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编号:合作协议中英文范本 1甲 方:乙 方:签订日期: 年 月 日合同签订注意事项一、甲乙双方应保证向对方提供的与履行合同有关的各项信息真实 有效。二、甲乙双方签订本合同书时,凡需要双方协商约定的内容,经双 方协商一致后填写在相应的空格内。三、签订本合同书时,甲方应加盖公章;法定代表人或主要负责人 应本人签字或盖章;乙方应加盖公章;法定代表人或主要负责人应本人 签字或盖章。四、甲乙双方约定的其他内容,合同的变更等内容在本合同内填写 不下时,可另附纸。五、本合同应使钢笔或签字笔填写,字迹清楚,文字简练、准确, 不得涂改。项目合作协议范本简介: Project cooperation agreement:甲方: 乙方: 经甲、乙双方共同协商,本着互惠互利、共同发展Party A: B: by a, Bboth negotiation, mutual benefit, mon development项目合作协议范本正文开始 甲方: Project cooperation agreement start of text A: _乙方:B: 经甲、乙双方共同协商,本着互惠互利、共同发展,使中国 秘书尽早走向职业化,达成如下合作协议:The A, B both negotiation, mutual benefit, mon developm ent, make Chinese secretary as early as possible to occ upation, reached the following agreement:一、甲方授权乙方为省市合作基地。同时为了维护双方的合法权益,乙方一次性向甲方交纳 履约保证金元。One, Party A authorizes Party B to province city cooperation base. At the same time in order to maintain the la wful rights and interests of both parties, Party B shal l pay to party a one-off performance bond _ _ element.二、甲方职责:In two, a duty:1. 向乙方提供合作范围内的授权书;1 Party A shall provide to Party B within the scope of cooperation authorization;2. 向乙方颁发合作基地的铜牌;2 Party B _ _ issued cooperation base bronze;3. 负责协助乙方办理证书;3 assisting Party B with the certificate;4. 向乙方提供甲方的办学许可证、收费许可证复印件等有关 证明文件;4 Party A shall provide to Party B Party school license, charging a copy of the license and other relevant docu ments;5. 负责学生入学资格的审核、面试及录取工作;5 is responsible for student admission qualification ex amination, interview and enrollment;6. 负责乙方教学大纲的制定及教学质量的监督和检查;6 be responsible for working out a syllabus and teachin g quality supervision and inspection;7. 学生在甲方学习期满成绩合格者,由甲方负责毕业证书的 发放;7 students in a learning period achievement eligible, b y Party A is responsible for the issuance of a certific ate of graduation;8. 精品秘书班、现代高等秘书班的学生学习期满成绩合格者 甲方负责安排就业。8 fine secretary class, modern advanced secretarial cla ss student learning expires achievement eligible, PartyA is responsible for arranging employment.三、乙方职责:Three, B: 1.负负责在当地办理合作办学的有关手续;1 is responsible for the local management cooperation i n running schools of the relevant procedures;2. 负责在当地的招生宣传、报名及入学资格的初步审定等事 宜,并及时与甲方联系安排学生入学注册;2 is responsible for the local propaganda of enrollment, enrollment and admission of the initial validation of such matters, and timely and a contact arrangement stud ent enrollment;3. 负责学生在乙方学习期间的教学及生活管理,并提供教学 所需要的教室及教学设施;3 for the students in learning during the teaching of P arty B and life management, and provide teaching needs classrooms and teaching facilities;4. 乙方必须严格执行甲方所制定的教学大纲,并及时向甲方 通报教学计划的执行情况 ;4 Party B must strictly implement the Party established the teaching outline, teaching plan and to Party A in time informed of the implementation of;5. 负责学生在乙方学习期间的安全并承担由此产生的相关 责任;5 for the students in learning the safety during the pe riod of Party B and bear the responsibilities associated with;6. 乙方办学、培训期间自行管理,自负盈亏,并承担相应的 责任和义务。6 Party B school, during training self-management, self -financing, and assume corresponding responsibilities a nd obligations.四、项目名称:In four, the project name:(一) 精品秘书班合作项目:( a ) fine secretary class cooperation projects:1. 生源定位:专科、本科毕业生(年龄在26周岁以下);1 source localization: college, graduates ( at the age of 26 years of age);2. 开班条件:每班不少于人;2 classes: each class is not less than _ people;3. 合作模式:实施“半年+半年”教学方式;3 cooperation mode : the implementation of the half + half teaching mode;4. 收费标准及结算办法:每年每生学费元。前半年在乙方开班由乙方收取学费元,为保证教学正常进行,乙方可以预留元,余款全部交于甲方,甲方从开学后第三个月开始每月向乙方支付元,直至余款付清;后半年学生在甲方学习的学费元由甲方负责收取。如乙方不能独立开班而直接将学生送到甲方学习,则甲方按该生全 年学费的15%向乙方返利。4 fees and settlement way: each student tuition fee _ _ element. The first half of the year in t he B class B charge tuition element,in order to ensure the normal teaching, Party B may be reserved for yuan, balance over to Party A, Party A from school third months after the start of the monthly pay toParty B yuan, to pay off the balance;after half a year in tuition of students party _ _ _ _ element by the party responsible for the col lection. If Party B can not be independent classes and will direct the students to the party to learn, then Pa rty A according to the annual fees to Party B at 15% ofthe rebate.(二) 校际直升合作项目:( two) intercollegiate helicopter cooperation projects:1. 生源定位:初中毕业生;1 source localization: junior high school graduates;2. 开班条件:每班不少于人;2 classes: each class is not less than _ people;3. 合作模式:“2+3”五年专或“2+2+2”六年本;3 cooperation mode: 2+3 or 2+2+2 for five years the six years;4. 招生与管理:乙方招生时可使用“校际合作,直升北秘” 宣传语,学生前两年在乙方学习,期间的一切教学活动由乙方负 责。学生入学后须在甲方注册,甲方将进行全程教学监控。学生 前两年学业证书由乙方负责颁发,成绩合格者经面试由甲方直接 录取,其后在甲方完成大专或本科阶段的相应课程。如乙方不具 备独立开班条件亦可将学生直接送入甲方完成“五年专”或“六 年本”学业。4 admissions and enrollment management: Party B may use the intercollegiate cooperation from the north, the s ecret slogan, the student two years ago in the B learn ing,
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