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Unit 1wdoouudforatsGo r i! Bo3 (教学设计) Iahing s adDemands(1) Knoldge Objecnthis unit,studts earn to talkbt ho totdy for atst andgveadvie o tose h have diffilty insdyn.(2) Abiity ObjtsT tain studets litening, speakin, eadingand wrting slls usng te argt lauge.(3) MoalObjetsEveryone learns difeent w,Thebes n s t do t is, o pa,nogas.3 eachig KyintTmke uents learn and gas h k ods and the argt laguage. Teahng iffiult ointTo rinstudets listnn,spaking, eadingand writ kills.o train udents comuicative opence.5.StudigWyeach stunts ho t escessful lagge leaners.II.Lanage FunctionTalk about ow ostudyIII.aget Laguge1.ow do ytd orests ell, Istud by wrking tmyclassmtes.2. Have you rstudied wt arou Ye, I hae e eand alo that wa3. I dnthavea partnero ractice Englsh wh. My yu should join anEnlish club. VStructureVrb b wit gerundV Vocblar1. flashar,take nts, fustratng, memoize, ald, amistaes,ponuncan, be frid ,dealith, ule, oby. hatabout. Wy dt ouVI.Tahin time enprodse fistriodTeacingntents:Seton A (a,1b, 1c)I.nguageol1.Kywordsandphasesflashcard sill note skill ifiultTagetanguge1).owdoustuyfortestWel,Itubworkigwtmyclssmate2).Haveyouersuidwthagroup es,Ihave.IelearndalotthawayIITeaching Imtant onts1.Talkaouthodyfr tes2.Fndoyorsitblelearningehos.III.Tecing ificl Ponts1.Tra tuents lstenin skill.2.Trn sudnt mnictve mpeenceIV.mion &atid lsEnable testudents toform a corrctattitde tostuyV. Teahing MethosScee achngeth & pir worVI. echingAids A tpe rcorder ealobtsIITeachingocure:Step 1 Ladi n1. Geens . T: elcmeback o chool. Did ou hve a goodtimduing th summer holidy Where didyu o Wat id you do. As sme studentaboutheirsummr holda Sep 2. re-k B Pae ,1a.: Wknw it is otas to learnEngli wel. iffret tnshve differen wayso learn it. How d you td for nnishesS: I tdy for n English test readi the tebokT: Oh,you study or n Engis test y radingthe tetbok. Asksveral udnts totel you otheysudfor t .k list f thr aseronte blckbard . Rd the listsf ways ofstuding to theclass. Point toacual oets inthe claroom( a flashard, acassette, textbk) o to ims in the lurton tosh te eanofac imn he list. Explai omethin abot ttrcts “verb+ by with grnd ” 3 Askstdts to checkth ysthe usuall tudy for an Enstst.Wile tharedoing th,writ th lit onhe boad.Then read t list to te clas andsk tuents t raiseteirands t hwwich hings thyhekedWrt the nmberofhands youse fter ech item o h board.4.The ask udets torit downtherway the stud fr an English tst. Weney hve finshe, askstuent o read thirlits to the clas. icsswh a heost oplar a lestpopulr ays ostudingSte We-tasS Page 2, 1b .1.Readthe istructos tothe udes anme e studensn at to o .).Get stdns o takabo th ictures: Lok at how each st i studyi.S1: Bymkigflashcard.S2: y lisenig to cassettes.S3: yaski he tecerfor el.)Thenpla recordin and ck the nswers . T: Now, liten an thenwte theletteoeh picue in ont ofte name of thson who stdiesthat wy.SB Page 2,1.1. Fist studentswrk in pairs toread th sialogue in the textbook, thn mak tirown dalou.2Ask severapai to esent their dilogues .Se 4 CosolidtinanExtesnSal mpeitio: ke a list oways of studyin asmany asossible b usinverb/withgrund ithree ints. Then lets hve a loo whch group wi maketheot.2.Mae a surve: isuss andpete his surve inyour allgrop. .S1:
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