就如那些看门人穿的一样的工作装。 Not only were the faces dressed in suits more likely to be seen as white, and those in scruffier clothes black, but even when a white face was dressed down, the volunteers hand movements showed that they were at first instinctively drawn to labelling it black. 不仅仅是那些穿着西装的人看起来像白人,穿着破烂的像黑人,甚至要是一个白人穿着棕色的衣服,那些志愿者一开始都会将他们认为是黑人。 This was recorded by a hand-tracking technique that followed the trajectory of the mouse. 这些都被一个能记录鼠标踪迹的软件记录下来了。 The study revealed how racism can be subconscious, because it comes from preconceived ideas. 这项研究说明了潜意识中人们存在多么严重的种族歧视。 The studys lead author, Jonathan B Freeman, from Tufts Graduate School of Arts and Sciences said: The study shows how the perception of a face is always a compromise between the visual cues before our eyes and the baggage we bring to the table, like the stereotypes we hold. 这项研究的发起者,来自塔夫斯艺术科学研究生院的乔纳森弗里曼说,“这项研究说明了其实我们所看到的是一种视觉上和思想上的妥协,就如我们所一直持有的成见一样。” Racial stereotypes are powerful enough to trickle down to affect even basic visual processing of other people, systematically skewing the way we view our social world. “种族成见存在的太深了,以至于会影响到我们正常的观察别人,甚至是观察整个世界。” 编译:刘佩琰 来源:国际在线专稿 (注:文件素材和资料部分来自网络,供参考。请预览后才下载,期待你的好评与关注。)
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