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Part IWriting Basics (15%)Directions: There are 15 incomplete statements in this part. For each statement there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best ONE to complete the statement. 1. Which of the following sentences is correct with punctuation?A. My sister bought a lot of fruits for me, such as banana、orange、apple and pear.B. We will go there, if it is fine tomorrow.C. Why is he so happy today? Because he has won the lottery.D. He asked, “Where are you from?”2. According to the rules of writing a title, “_” is correct.A. My View on the Negative Effects of Smoking B. The Way To Improve Our English-Speaking AbilityC. the war of IndependenceD. the Myth of Chinese Literature3. _ does not contain in the principles of “choice of words”.A. Conciseness B. AppropriatenessC. Arbitrariness D. Accuracy4. An introductory paragraph should arouse the readers interest and _ the main idea of the essay.A. ignore B. introduceC. develop D. emphasize5. What kind of figures of speech(修辞格)is used in the sentence “Thunder roared and a pouring rain started.”? A. MetaphorB. PersonificationC. Simile D. Hyperbole6. Greatly agitated, I rushed to the apartment and tried the door, _ to find it locked.A. only B. just C. hence D. thus7. He tried listen carefully but still couldnt _what they were talking about.A.make over B. make outC. make upon D. make up 8. During the TV interview, the singer announced that he was going to _his new album soon.A. release B. renew C. relieve D. rehearse9. Which of the following sentences do not contains grammar error?A. The number of people who own cars are increasing.B.When a student need to remember is that when taking an exam, you should not cheat.C.As a college student, we should use personal computers in a proper way.D.Mary likes hiking, swimming, and riding a bicycle.10. While making a good sentence, the principles do not contain _.A. variety B. coherenceC. unity D. duality11. Which one is not used as a transition word to give examples? A. for example B. such asC. likewise D. for instance12. “_” is a compound sentence.A. Her mother would remind her.B. The rain fell for a week; therefore, every street in the city was flooded.C. Because the rain fell for a week, every street in the city was flooded.D. She wanted to make sure that her mother wasnt watching.13. _ is the core sentence of a paragraph.A. Topic sentence B. The first sentenceC. Supporting sentence D. Concluding sentence14. In order to keep a paragraph coherent, we often use the organizational patterns: _.1) time order2) space order3) order of importance4)order of generalityA. 1), 2), and 3) B. 1), 2), and 4)C. 2), 3), and 4)D. 1), 2), 3), and 4)15. In the sentence “After the plane took off, Jessica still stood there crying.”, what is the function of the underlined part? A. Its a prepositional phrase, functioning as an adverb.B. Its not a phrase, but an adverbial clause.C. Its not a phrase, but an independent clause.D. Its a prepositional phrase, functioning as the subject. Part IICorrect Sentences (15%)Directions: The following sentences have some faults and correct them. (3x 5 = 15) 1. I think there are still some students havent known the assignment. 2. Luxun wrote many famous novels and died in 1936. 3. A driver should never race your motor without a warm-up. 4. Those who wants to go home next week need to get his teachers permission first. 5. The best way to overcome the difficulty is work together. Part III Transitions (10%)Directions:Read the following passage and choose an appropriate transition word or phrase in the box. Write the corresponding word or phrase in the blank. (2x5=10) So for example as a result then but Life in a new country can be confusing. , one day I wanted to go to the consulate(领事馆) to renew my student visa. my aunt gave me the consulates address. when I arrived downtown, I got lost. First, I went to a bank. A lady there told me to walk three blocks south. I walked three b
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