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中文5255字毕业设计(论文)英文翻译课题名称 院 系专 业旅游管理专业班 级姓 名学 号指导老师2 012年5月10日Reflections on the Connotations of EcotourismAbstract: As the most desirable option for sustainable develop-ment of tourism industry, ecotourism still suffers from lack of a clear-cut and widely accepted definition, posing many risks and threats in its practices. Based on collection and collation of various concepts and explanations of ecotourism both at home and abroad, this paper reflects on the current connotations of ecotourism in terms of four aspects, namely, objects of ecotour-ism, ecotourists, nature of ecotourism as well as the relation-ship between ecotourism and communities. In-depth analysis was performed in an effort to revise the misinterpretation of ecotourism and provide implications for ecotourism initiatives. The main conclusions and fruits of this article include: 1) The objects of ecotourism should go beyond natural, pristine, or even only primitive natural areas to including cultural resources together with their natural context which also deserve preser-vation. 2) Tourism operators, compared to tourists, have more leverage and hence should shoulder more responsibilities for conservation. 3) Ecotourism should serve as a principle to guide tourism initiatives towards sustainability, rather than merely a special tour package. 4) The theoretic foundation was laid for community participation in ecotourism.Key words: ecotourism, connotations, externality1 Concepts and connotations of ecotourismControversy has always existed over the definition and essence of ecotourism since the formal introduction of the term by Ceballos-Lascurain around two decades ago. Chinese experts Lu and Wang (2001) listed altogether 73 expressions of this term in their publication The Study of Ecotourism, some estimates that there have already been at least 100 definitions of ecotourism. Here are several defini-tions of considerable influence. As the first person to use the term of ecotourism, Ceballos-Lascurain (1991) initially defined it as traveling to relatively undisturbed or uncon-taminated areas with the specific objective of studying, admiring, and enjoying the scenery and its wild plants and animals, as well as any existing cultural manifestations (both past and present) found in these areas. The United States Ecotourism Society (Blangy and Wood, 1992) gave the short-est possible but also comprehensive definition to ecotourism,Responsible travel that conserves the environment and sus-tains the well-being of local people. Black (1996) defined ecotourism in such a way as An experience with a focus on the natural and/or cultural environment, an ecologically sustainable activity, an activity with a predominant educative and interpretive program, and an activity that contributes to local community groups and projects and to the conservation of the surrounding environment. IUCNs CNPPA (Ceballos-Lascurain, 1996) proceeding from their own tenet, defined ecotourism as Environmentally responsible travel and visitation to relatively undisturbed natural areas, in order to enjoy and appreciate nature (and any accompanying cul-tural features-both past and present) that promotes conser-vation, has low visitor impact, and provides for beneficially active socio-economic involvement of local populations. Ceballos-Lascurain (1998) refined his initial definition by arguing that ecotourism should be An environmentally responsible mode of tourism, which entails traveling to or visiting natural areas without causing disturbance in order to enjoy, appreciate and study the natural attractions (landscape and wildlife) of these areas; as well as any cultural expres-sions (past or present) via a process that promotes conserva-tion, has a low environmental and cultural impact, encour-ages active participation and socioeconomically benefits the local population. Finally Honey (1999) defined ecotourism as Travel to fragile, pristine and usually protected areas that strives to be low impact and (usually) small scale. It helps educate the traveler, provides funds for conservation, directly benefits the economic development and political empowerment of local communities, and fosters respect for different cultures and for human rights.It can be found that, from the aforementioned definitions, as time went on, the concepts of ecotourism have continu-ously been broadened and the connotations enriched. To sum up, the present connotations of ecotourism mainly include the following contents: (1) objects of ecotourism: natural areas, as well as ecosystem featuring co-existence between man and nature; (2) subjects of ecotourism: those who travel in a responsible form and shoulder obligations for environmental protection and social advance in destination areas; (3) nature of ecotourism: a new and special type of tourism products; (4) function of ecotourism: performing environmental educa
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