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高考真题熟词生义大荟萃一词多义的现象普遍存在,一个单词在不同的语境中有不同的含义。学生对于一些熟悉单词的生僻含义,或者一些多义词在文章中的合适含义,往往较难把握,因此造成阅读困难甚至理解偏差。1. pick up【真题原文】Dont forget to stop by Pacific Science Centers Store while you are here topick upa wonderful science activity or souvenir to remember your visit. (2017全国I卷阅读A篇)【词义解释】pick up常用词义为“捡起,(用车)接人”。本句中的pick up后接两个并列的宾语“a wonderful science activity”和“souvenir”。“pick up”与“a wonderful science activity”搭配时可理解为“to join in, to participate(参加)”;与“a wonderful souvenir”搭配时则意为“to buy sth. (挑选/购买)”。【参考译文】不要忘记到太平洋科学中心商场停留一下,在这里你可以参加一个精彩的科学活动和选购一件精美的纪念品,以纪念你的到访。2. feed【真题原文】Our exhibits willfeedyour mind, but what about your body? (2017全国I卷阅读A篇)【词义解释】feed常见词义为“喂养,饲养”,本句中的feed则理解为“to satisfy a need, desire, ect. and keep it strong(满足)”。【参考翻译】我们的展品可以使你的心灵充实,但你的身体呢?3. special【真题原文】Our caf offers a complete menu of lunch and snack options, in addition to seasonalspecials. (2017全国I卷阅读A篇)【词义解释】special常用作形容词,意为“特别的”。在本句中,special用作名词,意为“a dish that is not normally available or is made for a particular purpose(特色菜)”。【参考译文】除了季节性的特色菜,我们的咖啡馆还供应菜式齐全的午餐和零食,任君选择。4. work【真题原文】Trying to help injured, displaced or sick creatures can be heartbreaking; survival is never certain. However, when itworks, it is simply beautiful. (2017全国I卷阅读B篇)【词义解释】work常用意思为“工作”,此句中的work理解为“to be effective or successful(有效;成功)”。【参考译文】试图去帮助受伤的、流离失所的或者病弱的动物可能是令人心碎的;(能否)活下来是不确定的。但是,当成功活下来时,活着就是很美好的。5. carrier【真题原文】When I arrived, I saw a 2-to 3-week-old owl. It had already been placed in a carrierfor safety. (2017全国I卷阅读B篇)【词义解释】carrier常见意为“运输工具,运送者”,此句中的carrier理解为“a temporary shelter or a rough nest(临时庇护处或简易的窝)”。【参考译文】当我到达时,我看到一只两三周大的猫头鹰。为安全起见,它已经被安置到一个临时庇护处了。6. anchor【真题原文】My next work was to construct a nest andanchorit in a tree. (2017全国I卷阅读B篇)【词义解释】anchor常见词义为“n. 锚;v. 抛锚”。本句的anchor意为“to make something or someone stay in one position by fastening him, her, or it firmly(把固定)”。【参考译文】我的下一步工作就是建一个鸟巢,并把它安放在一棵树上。【小试牛刀】我们用绳子把自己固定在岩石上。We _ ourselves to the rocks with a rope.7. rest【真题原文】Then lay the tube in place so that one endrestsall the way in the cup and therestof the line runs upand outthe side of the hole. (2017全国I卷阅读D篇)【词义解释】rest常用含义为“v. & n.休息”,本句中出现了两个rest,第一个rest为动词,意为“to lie or lean on something(躺;倚;靠)”;第二个rest为名词,意为“the other parts that remain or that have not been mentioned(剩余部分)”。【参考译文】接着把管子放在恰当的位置,使得管子的一端一直放在杯子里并且管子的剩余部分向上延伸到坑的外部。8. production【真题原文】The companysproductionsshow the new face of 21st century Chinese theatre. (2017全国II卷阅读B篇)【词义解释】production常用词义为“生产;产量”,此句中意为“a play, opera, or other show that is performed in a theatre(演出)”。【参考译文】这家公司的演出展示了21世纪中国剧院的新面貌。9. stand up【真题原文】 When the studio didnt want me for the film it wanted somebody as well known as Paul hestood upfor me. (2017全国II卷阅读B篇)【词义解释】stand up常见含义是“站起来”,本句的stand up意为“to defend or support a particular idea or a person who is being criticized or attacked(支持,维护)”。【参考译文】 当制片方不想要我拍这部电影时他们想要像保罗那样出名的人他维护了我。10. dig【真题原文】We were respectful of craft(技艺)and focused ondigginginto the characters we were going to play. (2017全国II卷阅读B篇)【词义解释】dig常用含义是“挖掘,戳入”,本句dig含义为“to study something very carefully in order to discover or check facts(刻苦钻研)”,dig into为固定搭配,意为“探究,钻研”。【参考译文】事实上, 我们的车间刚刚开始研究这个问题.11. deal【真题原文】Hed been in and out of the hospital. He and I both knew what thedeal was, and we didnt talk about it. (2017全国II卷阅读B篇)【词义解释】 deal常用含义为“v. 处理;n. 买卖,大量”,本句的deal意为“bad fortune or unfair treatment(坏运气;不公平的对待)”。【参考译文】他一直进出医院。他和我都知道这种霉运意味着什么,然后我们都不谈论这种事。12. put down【真题原文】Around 100 people have alreadyput downa $10,000 deposit to get a Transition when they go on sale, and those numbers will likely rise after Terrafugia introduces the Transition to the public later this week at the New York Auto Show. (2017全国II卷阅读C篇)【词义解释】put down常见意思是“写下,记录”,本句的put down意为“ to pay part of the price of something, and to pay the rest later(付定金)”。【参考译文】为买到一辆Transition飞行车,大约有100人已经支付了10000美元的定金,并且在Terrafugia公司后来的本周纽约汽车展上推介这款车之后,人数很可能会上升。13. sit【真题原文】When a leafy plant is under attack, it doesntsitquietly. (2017全国II卷阅读D篇)【词义解释】sit常用含义是“坐”,本句的sit意为“to remain in the same place or situation and do not take any action, usually waiting for something to happen(无动于衷;坐以待毙;静观其变)”。【参考译文】当一种多叶植物遭到袭击,它不会静静地坐以待毙。14. complex【真题原文】Bradford sold the building and land to a local development film, which plans a shoppingcomplexon the land where the theater is located. (2017全国III卷阅读B篇)【词义解释】complex常用作形容词,意为“复杂的”;本句的complex为名词,意为“A complex is a group of buildings designed for a particular purpose, or one large building divided into several smaller areas.(综合大楼)”。【参考译文】Bradford把这栋楼和这块地卖给了当地的一个开发公司,这家公司计划在这家剧院所在的这块土地上建一栋综合购物大楼。15. duty【真题原文】But others do doubleduty.(2017全国II卷阅读D篇)【词义解释】duty常用含义是“职责,责任,义务”,此句的duty意为“function(作用,用途)”。【参考译文】但是另一些则起着双重作用。16. design【真题原文】They pump out perfumesdesignedto attract different insects who are
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