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2024 年年湖湖南南省省中中考考英英语语试试卷卷第第二二部部分分,阅阅读读理理解解。第。第一一节节,阅阅读读下下列材列材料料,从从每每题题所所给给的的 A、B、C 三三个个选选项项中中选选出出最最佳佳选项选项。1(6 分)COMMUNITY NOTICEBOARDVolunteers NeededLibrary Helpers WantedBook lovers read stories to children every Sunday in July.Please fill in a form online.For more information,visit the website .Help for Old PeopleHelp at the old peoples .home.Danceor sing well.Free in September.E mail AnnaatCleaners and GardenersVolunteers are needed for cleaning and gardening at Rose Garden.Good as taking care of plants.Work from 7 a.m.to noon on August 5th and 6th.Call Mr.Walker at 5555694.(1)How can you get more information to volunteer in the library?A.Visit its website.B.Email Anna.C.Call Mr.Walker.(2)Where can volunteers help in September?A.In the library.B.At Rose Garden.C.At the old peoples home.(3)What should you be good at if you want to volunteer at Rose Garden?A.Reading stories.B.Dancing and singing.C.Taking care of plants.2(8 分)Would you be able to sleep with one eye open?Bottlenose dolphins(宽吻海豚)can.When they sleep,only half of their brain goes to sleep.They sleep with one eye open to stay safe.Half of their brain sleeps for about two hours before the other half of their brain gets a chance to sleep.SometimesDolphins are not fishthey are mammals(哺乳动物).These mammals have lungs(肺).And they donthave gills(腮),and they drink milk from their mothers.Dolphins are one of the smartest animals in the world.There are many stories about how they save people out of water.They are able to solve many problems like humans.They can even use tools to catch fish.But theircleverness doesnt end there.Dolphins can also pass on anything they learn to other dolphins,like interesting fishing skills.They communicate with each other in many ways.They use different sounds to talk to eachother.Dolphins know thevoicesof other dolphins and even know exactly who is making which sound.Anotherthing that shows their cleverness is that they can also know themselves in a mirror(镜子)and check different parts of their body in it.(1)Why do bottlenose dolphins sleep with one eye open?A.To stay safe.B.To sleep for two hours.C.To swim faster.(2)What can we learn about dolphins from paragraph 2?A.They use gills to get air.B.They are warmblooded.C.They lay eggs like fish.(3)How do dolphins talk to each other?A.By learning fishing skills.B.By using different sounds.C.By checking their bodies.(4)Which part of a magazine may the passage be taken from?A.Art.B.Health.C.Nature.3 (8 分)Headphones are helpful.Many kids use them.But headphones can be harmful,too.They can causehearing lass if the volume(音量)is too loud.Studies show that one out of every ten kids in the United States has some bearing loss.The cause is loud noise.Do you know how we hear?There are cells(细胞)inside the ears that help us hear.We cant see them with our eyes.We call them hair cells,Jackie Clark said.They look like hairs standing up.Clark is a scientist at the University of Texas.She studies noises and ears.Sound cannot be seenLoud noises can damage(损 伤)these cells.And once the cells are damaged,they dont grow back.Sometimestinnitus.Its like someone is playing a note on the flute(长笛)for a long time,Clark says.Itshows were losing hearing.Tinnitus is not only harmful to our earsHow can we protect our ears?Wed better keep the value volume low when we use our headphones.We should be able to hear sounds around us.And other people shouldnt hear noise from our headphones.If I can hear what youre listening to when youre wearing your headphones,Clark says,its too loud.To protect our ears(1)What can we know about hair cells?A.They help us hear.B.They look like hairs lying down.C.They can be see n clearly with our eyes.(2)What does the underlined word tinnitus mean in paragraph 3?A.A musical voice.B.A kind of instrument.C.Ringing in ears.(3)Whats the main purpose of the last paragraph?A.To give advice.B.To show problems.C.To explain reasons.(4)Whats the main idea of the passage?A.Before listening to music,choose a good headphone.B.When using a headphone,keep the volume low.C.After using a headphone,check your cars.二二、第第二二节节,阅阅读读下下面面短文短文,从从短短文文后后的的选选项项中中选选出可出可以以填入填入空空白白处处的最的最佳佳选选项项。选选项项中中有有一一项项为为多余多余选选项项。4 (8 分)What can you do when you dont want to do homework?You know it has to he done,but its the last thing you want to do.How can you deal with the problem?(1)Set goals(目标)for yourself.Your goals dont have to be big.In fact,the smallerTake a plan and write it down.(2)Because something about the written words makes it harder to forget.Once you write it down,its easier to carry it out.(3)Do it first because it needs a fresh mind.You often dislike it if you find your homeworkdifficult.But if you try your best and finish it,youll have a sense of achievement.Use rewards(奖励)to mark your progress.If you have completed part of your homework,you could take a break,(4)Or you could evenallowyourself to go to a movie on Friday.Ask your parents for help.If you dont ask,your parents will never know what trouble you
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