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PEP PRIMARY ENGLISH STUDENTS BOOK四年级上册Unit3 My Friends Part A Lets learn基于课程标准教学设计陈瑞娟【学习目标】 1.我借助图片、拼读规则,会读、会记住4个单词friends thin strong quiet ,2个词组long hair short hair (重点)2.我能利用照片,简单描述自己的朋友。(难点)【设计评价检测】1. 交流式评价:通过师生、生生的对话交流,在交流中对学生进行评价。2. 表现性评价:采用小组合作竞争的方式进行评价,哪一组参与积极,纪律好,表现好的可得集体奖。3. 知识掌握评价:自编新对话及评价检测对学生进行评价。【教学过程】教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Warm-up1. T:Hello, everyone. Today we learn Unit3 My friends part A lets learn.(出示学习目标)Introduce the learning aims. (指生读)2出示幻灯片中的歌曲T: Lets sing a song “Friends”.(师生拍手齐唱)1.读并初步理解本节课学习目标。2.学生听歌曲并跟节奏拍手。通过歌曲,激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生在愉悦的氛围中轻松进入课堂。Pre-task Stage1.出示一图片,T:Look at this picture. Who is she? Ss:Chen Jie. T:Yes. She is Chen Jie. She has long hair. (板书并强调hair读音/e/)Listen to the tape, then read after it.2.教师介绍本班男孩,T:Who is this boy? Ss:Li Yuanhao. T: Is he has long hair? S1: No. T:He has short hair.(教师板书,指生领读。)3. 教师利用体态语介绍:T:Li Yuanhao and me are friends. We are friends. You and me, We are friends.(教师板书,指1-4小组读。)4.(教师出示单词卡片)three, thirty,引出thin. 指生试读,(提醒学生在读th/时,咬舌尖)Look at me. Im thin. and tall.(指名本班很瘦的学生,让他们明白thin的意思。)听录音跟读,指生领读。(教师板书)5.教师指一名比较健壮的学生T: Guo Jinbo is strong. He is strong.教师板书,指生读。6.教师出示单词卡:queue, quite,qu /k w /学生试读, quiet. This is Yao Han. She has long hair. She is thin. She is quiet.教师板书。7. Read the new words in groups.8. Listen and follow it.1、听录音跟读,分小组齐读。2、指生领读,学生one by one read。3.分组读,由快到慢一口气读。4.听录音跟读,分小组齐读。5.指生领读,小组读。6.分组读,由快到慢读。7.小组合作练习。8.听音正音。由图片引出单词,降低难度。通过模仿朗读,培养朗读能力。让学生初步感知并理解运用。落实学习目标一。While-task Stage1. Play a game.“Whats missing” .2.Lets chant.Friends, friends.He is my friend.He has short hair.He is strong and tall.Friends, friends.She is my friend.She has long hair.She is thin and quiet.指生快速说出单词。听唱,说唱歌谣,进一步练习巩固所学单词。利用游戏歌谣积发兴趣。增强学生参与积极性和主动性。Post- task StageTask1. I can make new sentences .(用所学词汇试说句子)如:long hairMy friend has long hair.My mother has long hair.She has long hair.Task2. Introduce your friends in groups.(教师出示句子,学生用准备好的照片相互介绍)My friend is strong. He has short hair and big eyes. He likes sports.1.对所学内容进行分析运用。2.小组合作引导学生完成新句子并表演。通过练习提高学生的语言表达能力。落实学习目标二。Homework1. Listen to recording, then say the words to your friends. 2. Introduce your friends.学生记录作业鼓励学生创新发挥,综合运用所学语言。 【板书设计】Unit3 My FriendsFriends He/She has long hair A B C short hair He/She is thin strong quiet
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