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2024 年年四四川川省省雅雅安安市市中中考考英英语语试试卷卷第第一一部部分分 听听力力测测试试(满满分分 5 分分)一一、情情景景反反应应(共共 5 小小题题;每每小小题题 1 分分,满满分分 5 分分)本本题题有有 5 个个小小 题题,每每小小题题有有 A、B、C 三三个个交交际际用用语语,请请选选出出一一个个你你对对所所听听到到的的那那个个句句子子做做出出的的反反应应,并并在在答答题题卡卡上上 将将该该项项涂涂黑。黑。每每个个句句子子读读两两遍。遍。1(1 分)A.How do you do!B.Nice to meet you,too.C.Im fine,thank you.2(1 分)A.It doesnt matter.B.Never mind.C.Have a good time.3(1 分)A.You are right.B.Yes,please.C.Here you are.4(1 分)A.Sorry to hear that.B.No way!C.With pleasure.5(1 分)A.Sounds great.B.Good luck!C.Thats all right.二二、对对话话理理解解(共共 5 小小题题;每每小小题题 1 分分,满满分分 5 分分)听听下下面面 5 段段对对话话。每每段段对对话话后后有有一一个个小小题题,从从题题 中中所所给给的的 A、B、C 三三个个选选项项中中选选出出最最佳佳选项选项,并在并在答答题题卡卡上将上将该该项项涂涂黑。黑。每每段段对对话读话读两两遍。遍。6(1 分)Where is the post office?A.Across from a park.B.Behind a park.C.Next to a park.7(1 分)What did Dave do last night?A.Watched a game.B.Watched a movie.C.Watched a talent show.8(1 分)What does Shirley think of this song?A.Painful.B.Exciting.C.Noisy.9(1 分)What does the woman want to buy?A.A red coat.B.A green sweater.C.A red dress.10(1 分)Why does Linda give away much money?A.To help poor people.B.To help homeless people.C.To help disabled people.三、三、语语篇篇理理解(解(满满分分 10 分)听下分)听下面面两段两段对话对话和一段独白和一段独白。每段每段对话对话或独白后或独白后有有几个小几个小题题,从,从题题中所中所给给 的的 A、B、C 三三个个选选项项中中选选出出最最佳佳选项选项,并在并在答答题题卡卡上将上将该该项项涂涂黑。黑。每每段段对对话话或或独独白白读读三三遍。遍。11(2 分)(1)Whats the matter with the man?A.He has a fever.B.He has a headache.C.He has a toothache.(2)What does the woman tell the man to do?A.To get some rest.B.To take some medicine.C.To do some sports.12(3 分)(1)When did Liu Mei go to Shanghai for her holiday?A.One week ago.B.Two weeks ago.C.Three weeks ago.(2)How did Liu Mei go to Shanghai from Chengdu?A.By plane.B.By car.C.By train.(3)Who did Liu Mei hang out with in Shanghai?A.Her parents.B.Her cousin.C.Her friend.13(5 分)(1)What does Helens grandfather like doing?A.Drinking tea.B.Watching TV.C.Playing with the cat.(2)Where does Helens mother work?A.In a park.B.In a school.C.In a hospital.(3)What subject does Helens father teach?A.Physics.B.English.C.Science.(4)How old is Frank?A.3 years old.B.5 years old.C.14 years old.(5)What does Helen want to be in the future?A.A nurse.B.A teacher.C.A scientist.第第二二部分部分 笔笔试试 (一一)()(满满分分 5 分)分)四四、单单项项填填空空(共(共 5 小小题题;每每小小题题 1 分分,满满分分 5 分)分)从从 A、B、C、D 四四个个选选项项中,中,选选出出可可以填以填入入空白空白处处的的最最佳佳选选项项,并并在答在答题题卡卡上上将将该该项项涂黑。涂黑。14(1 分)Amy,there is a book on the floor.Is it?No,its not mine.My book is on the desk.()AyouByoursCyour15(1 分)Is that your friend Laura over there?No,itbe Laura.She has gone to Shenzhen.(AmustBmustntCcan16(1 分)Mike,do you play computer games?Hardly ever.I think it is bad for my study.()Ahow oftenBhow manyChow longDyourself)DcantDhow far17(1 分)Tommy,is therein the classroom now?No.All the students are having a P.E.lesson on the playground.()AeverybodyBsomebodyCanybodyDnobody18(1 分)Shenzhou18 was successfully launched(发射)into the space on April 25th,2024.We Chineseit.()Arun out ofCare afraid ofBtake care ofDare proud of五、完五、完形形填空(填空(满满分分 15 分分)阅阅读读下下列列短文,从短文,从短短文文后后各各题题所所给给的的 A、B、C、D 四四个个选选项项中,中,选选出出可可以以填填入入空空白白处处的的最最佳佳选项选项,并在并在答答题题卡卡上将上将该该项项涂涂黑。黑。19(5 分)Hello,my name is Tina.I am an exchange student studying in Sichuan University.When I first came to Chengdu,I was(1)when seeing the traditional Chinese clothes Hanfu.During that period of time,I was very excited whenever I saw people wearing Hanfu.Seeing I was so crazy about the clothes,my Chinese classmates suggested(2)a traditional Chinese dress for me.They used scissors to cut many pieces of cloth and sewed(缝纫)them in a proper way later.Then my Hanfu was there as a whole.I looked(3)in it.So I often wear it.During the process,I built a good(4)with my new classmates.I will never (5)the happy experience forever.Hanfu has given me a better understanding of Chinese culture.(1)A.upsetB.surprisedC.tiredD.relaxed(2)A.makingB.buyingC.sellingD.wearing(3)A.strangeB.strongC.terribleD.beautiful(4)A.houseB.schoolC.relationshipD.garden(5)A.rememberB.forgetC.understandD.keep20(10 分)A young man from Xian didnt pass the Graduate School Entrance Examination(研究生入学考试)a few days ago.He was sad and couldnt help(1)his father who died two years ago.So he sent a text message to the phone number that his father used when he was (2).The young man told his father his(3)and how much he missed him.To his surprise,he received an unexpected text message from the phone number.He was (4)to face difficulties in life bravely.The phone number belongs to Mr.Gao now a (5)man.At first,he thought it was a text message sent by mistake.After reading it(6),he thought the man who had sent the text message must have had some difficulties and needed to be encouraged.He decided to reply the text message(7)thinking twice.He told the young man the life road was sometimes difficult but he would get better and better if he kept trying.The young man was moved and showed(8)to Mr.Gao.Many people were(9)by the story,too.Try to give the people in need a hand.Even a small (10)can make a great difference to their lives.(1)A.leavingB.missingC.protectingD.cha
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