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常用介词的用法归纳一、 表示时间1. at, in, on “在.”at表示在某一时刻及中午,夜间:at eight, at noon, at midnight, at the weekendin表示一段时间,通常用于世纪,年,季,月,早,中,晚 in1921, in Spring, in September, in the morning/ afternoon/ eveningon表示在具体的某一天或有具体特征的某一天的早中晚 on Sunday, on September 29th, on Christmas Eve, on National Day, on Sunday morning2. since, from, after “自.” since自从.以来,表示时间的继续,常与现在完成时,现在完成进行时一起使用 如: She has lived here since 2002. / for six years.from自.起,表示某事开始的时间 I began to learn English from childhood. after在.以后, we went out for a walk after dinner.3. to, before, by, till/until “到”to “到”,表示时间的终点,与表示起点的from相对如: I didnt stay to the end of the meeting. We have classes from Monday to Saturday.before “在以前”,指某事或某时间前的情况 Wash your hands before dinner.by “最迟在.之前”,表示某事完成的期限,须与非持续性动词连用如: Can you finish the work by tomorrow? (非持续性动词)till/until “直到”,表某事持续到某时或另一件事发生为止如: They waited until 10:00. (持续性动词) They didnt leave until 10:00. (与非持续性动词连用时,要用否定not)4. in, within, after “在内/后”in “再过”,接时间段,表示将来意义,用于将来时态 如: Shell be back in half an hour. within “在.之内”,表示在某时间段内,无时态限制. 如:within 3 hours after “过,经过.后”, 后可接时间点和时间段,常用将来时或过去时 如: Hell leave after 10:00. He left after 11:00. He left after a few hours.二、 表示地点或方位1. at, in “在”at表示较狭小的地点或较小的地名 They arrived at the village at 10:00.in表示宽阔的地点或较大的地名 They arrived in China yesterday.2. at, to “向”at表示以某一点为目标,常与动词连用 He threw the ball at that boy.to仅表动作的方向 Throw it to me.如: point at 和point to3. on/upon, over, above, up “在上”on表有表面接触的状态over表在正上方,无接触的above表在斜上方,无接触的up表示从下往上;与down相反 如:Stand up!4. under, below, down “在.下”under在某物的正下方,与over的意思相反below在某物的斜下方,与above相反down从上往下的运动,与up相反 如:Sit down!如:The book is on the desk. 书在桌子上 The light is above the desk. 灯在桌子斜上方 The desk is over the ball. 桌子在球的正上方 The ball is under the desk. 球在桌子正下方 The desk is below the light. 桌子在灯的斜下方5. between, among “在.之间” between在二者之间 I sat between Tom and Jack. There is no difference between them. among在三者或更多之间 There is a small house among the trees.注意:如果强调两两相互间的关系,常用between;而把它们视为分居两边时用between;在谈事物间的差别时,总是用between ( tell the differences between A and B)6. along, across, throughalong沿着,指沿着一定路线的水平方向的运动 如: We walked along the road. Trees grew along the river bank. across横过,从一边到另一边的运动(到对面) 如: You mustnt go across the street when red light is on. (到街的对面去) through穿过,指从一定空间中穿过 如: through the forests The train is running through a tunnel. I threw it through the window.三、 表示材料表示材料常用的短语: 1. 成品+ be made of/from + 原材料 (of表在成品中可看见原材料的性质; from则已看不出原材料)如: The desk is made of wood. / The paper is made from wood.2. make sth(成品) out of sth(原材料) 如: We make bottles out of glass.3. make sth(原材料) into sth(成品) 如: we make glass into bottles.四、 其他用法1. besides, except, but, except forbesides指”除了.还有(包含在内)except指除了.外,不能放在句首(不包括在内)如: Do you know any other foreign language besides English? I know English, French except Japanese.but与except意思相似,表示除了.外,常用于no, all, nobody, anywhere, everything等及疑问词之后如: The children go to school everyday but Sunday.except for “如无.就”;总体.,只是.”,用于说明总体中的某个细节2. in, withwith表示工具的”用” ,in表示材料、方式、方法、度量、单位、语言、声音等的“用“如: Write with a pen. Write in ink. Youd better deal with the problem in this way. Please say it in English. He said it in a loud voice.3. on , about表示 “关于” on一般用于比较大或涉及比较深的问题, 比较正式的或学术的论述; about用于表示一般的问题如: This is a little story about a little hero. He will give us a talk on DNA.4. by表示坐某种交通工具,或取陆路、水路等方式如: by plane/ car/ ship/ air/ sea.
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