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第十二单元达标测验题(00分90分钟)一、听力测试(每小题分,共2分)(一)听句子,选择你所听到的单词1.A.hater .cinema C.sea2.coth cothes CclothigA.comortable .imprtt .mpoible.A.peform erfomr .prformac5A.put Bsit cut(二)听句子,选择与句子意思相符的图画(三)听对话,选择正确答案11.A.The owCia. BThe SowtimCnma CBoth the nmas12.The first ne. .erer on. C.The arher on.13.AThe gil inblue. .Thegirl in d. C.Its hard to sa14.A.Tom. .im CAnna d.5.prig Summer. CAtum(四)听短文,判断句子正误,正确写A,错误写16.Mie never really washe hs handsclean be he didnt likewae1.Ted lved vey near to Mke18.Mie was a yaolder t Ted19.Tes has we thecleansto a11.20Mke hands were rtir tha Teds二、单项选择(每小题1分,共分)2.Qingdo is_ he eastofChin. An B.t C.in D.om22.L Mei i cleveres of the f A.a .an th D./23Ths roomis _,uit dot ave_ . ou ;ouhwindws Bgough;windw nough Cenoug big;window enough Dbig enough;enoug windws24.Did ou havany_ nstdin nls Asuccss Bucceed C.succesful D.sccesfuly5一az .9 M is a ood ado statn 一Yes,it _ the mobeautful music Aplay .pla C.ay wih Dpyng it6.Wts_ oiethetr n or twn bttr Bte bett C.t wort orse27.o.3 Bus as_ sets ad taohas _ eri. Athe mot coortab;good Bcmorable:bete Ct most cofortabe;the friedlst 13.more comfbe;tfrinli28.I arbn,toris need_ wr clothsin wnter. A.r Bpt n Ct war to put on29.Hr hnwiting ischbetrtha_ . her B.i C.hr brther Dhebrothers30Of a the by Tm is _to the indow Anar Bearer .nearstD.te neares31.uld you leasern dwn the ro a lttle Its too_ Adll B.boi nisy Dterrific.uliapayeda_ just nowAmsc ino B.pinsic C.iano piece Dice piao33.Ca yo snge ned _ ats for the tlent how. Asome much Bor som C.some ore Dmny ore3.Te two frien r_ ech oter in ae. .closeto Blosefo C.closing to Dclsin frm3“ucy aays redyt hep oters”“_he irl is!” A.How love BWhaovely .hata loely D.ow alovely三、完形填空(每小题分,共10分) May poplk watcg TVathng TV is 36th o iprtant ativites(活动)ofth ay.TV ring th ouside world 37 t popl hse.Some pele 38 t world s tig smalle than 39 . Whatshapeing in othercoutr40 do pepleliv i farawy(遥远)plaesI there a go spors gme soewhere(在某处)Wht life i destpat of te sea f you wan o41 these and he thns,ju trn 42 he V ad watch itO courepeople can lso earnthrou listeing to the 3 ,but V can help themlrn ete adore esily.WhyBease thy cn har,ad wat, .TV an gie u ne 4 .Its an inrsng ting.6A.oe Bany C.a D.on7Afaher B.cloer C.clsefaAay Bsea tk D.te39.o Bbefore CafterD1at40A.Why BWhen CHw DWhere41A.1k B.kow C.studyD.se42.ff B.on C.dow D.up43A.V B.radio film Dnewpper4oo Bthr Ceiher D.gain4.Aigs Bieas Cbook Dongs四、阅读理解(每小题分,共5分)A Popular usic n merc is wat ever stuent ikStudet cay malldios wih eaphoes ndiste to usic beore class,ater class,an t unch.Sudnt wi crs y lrge speakers an play hmusiclod astey drv the sret Adul(成年的)dives isen t msi on thecarradio a h driveto rhey alsolsten to news about sprts,the ath,anh lfe fAmerianpeopleMost of the rdio prorames r usc Po r pulmuc inger ake much moneyTy make aC or tape which rado taions use i any lacsnce the popar singer is heardal oerthecoty,yung ople u i ohertesSom the moe om ttpes goes th inge.Wevertheie ges,all he younpepwan tomeet him or he.Nw th iner has become a ational(国家的)star There ar oter kndsof music ttre impoant Aercans. llfolk(民间)muicIt tel sores about hecommn lifeofAmecansAnother sle eern or cuntry uic.his was state coys(牛仔)whwoudsing at night to thecowshe weatching.Toay,ny muscabo counry lifeand the lvebeweena country bo and hsgirlis caledwetern or cury ic. 6._ kins f usc are menioe(提到)in thi pasage
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