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占星资料】占星英文书籍推荐(仅供参考) 短期学习:1. A History of Horoscopic Astrology by James H. Holden占星学的历史 著 James H. Holden2. The Houses: Temples of the Sky by Deborah Houlding宫位:天空的神殿 著 Deborah Houlding3. The Real Astrology by John Frawley古典占星学 著 John Frawley4. The Beginning of Wisdom by Abraham Ibn Ezra, trans. Meira Epstein智慧的源头 著 Abraham Ibn Ezra 译 Meira Epstein5. Tetrabiblos by Claudius Ptolemy, trans. F.E. Robbins四书 著 Claudius Ptolemy 译 F.E. Robbins6. The Judgments of Nativities by Abu Ali al-Khayyat, trans. James H. Holden占星盘解读 著 Abu Ali al-Khayyat 译 James H. Holden7. The Morinus System of Horoscope Interpretation Astrologia Gallica Book 21 by J.B. Morin, trans. Richard S. Baldwin莫林占星解读(占星全书的第21本)著 J.B. Morin 译 Richard S. Baldwin长期学习:History and Medieval vs. Modern Astrology:古典占星与现代占星的历史占星学的历史 著 James H. HoldenThe Houses: Temples of the Sky by Deborah Houlding宫位:天空的神殿 著 Deborah HouldingThe Real Astrology by John Frawley古典占星学 著 John FrawleyA History of Western Astrology by Jim Tester西方占星史 著 Jim TesterIntroductions to General and Natal Astrology个人占星学Ancient Greek Group古希腊阶段Tetrabiblos by Claudius Ptolemy, trans. F.E. Robbins四书 著 Claudius Ptolemy 译 F.E. RobbinsAncient Astrology: Theory and Practice Matheosis Libri VIII by Firmicus Maternus, trans.Jean Rhys Bram古代占星:理论和实践 (数学卷 第 8 卷) 著 Firmicus Maternus 译 Jean Rhys BramLate Classical Astrology: Paulus Alexandrinus and Olympiodorus, trans. Dorian GieselerGreenbaum近代古典占星学:保罗亚历山大和澳林匹奥 译 Dorian Gieseler GreenbaumMedieval Arab/Jewish/Persian Group中世纪阿拉伯/犹太/波斯阶段The Beginning of Wisdom by Abraham Ibn Ezra, trans. Meira Epstein占星盘解读 著 Abu Ali al-Khayyat 译 James H. HoldenThe Book of Instruction in the Elements of the Art of Astrology by Al-Biruni, trans. R. Ramsay Wright占星原理 著 Al-Biruni 译 R. Ramsay WrightThe Introduction to Astrology by Al-Qabisi Alcabitius, trans. Charles Burnett, KeijiYamamoto, and Michio Yano占星入门 著 Al-Qabisi Alcabitius 译 Charles Burnett, Keiji Yamamoto, and Michio YanoThe Abbreviation of the Introduction to Astrology by Abu Masar, trans. Charles Burnett, KeijiYamamoto, and Michio Yano占星入门简介 著 Abu Masar 译 Charles Burnett, Keiji Yamamoto, and Michio YanoIntroduction to Astrology by Kusyar Ibn Labban, trans. Michio Yano占星术 著 Kusyar Ibn Labban 译 Michio YanoLatin West Group文艺复兴阶段On the Judgments of Nativities Book 1 by Johannes Schoener, trans. Robert Hand个人占星解读 1 著 Johannes Schoener 译 Robert HandChristian Astrology Books 1 and 3 by William Lilly基督占星 1&3著 William LillyA Brief and Most Easie Introduction to the Judgement of the Stars by Claude Dariot, trans.Fabian Withers轻松占星入门 著 Claude Dariot 译 Fabian WithersBeyond Introduction:进阶读物The Morinus System of Horoscope Interpretation Astrologia Gallica Book 21 by J.B. Morin, trans. Richard S. Baldwin莫林占星解读(占星全书的第21本)著 J.B. Morin 译 Richard S. BaldwinThe Real Astrology Applied by John Frawley古典占星使用手册 著 John FrawleyThe 146 Considerations of Guido Bonatti and the Aphorisms of Cardan, ed. Robert Zoller波纳提的146条原则以及卡丹占星警句等 编 Robert ZollerCarmen Astrologicum by Dorotheus, trans. David Pingree卡门占星学 著 Dorotheus 译 David PingreeOn the Fifth House by Robert Zoller第五宫位 著 Robert ZollerSpecial Topics:专著:Primary Directions主限法Astrologia Gallica Book Twenty-Two: Directions by J.B. Morin, trans. James H. Holden, 2nd ed.占星全书 第 22 本 流年 著 J.B. Morin 译 James H. Holden, 2nd edSolar and Lunar Returns (Solar Revolutions)日返照和月返照 (太阳轨迹的循环)Astrologia Gallica Book Twenty Three: Revolutions by J.B. Morin, trans. James H. Holden, 2nd ed.On Solar Revolutions Part II by Abu Mashar, trans. Robert H. Schmidt日返照 第二部分 著 Abu Mashar 译 Robert H. SchmidtArabic Parts阿拉伯点On the Arabic Parts by Guido Bonatti, trans. Robert Zoller阿拉伯点论 著 Guido Bonatti 译 Robert ZollerMundane Astrology时事占星On Historical Astrology: The Book of Religions and Dynasties (On the Great Conjunctions) by Abu Masar, trans. Keiji Yamamoto and Charles Burnett历史上的占星学:宗教和王朝之书(大融合期) 著 Abu Masar 译 Keiji Yamamoto and Charles BurnettHorary Astrology卜卦占星学Christian Astrology Book 2 by William Lilly基督占星 2 著 William LillyOn Reception by Mashaallah, trans. Robert Hand论星之接纳 著 Mashaallah 译 Robert HandOther其他Tools and Techniques of the Medieval Astrologer Book One: Prenatal Concerns and the Calculation of the Length of Life, by Robert Zoller研究古典占星的方法和技术之一:妊娠期和寿命的计算 著 Robert ZollerAstrological Judgment of Diseases from the Decumbiture of the Sick by Nicholas Culpeper
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