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国际技术贸易合同模板 购买合同样本 Purchase Contract 合同编号 : 签订日期 : 签订地点: 买方: The Buyer: 地址: Address: 电话: 传真: 电子邮箱 卖方: The Seller 地址: Address: 电话: 传真: 电子邮箱: 买卖双方同意按照下列条款签订本合同: The Seller and the Buyer agree to conclude this Contract subject to the terms and conditions stated below: 1. 货物名称、规格和质量: 2. 数量: 允许的溢短装 3. 单价: 4. 总值: 5. 交货条件:FOB/CFR/CIF/EXW 6. 原产地国与制造商: 7. 包装及标准: 货物应具有防潮、防锈蚀、防震并适合于远洋运输的包装,由于货物包装不良而造成的货物残损、灭失应由卖方负责。卖方应在每个包装箱上用不褪色的颜色标明尺码、包装箱号码、毛重、净重及“此端向上”、“防潮”、“小心轻放”等标记。 The packing of the goods shall be preventive from dampness, rust, moisture, erosion and shock, and shall be suitable for ocean transportation/ multiple transportation. The Seller shall be liable for any damage and loss of the goods attributable to the inadequate or improper packing. The measurement, gross weight, net weight and the cautions such as Do not stack up side down, keep away from moisture, Handle with care shall be stenciled on the surface of each package with fadeless pigment. 8. 唛头: 9. 装运期限: 10. 装运口岸: 11. 目的口岸: 12. 保险: 由按发票金额110%投保险和附加险。 Insurance shall be covered by the _for 110% of the invoice value against _Risks and _Additional Risks. 13. 付款条件: 信用证方式:买方应在装运期前/合同生效后日,开出以卖方为受益人的不可撤销的议付信用证,信用证在装船完毕后日内到期。 Letter of Credit: The Buyer shall in _days prior to the time of shipment /after this Contract comes into effect, open an irrevocable Letter of Credit in favor of the Seller. The Letter of Credit shall expire _days after the completion of loading of the shipment as stipulated. 付款交单:货物发运后,卖方出具以买方为付款人的付款跟单汇票,按即期付款交单方式,通过卖方银行及银行向买方转交单证,换取货物。 Documents against payment: After shipment, the Seller shall draw a sight bill of exchange on the Buyer and deliver the documents through Sellers bank and _Bank to the Buyer against payment, D/P. The Buyer shall effect the payment immediately upon the first presentation of the bill of exchange. 承兑交单:货物发运后,卖方出具以买方为付款人的付款跟单汇票,付款期限为_后日,按即期承兑交单方式,通过卖方银行及_ 银行,经买方承兑后,向买方转交单证,买方在汇票期限到期时支付货款。 Documents against Acceptance: After shipment, the Seller shall draw a sight bill of exchange, payable _days after the Buyers delivers the documents through Sellers bank and _Bank to the Buyer against Buyer shall make the payment on date of the bill of exchange. 货到付款:买方在收到货物后天内将全部货款支付卖方。 Cash on delivery : The Buyer shall pay to the Seller total amount within _days after the receipt of the goods. 14. 单据: 卖方应将下列单据提交银行议付/托收: The Seller shall present the following documents required to the bank for negotiation/collection: 标明通知收货人/受货代理人的全套清洁的、已装船的、空白抬头、空白背书并注明运费 已付/到付的海运/联运/陆运提单。 Full set of clean on board Ocean/Combined Transportation/Land Bills of Lading and blank endorsed marked freight prepaid/ to collect; 标有合同编号、信用证号及装运唛头的商业发票一式3份; Signed commercial invoice in 3 copies indicating Contract No., L/C No. and shipping marks; 由出具的装箱或重量单一式份; Packing list/weight memo in _copies issued by; 由出具的质量证明书一式份; Certificate of Quality in _copies issued by; 由出具的数量证明书一式份; Certificate of Quantity in _copies issued by; 保险单正本一式份; Insurance policy/certificate in _copies ; 签发的产地证一式份; Certificate of Origin in _copies issued by; 卫生证书一式_份; Certificate of Sanitary and Purity in _copies issued by official institution; 无木质包装声明一式_份; Certificate declaration for non-wood package in _copies; 熏蒸证书一式_份; Certificate of fumigation in _ copies; 产品批号及灌装日期证明一式_份; Document explanation for lot number for production and bottle date, month and year in _copies; 产品前标及后标每个品项各10份; Extra front & back labels in 10 pieces for each item for customs declaration; 产品条码指示; Bar code indication or certification for each item; 产品成分分析; Analysis certificate, stating the inspection results of all specifications; 厂商声明; Certificate of Manufacturer; 装运通知: 卖方应在交运后_ 天内以特快专递方式邮寄给买方上 述第项单据副本一式一套。 The Seller shall, within _days after shipment effected, send by courier each copy of the above-mentioned documents No. . 15. 装运条款: FOB交货方式 卖方应在合同规定的装运日期前30天,以方式通知买方合同号、品名、数量、金额、包装件、毛重、尺码及装运港可装日期,以便买方安排租船/订舱。装运船只按期到达装运港后,如卖方不能按时装船,发生的空船费或滞期费由卖方负担。在货物越过船弦并脱离吊钩以前一切费用和风险由卖方负担。 The Seller shall, 30 days before the shipment date specified in the Contract, advise the Buyer by _of the Contract No., commodity, quantity, amount, packages, gross weight, measureme
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