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山大考研817专业英语+621实践英语2013年真题一.专业英语这部分我尽量按照真题的原貌回忆的,希望能让同学们对真题的格式熟悉些Part One : linguisticsI. Define the following terms (30 points )1. Task-based Approach2. semantic field3. Politeness Principle4. paradigmatic relation5. Interpersonal function6. arbitrariness7. distinctive features8. endocentric constructions9. entailment10.mode of discourseII. Briefly answer the following questions (10 points )1.What distinction would you draw between sense and reference?2.What is the difference between synchronic linguistics and diachronic linguistics?III. Make comments on the following statements. The statement may be true or false. Make judgement first and then explain why you think so.(30 points)1.The cooperative principle proposed by the American philosopher P. Grice aims to explain how speakers perform acts with the utterances they make.2. An important difference between semantics and pragmatics is that the former traditionally studies meaning as an inherent, abstract property of language itself while the latter studies meaning as something concrete, realized in the course of communication.Part Two : English LiteratureI. Identify the writer of the works(10 points)1. The Merchant of Venice2. Samson Agonistes3. Mary Barton4. Mrs Dalloway5. A Tale of Two Cities6. Wuthering Heights7. Lyrical Ballads8. Don Juan9. Moll Flanders10. Jonathan WildII Explain the following literary terms ( 6 points)1. Ottava Rima2. stream of consciousnessIII identify the writer of following text and make a comment on the text(9 points)选自Oliver TwistIV Essay writing (15 points)Comment on the theme of King LearPart Three : American LiteratureI. Identify the writer of the works(10 points)1.The Hairy Ape2. Death of a Salesman3. The Call of the Wild4. Babbitt5. “The Road Not Taken”6. Green Hills of Africa7. Billy Budd8. “The Open Boat”9. Jennie Gerhardt10. SanctuaryII Explain the following literary terms ( 6 points)1. Puritanism2. dramatic monologueIII identify the writer of following text and make a comment on the text(9 points)选自The Great Gatsby (the end of the party)IV Essay writing (15 points)Comment on the artistic features of Emily Dickensons poem二实践英语我这个强迫症患者到底还是变换了无数种关键词组合把两篇翻译原文都搜到了.题量很大,必须抓紧时间做1.十个单选 (差不多专四难度,10分)2. 四篇阅读理解(比专八简单很多,都不长,完全没必要担心。20分)3. 十个单句改错(难度还好,貌似都是很基础的语法。10分)4. 无选项完形填空 十个空 (不难,比其星火上他学校的同类题型简单。 10分)5. summary 150字(关于英语在印度的地位的说明文。文章较长,大约800词左右。虽然读懂不难,但是写起来很麻烦很浪费时间,建议同学们能在考前先练练手,把握好整体时间。15分)6. 作文 :the significance of failure (400字, 35分)7. 汉译英:20分中国传统教育的基本特点是:重视道德的培养,而忽视才能和技能的训练;重视师生间的承袭而忽视创造和发明;基本目的是培养统治阶级所需要的各级官吏,而不是建设国家的各种人才。归纳起来说,中国传统教育的基本方针是教人怎样去做人,而不是教人怎样去创业,怎样去开拓前进,怎样去改造社会。这样一种教育思想可谓是源远流长。拿“教育”二字的构成来说,“教”是会意字,它的甲骨文写作,意思是一手拿一根棍棒打一个孩子,孩子的头上还有被打的两个记号,说明“教”的本意是以棍棒训子,令其遵循长辈的意志,所以说文解字说:“教,上所施,下所效也。”“育”是个形声字,它的篆书字形是个颠倒的“子”字,古人认为,颠倒之子即不顺之子,也即不孝之子,以骨肉之情感化、教导不顺之子谓之“育”,所以说文解字说“育,养子使作善也。”由此可见,“教育”二字的古意就是培养人的良好品德。8. 英译汉:20分Its raining,again .As I lie awake in bed,listening to the sound of those razor-sharp drops pounding on the pavement ,my mind goes reeling down dark corridors teeming with agonizing flashbacks,and a chill from within fills me with dread. Its raining ,againIt does this every year in Southern California;at least thats what they told me last year when I marveled at the relentless determination of the rain.There seem to be two seasons here .During the rainy season,sometimes the storms drench the area nonstop for days.Sometimes the storm come and go .Often property damage and disrupted lives result.Its hard to predict the intensity of the patterms from year to year .Then there is the fire season .That takes care of the property that managed to survive the deluge again disrupting lives.The days connecting these seasons are monotonous ,with some sun,some smog and some more sun.This is nothing like back home in Colorado .We have rains there,too.Thunderstorms in spring and summer often come with intensity great enough to cause flash-flooding .Every child raised in the West knows about these dangers.At least thats what I used to think .Im not so sure anymore .In second grade they showed us a terrifying film about flash-flooding .A man parked his 57 Chevy on a little bridge overlooking a picturesque ,arid gully and took out his camera .It was starting to rain,but he really wanted to get that picture .The image of a sudden wall of dark water carrying the man and his car away in an instant is still imprinted on my mind .They used this kind of scare tactic when I was growing up.I wonder what they use today.网上搜到的译文:又下雨了。我躺在床上,倾听着雨滴敲打外面路面的声音,思绪随着黑暗的走廊渐行渐远,脑中浮现起不堪回首的往事.我内心充满了恐惧,不禁打了个寒噤。又下雨了。“南加州每年这个时候都要下雨。”去年,当我惊异于南加州无休止的雨天时,人们这样告诉我。南加州一年分为两季。雨季时,连续数天的暴雨会淹没整个南加州,有时暴雨突如其来,经常威胁人们的生命财产安全。降雨量因年而异,很难预测。然后是旱季。暴雨过后虽然设法保住了财产,人们的生命依然受到影响。雨季和旱季的日子都很单调,几天晴天,几天雾天,然后又是几天晴天。这一点都不象家乡科罗拉多的气候。科罗拉多也下雨。春天和夏天的暴风雨通常雷电交夹,并愈演愈烈,极易发生洪水。每个在西部长大的孩子都知道洪水很危险,至少曾经我是这么认为,不过现在这种观
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