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七年级英语学科期中练习卷(2010.11.)(满分100分,考试时间90分钟)考生注意:本卷有11大题,共86小题。试题均采用连续编号,请务必将所有答案写在答题纸上,写在试卷上不给分。Paper 1 Listening (第一卷 听力)I. Listen and choose the right pictu(d根据你所听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(共5分)ABCDEF1. n to the dialogue and choose the best an swer to the questi on you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(共5分)6.A. Red.B.Yellow.C. Gree n.D.Blue.7.A. A stude nt.B.A teacher.C. A reporter.D.A doctor.8.A. Yes, she will.B.No, she wont.C. Yes, she wo.D.No, she will.9.A. On e.B.Two.C. Three.D.Four.10.A. At home.B.At school.C. In a pet shop.D.At the post officeIII. Liste n to the passage and tell whether the followi ng stateme nts are true or false(判断下歹列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“ F”表示):(共 5分)11. David is taking the long jump at Garden City Sports Centre too.12. The first jump is always the most important one.13. Daniels second jump is the worst one of the three.14. Daniels third jump is 7.43 metres long.15. Dani el looks very happy because he jumps very long.IV. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentence听对话,完成下 列内容,每空格限填一词):(共 5分)16. Mr Black teaches ClassMaths in his school.17. He has taught them for more tha n a.18. Hes grumpy(脾气坏的)because he cannotwell.19. The children can do things they could not do.20. Children likenew things.Paper 2 Vocabulary and GrammaK第二卷词汇和语法)I. Look at the pictures and complete the sentence看图画,完成下列句子,请 将答案填入答题纸内):(共5分)212223242521. It fun to make a delicious meal in the,22. The policema n carried the injured motorcyclist to theat last.23. We should help theman cross the street.24. There are manyon the Great Wall.25. We can find more in formatio n in magaz ines and.II. Fill in the blanks with the proper words according to the phonetic transcriptions 据所给的音标,写出适当的单词,填入答题纸内):(共5分)26. I/red/ about the accide nt in the paper this morning.27. In old days, people lived in/ke?vz/.28. Id like to choose a flat in the/s? t?/ centre. It convenient to goshopp ing.29. The school un iform is too small for Susa n to/we?/.30. Im ready to try some/? nd? n/ food.III. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper form用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子):(共5分)31. Some kinds of wildare in dan ger. We must do someth ing to save them. (ani mal)32. Everybody knows thatflower makes no garde n. (first)33. The music soun ded very. I enjoyed every mi nute of it. (won der)34. Aman moves peoples furniture to their new flats. (remove)35. We had a nice holiday and arrived at the airport. (safe)IV. Choose the best answer(选择正确的答案,填入答题纸内):(共15分)36. Tom wan ts to bearchitect whe n he grows up.A. aB. anC. theD. /37. We should helpclassmates whe n they are in trouble.A. weB. ourC. usD. ours38. In the letter, my penfriend told me manyabout his visit to Canada.A. storiesB. in formatio nC. n ewsD. books39. People in the UK and USA give each other prese nts25 December.A. inB. onC. atD. to40. There are aboutpeople in Sha nghai.A. 16 millio ns B. 16 millio ns of C. 16 millio n D. 16 millio n of41. This flat is too small for us to live in. Could you show meflat?A. otherB. the other C. ano therD.others42. One rule for driv ing on icy road is to drive.A. careB.carefulC.carelessD. carefully43. I thi nk real (真实的)cards aretha n e-cards.A. niceB.ni cerC.ni cestD. the ni cest44. My family will go to visit the UKthis year.A. in the end of B. by the end of C. at the end of D. in the end45. Howdoes it take to travel from Ban gkok to Tokyo by pla ne?A. ofte nB. farC. lo ngD. much46. Fireme n alwayspeople from fire. They are great.A. keepB. holdC. takeD. save47. Soldiersthe Chin ese n ati onal flag at Tia nmen Square every morni ng.A. raiseB. are raisi ngC. raisi ngD. will raise48. We were surprised to see a catafter a dog n ear the foun ta in.A. to runB. runsC. runningD. ran49. Which do you prefer, orange juice or black tea? The un derli ned part mea nsA. likeB. dislikeC. like betterD. like best50. Thank you for giving me so many nice prese nts.A. That s rightB. Don say so.C. Enjoy yourself.D. Im glad you like them.V. Rewrite the sentences as required按要求改写句子,将答案填入答题纸内,每空格限填一词):(共10分)51. Our flat has got two bedrooms.(改为一般疑问句)your flattwo bedrooms?52. Jack we nt to the school library just now.(改为否定句)Jackto the school library just now.53. My father has visited Australia.(对划线部分提问)has your father visited?54. Its twenty minutes walk from my home to school.(对戈U线部分提问) is it from your home to school?55. Susan would like to visit Thaila nd.(保持句意基本不变)Susa nvisit Thaila nd.Paper 3 Reading and Writing第三卷阅读与写话)I.Reading comprehension 阅读理解):(共 30 分)(A)Kitty is reading some instruction说明)of making Chinese tea12First, ch
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