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2024 年年广广西西中中考考英英语语试试卷卷一一、听力听力 (本(本大大题题共共 1 小小题题,每每小小题题 5 分分,共共 30 分分。)()(一一)听听句句子子,选选图图片片。你你将将听听到到五个五个句句子子,请请 选选出出与与所所听句听句子子内内容容相符相符的的图图片片,有有一一幅幅图图是是多多余余的。的。每每个个句句子子读读两两遍。遍。1(5 分)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(二二)听听短短对对话话,选选择择最最佳佳答案答案。你你将将听听到到五段五段对对话话,每每段段对对话话后有后有一一个个小小题题,请请根根据据对对话话内内容容,选选出出 最最佳佳答答案案。每。每段段对对话话读读两两遍遍。2(1 分)What is Tonys favorite animal?A.Dogs.B.Pigs.C.Cats.3(1 分)How is the weather today?A.Rainy.B.Sunny.C.Windy.4(1 分)What does the man want to drink?A.Water.B.Milk.C.Coffee.5(1 分)Where is the hospital?A.At the end of the street.B.On the left of the bank.C.In front of the hotel.6(1 分)What does Cindy mean?A.Her brother is crazy about tea.B.She would like to have a cup of tea.C.She has no interest in the match.(三三)听听长长对对话话,选选择择最最佳佳答案答案。你你将将听听到到三段三段对对话话,请请根根据据对对话话内内容容,选选出出每每个个问题问题的的最最佳佳答案答案。每每 段段对对话话读读两遍。两遍。7(3 分)(1)Who will go to the zoo with Mike?A.His brother.B.His friend.C.His cousin.(2)How will Mike go to the zoo?A.By taxi.B.On foot.C.By bus.(3)What is Alice going to do?A.Have a party.B.Watch a movie.C.Go to a concert.8(3 分)(1)What did David do in the old peoples home yesterday?A.He told stories.B.He did some cleaning.C.He read newspapers.(2)When will David go to the old peoples home again?A.Next Monday.B.Next Friday.C.Next Sunday.(3)Where will the speakers meet?A.At the school gate.B.On the playground.C.In the dining hall.9(4 分)(1)What is Jack doing?A.He is watching TV.B.He is writing a card.C.He is playing games.(2)Who is Jacks new friend?A.Simon.B.Bob.C.Peter.(3)What is Jacks new friend like?A.He is kind.B.He is strict.C.He is clever.(4)What is Jacks new friends hobby?A.Boating.B.Fishing.C.Swimming.(四四)听听短短文文,选选择择最最佳佳答案答案。你你将将听听到到一篇一篇短短文文,请请根根据据短短文内文内容容,选选出出每每个个问题问题的的最最佳佳答案答案。短文短文 读读两两遍。遍。10(5 分)(1)Which country does Linda come from?A.Australia.B.France.C.Canada.(2)When did Linda come to study in Beijing?A.2 months ago.B.3 months ago.C.4 months ago.(3)How did Linda feel at the beginning?A.Lonely.B.Tired.C.Excited.(4)Who helps Linda with her study?A.Her neighbors.B.Her teachers.C.Her parents.(5)What did Linda do last Saturday?A.She visited the Great Wall.B.She visited the Summer Palace.C.She visited Tiananmen Square.(五五)听听短文短文,填填信信息。息。你你将听将听到到一一篇篇短文短文,请请根根据短据短文文内内容容,将,将所所缺信缺信息息填填入入答答题题卡卡对对应应的横的横线线上,上,每每空空一一词词。短。短文文读读三三遍。遍。11(5 分)Activities in Our School ClubsWhostudents of each gradeWhenfrom 5 p.m.to(1)p.m.on weekdaysWhatNature Club:(2)the wonder of natureFood and Drink Club:learn to make (3)and dumplingsReading Club:know about (4)poemsEnglish Club:learn how to (5)words correctly二二、单项单项选择选择 (本本大大题题共共 10 小小题题,每,每小小题题 1 分分,共,共 10 分分。)从从下列下列各各小小题题所所给给的的 A、B、C 三三个个选选项项中中,选选出出最佳最佳选选项项。12(1 分)Hello,Im Gina.Glad to meet you.)(A.Im sorry.B.Glad to meet you,too.C.Here you are.13(1 分)Jimmy likes reading,so he often goes to the bookstore to buy some .()A rulersB bags14(1 分)Andy,who are the girls over there?are my sisters,Lily and Lucy.(C books)A They15(1 分)Henry,B Weis your job?C YouIm a policeman.(A how)B whereC what16(1 分)Put on more clothes.It isoutside in winter.()A hot 17(1 分)A driveB coldC warmYou shouldyour car slowly when passing by a school.(B cleanC repair)18(1 分)What do you think of the chicken soup,Helen?Itreally good.Id like to drink more.()A tastesB feelsC sounds19(1 分)Dad,letsearly to do exercise tomorrow morning.OK,no problem.()A look upB get upC give up20(1 分)Listen!The birds in the tree now.()A singB sangC are singing21(1 分)Could you please tell me?In my hometown.()A.how you usually go to schoolB.where you usually spend your holidayC.when you usually have breakfast at school三三、补补全全对话对话 (本本大大题题共共 1 小小题题,共,共 5 分分。)根根据据对对话话内内容容,从从下面下面方方框中框中选选出出恰恰当的当的句句子子补补全全对对话话,有有一一个个选选项项是是多多余余的的。22(5 分)(Today is June 3 Xiaoming and Linlin are talking about the news on CCTV.)A:Hello,Xiaoming.B:(1)A:Did you watch CCTV News last night?B:(2)Any exciting news?A:Yes.Its about Change6 It landed on the moon.B:Wow!When did it land on the moon?A:(3)B:We have got a lot of success in space technology!I want to know more about it.A:Ive got some books about space.B:(4)A:Of course.B:Thank you.A:(5)A.No,I didnt.B.Hello,Linlin.C.Youre welcome.D.Good luck to you.E.At 6:23 p.m.on June 2.F.May I borrow the books?四四、完完形形填空填空 (共(共 10 分分。)阅阅读读下下面面语语篇篇,从从各小各小题题所所给给的的 A、B、C 三三个个选选项项中,中,选选出出最最佳佳选选项项。23(10 分)My name is Daniel.I live in Tennessee.When I was 7,I found some plastic(塑料的)bottles on a riverbank.I felt worried because I knew plastic bottles and other rubbish could be (1)to animals in rivers.Now Im 13,and I work to keep rubbish out of rivers.The Tennessee River is(2)polluted with plastics and other rubbish.And I want to do something to help stop more (3).I do some(4)cleanups with others.We go along theriverbanks.Sometimes we go to places that we can only reach by boat.We often find plenty of (5),such as broken toys and plastic bags.Doing cleanups makes me really (6).I know Im making a difference and (7)livesnot just animal lives,but human lives as well,because it continues up the food chain(链条)Last year,I set up the Cleanup Kids with
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