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学校代码:10223分类号:学 号:密 级:专业学位硕士论文养分管理对七星农场水稻产量品质的影响研 究 生: 唐庆刚指导教师: 桂萍 教授第二导师: 那永光 研究员类别(领域): 农业推广(作物)培养方式: 非全日制培养学院: 农学院中国2016. 10独创性声明本人声明所呈交的论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作与取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得八一农垦大学或其它教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了意。研究生签名: 日期: 年 月 日关于论文使用授权的说明本人完全了解八一农垦大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权保留送交论文的复印件和磁盘,允许论文被查阅和借阅,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编学位论文。同意八一农垦大学可以用不同方式在不同刊物上发表,传播学位论文的全部或部分容。(的学位论文在解密后应遵守此协议)研究生签名: 导师签名:日期: 年 月 日 日期: 年 月 日 / 摘 要建三江水稻面积1000多万亩,占垦区水稻面积2350万亩的42.6%,占全省水稻面积的六分之一,其水稻品质的优劣、产量的高低直接影响到垦区与全省的水稻现状。本研究于2014年开展,以建三江七星农场为研究区域,探讨龙庆稻3号和三江6号不同养分管理下产量品质的差异与机理。试验采用随机区组设计,进行化肥+生物有机肥、减氮+生物有机肥、减氮+生物有机肥+硅、减氮+生物有机肥+锌的效果研究。主要研究结果如下:1.两品种高产栽培模式为常规施肥+归复记生物有机肥300kg/hm2,能够显著提高分蘖数、叶面积指数、地上部生物量以与吸氮量、公顷穗数与穗粒数,最终使两品种产量分别提高15.0%与9.2%。增施归复记生物有机肥300kg/hm2+减氮20%处理两水稻品种的分蘖数、叶面积指数、地上部生物量以与吸氮量均与常规施肥无明显差异,产量与产量构成因子也均无明显差异,而水稻株高显著下降、抗病性显著升高、氮素偏生产力显著提高。2.增施生物有机肥下稻米的品质与常规施肥处理并没有显著差异。减少氮肥20%有提高水稻品质的趋势,两品种水稻优质栽培模式为减氮20%+增施归复记生物有机肥300kg/hm2+基施锌肥5kg/hm2处理与减氮20%+增施归复记生物有机肥300kg/hm2+喷施硅肥1.2L/hm2。3.基施锌肥能够显著地提高茎蘖数、提高叶面积指数、地上部生物量与吸氮量、提高了水稻褐变穗的抗病性,最终增加了公顷穗数,龙庆稻3号和三江6号分别增产7.0%和3.4%;增施锌肥后稻米的精米率和整精米率均显著提高,降低了垩白度,不仅提高了直链淀粉含量,也降低了蛋白质含量,大大改善了稻米的品质。4.叶面喷施有机硅肥能够显著地降低两品种水稻株高、褐变穗的发病率与病情指数。叶面喷施有机硅处理水稻的叶面积指数、地上部生物量与吸氮量以与公顷穗数有增高趋势,但差异不显著,最终也没有显著增产。喷施硅肥后龙庆稻3号提高了整精米率、降低了垩白率,三江6号也表现类似趋势。直链淀粉分别提高了3.9%与6.9%,蛋白质分别降低了2.6%与5.4%。关键词:七星农场;生物有机肥;硅;锌;水稻品质AbstractHigh yield and good quality of rice in cold area are not only influenced by genetic factors, but also by the environment and the cultivation technique during the rice growth. So it is the result of genetic and environmental interactions. The area of rice growth in Jiansanjiang is more than 10 million mu, which is accounting for 42.6% of farming areas of Heilongjiang Province and 16.7% of rice growing area in Heilongjiang Province. The yield and quality of rice in Jiansanjiang are very important for rice growing in Heilongjiang Province. Therefore, the study for effects of different nutrient management on rice yield and quality in Qixing farm is needed. In this study, we conducted field plot experiments in the research and development center of Qixing farm in 2014 and Longqingdao 3 and Sanjiang 6 used as the study rice varieties. The 5 different nutrient management treatments were set up. The results were as follows:Two varieties of high yield cultivation model was conventional fertilization and increasing biological organic fertilizer treatment. Two varieties of rice in increased biological organic fertilizer treatment can significantly improve the tillering number, leaf area index, aboveground biomass and nitrogen uptake, and the panicle number per hectare and grain number per spike of botnrice varieties. Eventually yield and partial factor productivity for nitrogen (PFP-N) were significantly increased. Moreover, Increase biological organic fertilizer and decreased N treatment was no difference with conventional fertilization treatment for rice yield, but the PFP-N was significantly increased and disease resistance were also significantly improved.In addition, the quality of the rice under increasing biological organic fertilizer treatment had no significant difference from the control.Reduction of fertilizer nitrogen 20% had a tendency to improve rice quality of both varieties of rice, cultivation mode of high quality to reduce nitrogen 20% + increased 300 kg/hm2 adapt to Guifuji biological organic fertilizer rates + base zinc fertilizer 5 kg/hm2 processing and reduce nitrogen 20% + increased 300 kg/hm2 adapt to remember biological organic fertilizer rates + spraying silicon fertilizer 1.2 L/hm2.Increasing zinc (Zn) fertilizer treatment could significantly increase the stem tillering number, leaf area index, aboveground biomass and nitrogen uptake. Eventually the panicle number per hectare was finally significantly higher. Rice yield for both varieties had increased trend, but no significantly. In addition, increasing Zn fertilizer treatment can significantly improve the quality of rice for two varieties.Spraying on the leaf of organic silicon fertilizer can significantly reduce the two varieties of rice plant height, Browning incidence and disease index. Rice leaf area index, aboveground biomass and nitrogen uptake and ha panicles, spraying on the leaf organic silicon processing relative to not spraying process has increased trend, but the difference was not significant, eventually did not increase significantly. And spraying silicon fertilizer can significantly improve the quality of paddy rice, and after spraying silicon fertilizer Longqingdao 3 improves the whole polished rice rate increase and reduced the rate of chalk white, Sanjiang 6 shows a similar trend. In addition, two kinds of nutritio
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