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Lesson One Where Do We Go from Here练习答案及详解.VocabularyA. Look up the following words and phrases. Select the meaning that best suits the sentence in which each appears:1. the state of being human with ones own personality2. a harmless lie, e.g. one told so as not to hurt someone else3. someone who is thought by other members of their group to be a failure or to have brought shame on the group4. to cause to fall over, turn over, or overflow, usually accidentally, causing damage, loss ect.5. an action of support or approval; assertion; declaration6. to make(too) great effort7. completely wrong8. desire9. call. Explain the following in your own words, bringing out any implied meanings:1. It is no easy job to have a people who have been told over many hundred years know that they were not inferior and not of no importance.2. Understanding the situation of being enslaved will be the first step towards liberation.3. The liberation of mind can only be achieved by the Negros themselves.4. Realizing love of justice is the best power, and realizing the best justice of equality is by acquiring power.5. At that time, a persons success was measured only judging how much money he had.6. A person without possession of wealth was regarded lazy and not hard-working and lacking the sense of right and wrong.7. This kind of work cannot be done by slaves who work because they are forced to work by slave-drives or because they need to work as if they were animals that were in need to making a living.8. When the unfair practice of judging human value by the amount of money a person has is eliminated.9. If one had hates in his hearts, he could not understand the teachings of God. Only if he had love could he be able to access to the ultimate happiness.10. Only, if American government no longer only talks about racial equality but is unwilling or reluctant to take action to end such evil practice as racial discrimination, could we be satisfied. Translate the following into Chinese:1. 白色的谎言总比黑色的谎言好(善意的谎言总比恶意的谎言好)。2. 为了推翻这种文化灭杀,黑人必须奋起肯定自己高贵的人格。3. 黑人惟有竭尽全力以自尊自重的精神勇敢地抛弃自我否定的枷锁。4. 我们应该认识到没有爱的权力会导致失控和滥用;而没有权力的爱则导致善感和无力。5. 正是这种不道德的权力与无权力的道德之间的冲突构成了我们这个时代的主要危机。6. 如果这一计划在本世纪初提出,那么它会被嘲笑和斥责为缺乏新意和责任感。7. 事实上,改善人类处境、传播知识、增强实力、丰富为学修养以及升华思想的工作并不是为了谋生。8. 它就能花费几十亿美元帮助上帝的孩子用自己的双脚自立于地球之上。9. 更进一步讲,如果那些主张暴力的少数人得不到多数非暴力主张的人的同情与支持,他们就会几乎很少或者根本不能获得革命的成功。10. 让我们看到宇宙道德的苍穹不论有多长,它终将倾向正义。
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