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Run Rate GP-9按预定能力生产I. PURPOSE目的The purpose of a Run Rate is to verify:Run Rate 的目的是要核实:A. the suppliers actual manufacturing process is capable of producing components that meet GMs on-going quality requirements, as stated in the Production Part Approval Process (PPAP), at quoted tooling capacity for a specified period of time; and 供应商的当前制造过程是否有能力在指定的一段时间内按声称的加工能力、生产出符合通用汽 车公司现行质量要求的零部件。如同在该零件“生产件批准” (PPAP)文件中所述一致。B. the suppliers actual manufacturing process conforms to the manufacturing and quality plan documented by the supplier in PPAP, GP-12 and other required documentation供应商的当前生产流程是否符合供应商在PPAP, GP-12或其它要求的文件中所记录的制造和 质量计划。During a Run Rate, all production tooling is to be in place and running at full capacity, utilizing all regular production, direct and indirect, personnel and support systems.在Run Rate过程中,所有的生产工具应各就各位并且按最大能力运行,运用所有正式生产的 人 员 和支持系统,包括直接的和间接的。II. SCOPE适用范围All new parts require a Run Rate, unless exempted by the supplier quality engineer and approved by the Supplier Quality and Purchasing Directors of the procuring division.所有新的零部件都要通过Run Rate,除非供应商质量工程师认为可以免除并且得到采购部供 应 商质量和采购负责人的认可。III. SELECTION PROCESS规程选择All new part numbers will be evaluated by GM, taking into consideration factors such as the following: history; new technology; irreversible tooling changes; and new supplier facilities. The need for the Run Rate will be confirmed by the Supplier Quality Engineer, and approved by the Supplier Quality and Purchasing Director(s) of the procuring division. The supplier will be notified of the need to perform a customer monitored or supplier monitored Run Rate as early in the Advanced Product Quality Planning Process as possible.Note: See Section VIII for Additional Requirements for Supplier monitored Run Rate. 所有新零件号中的零件都要经过通用汽车公司的评审,将考虑到如下的一些因素:生产历史,新技 术不能回复的模具更改,以及新的生产工厂等等。进行RunRate的必要性由供应商质量工程师确 认,并且得到采购部门的供应商质量及采购负责人的认可。供应商将在前期产品质量计划(APQP)规 程中尽早被通知是否要作一次用户监督或由供应商自行监督的Run Rate。注:见第VIII节中有关于由供应商自行监督下的Run Rate R的附加要求。IV. GENERAL INFORMATION概述A. DURATION OF RUNRATE Run Rate 的周期The number of components to be produced during the Run Rate should be sufficient to demonstrate manufacturing process capability and should be predetermined by the supplier and the procuring divisions Supplier Quality Engineer(s). Factors such as product complexity, shelf life, storage, cost and single shift vs. multiple shift operations are taken into consideration in determining the length of the Run Rate. The default length of the Run Rate is one day of the customers daily production requirement at full acceleration.在RunRate过程中所牛产的零部件的数量要足以表明其所具备的生产能力,并且由供应商和 采购部门的质量工程师们共同预先商定。诸如产品复杂程度,有效期,贮存,费用,单班运作 或多班轮作等等,都是影响RunRate时间长短应考虑的因素。RunRate的默认周期是用户 满负荷生产时一天的需求量。B. TIMING OF RUNRATERun Rate的开始时间The Run Rate should be performed after the supplier has attained an acceptable PPAP submission and prior to start of production acceleration. Although encouraged to be performed as early as possible, a key consideration in establishing the Run Rate date is the stability of the design. The exact date should be predetermined by the procuring division and the supplier.供应商必须在获得PPAP生产件批准后及在开始加速生产之前进行RunRate。尽管越早进行 越好但是进行RunRate的关键考虑因素是该零件设计的确定性。确切的日期应由采购部门和 供应商共同确定。C. REQUIRED PARTICIPATION 要求参加的人员1. Customer Monitored -用户监督Customer - A representative from the procuring division is to be present for the entire Run Rate. No portion of the Run Rate is to be performed without representation of the procuring division, without prior approval. The lead GM representative typically will be the Supplier Quality Engineer, with participation of the Buyer and/or Release Engineer upon request.Supplier - The lead supplier representative is to be the project manager or manager appointee. 用户采购部门的一个代表到现场监督整个生产过程。没有预先的许可,没有代表到场, 不得进行任何的操作, GM 方面的首席代表是供应商质量工程师。如有需要,采购员和产品 放行工程师也可能被邀参加。供应商供应方的首席代表应是项目经理或是该项目经理指定的代表。2. Supplier Monitored -供应商监督The lead supplier representative is to be the project manager or manager appointee. 供应方的首席代表应是项目经理或其指定的代表Note: Equipment and/or subcontractors may be asked to participate. 注:设备制造商和分包商也可能被要求参加。D. SUPPLIER PREPARTATION FOR RUNRATE供应商为Run Rate所作的准备To make effective use of time, the supplier should conduct a practice Run Rate and/or production simulations, as well as complete as much of the Run Rate Worksheet (Attachment B), before the official Run Rate is conducted.为了能有效地利用时间,在正式的 RunRate 进行之前,供应商应作一次演习或相应的模拟生 产,并完成工作表(附录B)上所规定的尽可能多的项目和所有问答。E. INVENTORYE.存货If parts are produced ahead of production schedules, the supplier will hold all parts produced until authorized to ship. The supplier will ensure that sufficient production containers and packaging are available to prevent part damage.如果零件的制造发生在总装厂需要之前,供应商应保存全部的零件直到允许装运。供应商应保证有足够的生产用装运箱和合适的成品包装以防止零部件的损坏。V. RUNRATE REVIEW CONTENTRun Rate检查内容The Run Rate will verify that the results of the su
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