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国家开放大学电大专科商务英语22021期末试题及答案(试卷号:3936)交际用语(苟小2分,共什1。分)I -5底:迭择正碑的语句完成下列对话,并将答案序号写在答腰纸上。I. 一 Morning. Daniel. Today Id like to discuss the promotional events of our products wnh you-A. I can11 agree with you more on That.H. ()ur costumers art satisfied with our produr is.C ()k 1 think we should draw up a thorough plan2 1顷 pniblr to find alternntive payment terms for this order?A. Tm afraid nob We insist on a letter o( credit.B. Nut I tlunk the price is rcaj confidential! I. Plrne transfer the remaining account baluncef after deducting ailbankcharges (if any) to our A/C 7654321.A It iu important to protect yourinformation when bnnkinR online.A. individualB. personalG plenty13. A company can advertise in various wnyythow much it wishes to spend.A. relying onB. depending onG focusinx on14. Tux# can be used in public service, k very important to our cciintry tnx we should pay,A. The higherthe moreB. HighermoreC. The highest the most16 A large volume of salesresult in a low profit margin# therefore it isimportant (or marketers to focus on their profitable sales volumeA. willBw muttC may17. In my opiniont thr (irt thinx i whit tools we should umsAt KO di!icujiK lo be discussedl rliACUbsed18. If you Uil tu honor ihe contract weto cancel itA. entitleB. an? entitleda will entitle19. A Rood ndveriisink program trlln potential cusuornm the henr(it5thv umof product*.A. drrtvinn fromK 2 derive from( derived from20. erlnch _ .一 not a bout prronnliiy, though n good pernonnhiy mvalunblr*A.K nre三(读埋解(的小18 4分.共计40分)21,25昵:根据短文内容判断始出的培句是否正确.正确的琦“1”锅理的写“广.笄将答富富 在答H帐上.Online ShoppingDani rl h interested tn Kevin S new m obi phg wAuA he i bought on /Ar hilrrtiei nuitlchlli. Kevin. You, vr bought a new mobtlr phone. havent you? Where did y 睥 buy it?KeviniOh. yes. I ordered if online ihrre dayji Ago nd it arrived yeterchy nn you knew. Im not quite? (nmilinr with how io dn il and Kcvinlt9M n piece of cake! Ill show you how to do il. First ol oil. you should find a goad e-coninicrce Mite.huniel: Such as?Kevini Such as Amawn. com. Ebay. com etc which nrc famous worldwide. In Chirut, Taobno is ihr nio1 popular onc our rime to run kt comparisons-25. Kevin believes online shopping offers us more convenience.26文.从AJkC =个迭项中选出一个正确答案.并将答案序号听在答18纸上.Personal Income lax RutcPersonal Incom
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