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2007年12月英语四级听力原文+答案详解Section A ConversationsShort Conversations11. W: I ran into Sally the other day. I could hardly recognize her. Do you remember her from high school?M: Yeah, she was a little out of shape back then. Well, has she lost a lot of weight?Q: What does the man remember of Sally?12. W: We dont seem to have a reservation for you, sir. Im sorry. M: But my secretary said that she had reserved a room for me here. I phoned her from the airport this morning just before I got on board the plane.Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?13. W: What would you do if you were in my place? M: If Paul were my son, Id just not worry. Now that his teacher is giving him extra help and hes working hard himself, hes sure to do well in the next exam.Q: Whats the mans suggestion to the woman? 14. M: Youve had your hands full and have been overworked during the last two weeks. I think you really need to go out and get some fresh air and sunshine.W: You are right. Thats just what Im thinking about.Q: What is the woman most probably going to do?15. W: Hello, John. How are you feeling now? I hear youve been ill.M: They must have confused me with my twin brother Rods. Hes been sick all week, but Ive never felt better in my life.Q: What do we learn about the man?16. M: Did you really give away all your furniture when you moved into the new house last month?W: Just the useless pieces, as Im planning to purchase a new set from Italy for the sitting room only.Q: What does the woman mean? 17. M: Ive brought back your Oxford Companion to English Literature. I thought you might use it for your paper. Sorry not to have returned it earlier.W: I was wondering where that book was.Q: What can we infer from the conversation?18. W: To tell the truth, Tony, it never occurs to me that you are an athlete.M: Oh, really? Most people who meet me, including some friends of mine, dont think so either.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?Long ConversationsConversation 1M: Mary, I hope youre packed and ready to leave.W: Yes, Im packed, but not quite ready. I cant find my passport.M: Your passport? Thats the one thing you mustnt leave behind.W: I know. I havent lost it. Ive packed it, but I cant remember which bag its in.M: Well, you have to find it at the airport. Come on, the taxi is waiting.W: Did you say taxi? I thought we were going in your car.M: Yes, well, I have planned to, but Ill explain later. Youve got to be there in an hour.W: The plane doesnt leave for two hours. Anyway, Im ready to go now.M: Now, youre taking just one case, is that right?W: No, there is one in the hall as well.M: Gosh, what a lot of stuff! Youre taking enough for a month instead of a week.W: Well, you cant depend on the weather. It might be cold.M: Its never cold in Rome. Certainly not in May. Come on, we really must go.W: Right, were ready. Weve got the bags, Im sure theres no need to rush.M: There is. I asked the taxi driver to wait two minutes, not twenty.W: Look, Im supposed to be going away to relax. Youre making me nervous.M: Well, I want you to relax on holiday, but you cant relax yet.W: OK, I promise not to relax, at least not until we get to the airport and I find my passport.Questions 19-22 are based on the conversatoin you have just heard.Q19: What does the woman say about her passport?Q20: What do we know about the womans trip?Q21: Why does the man urge the woman to hurry?Q22: Where does the conversation most probably take place?Conversation 2W: Oh, Im fed up with my job.M: Hey, theres a perfect job for you in the paper today. You might be interested.W: Oh, what is it? What do they want?M: Wait a minute. Uh, here it is. The European Space Agency is recruiting translators.W: The European Space Agency?M: Well, thats what it says. They need an English translator to work from French or German. W: So they need a degree in French or German, I suppose. Well, Ive got that. Whats more, I have plenty of experience. What else are they asking for?M: Just that. A university degree and three or four years of experience as a translator in a professional environment. They also say the person should have a lively and inquiring mind, effective communication skills and the ability to work individually or as a part of the team.W: Well, if I stay at my present job much longer, I wont have any mind or skills left. By the way, what about salary? I just hope it isnt lower than what I get now.M: Its said to be negotiable. It depends on the applicants education and experience. In addition to basic salary, theres a list of extra benefits. Have a look yourself.W: Hm, travel and social security plus relocation expenses are paid. Hey, this isnt bad. I really want t
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