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beg I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr (from sb); (for) sth (from/of sb) ask for (money, food, clothes, etc) as a gift or as charity; make a living in this way 乞求(金钱 食物 衣服等); 行乞: Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr, Tf, Tt, Cn.t sth (of sb)/ (sb) for sth ask earnestly or humbly (for sth) 恳求, 祈求(某事物): cottage small simple house, esp in the country 简陋的小屋; (尤指)村舍edgeline marking the) outside limit or boundary of a solid (flat) object, surface or area (扁的固体 物体表面或一范围的)外围界线, 边缘thick of relatively great distance or of a specified distance between opposite surfaces or sides 厚的; 粗的having a large number of units close together 稠密的; 密集的; 茂密的warden person responsible for supervising sth 负责监督 监护或监管的人doubtful usu pred 通常作表语 (about sth/doing sth) (of a person) feeling doubt; unsure (指人)感到怀疑, 不能确定greyhound large thin fast-running dog used in racing 灵提(身驱瘦长 善跑之狗, 用於比赛): attrib 作定语 Belong Ipr (a) to sb be the property of sb 为某人之财物; 属于billy (also billycan) n tin can with a lid and handle used by campers for cooking (露营时烹饪用的有盖和把的)铁罐.folk people in general 人们past 2 (a) (of time) later than (sth); after (指时间)晚於, 迟於, 在.之後)(b) older than (the specified age) 超过(某年龄):nuzzle Tn press or rub (sb/sth) gently with the nose 以鼻子轻触或轻擦(某人某物): plead Ipr, It (with sb) (for sth) make repeated urgent requests (to sb) (for sth) 再三恳求或请求(某人)(做某事)tug I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr (at sth) pull (sth) hard or violently 用力拉或拖(某物): pine 1 (a) C (also pine tree) any of several types of evergreen tree that bear cones and have needle-shaped leaves growing in clusters 松树whine (a) long high-pitched complaining cry, esp one made by a dog or child 长而高音的哭声或叫声(尤指狗或儿童发出的). (b) similar high-pitched (esp irritating) sound made by a siren, motor-cycle engine, etc (警笛 摩托车发动机等发出的)长而高音的响声(尤指烦人的): I, It make a whine 发出长而高音的呜咽声或其他响声:weird (frightening because it is) unnatural, uncanny or strange 不自然的 怪异的或奇怪的(因而可怕的): creak make a harsh sound like that of an unoiled door-hinge, or badly-fitting floor-boards when trodden on (作)嘎吱声(如缺油的门铰链或松动的地板踩上去时所发出的刺耳声音)rustle I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr (cause sth to) make a dry light sound, esp by friction or rubbing together (使某物)发生轻而爽的声音(尤指摩擦或挤磨声): owl bird of prey that flies at night and feeds on small animals, eg mice, and is traditionally regarded as a symbol of wisdom 鴞, 猫头鹰hoot 1 I, Ipr (at sb/sth) make a hoot or hoots (猫头鹰)鸣叫; (车辆的喇叭 工厂汽笛等)鸣响; 嘘叫rug thick floor-mat (usu smaller than a carpet) 厚地毯(通常比carpet小): howl (a) long loud wailing cry of a dog, wolf, etc (狗 狼等的)尖利的长嚎,twitch 1 I, Tn (cause sb/sth to) move with a twitch or twitches (使某人某物)抽动或抽搐scratch 1 (a) I, Ipr, Tn make marks on or in (a surface) with a sharp tool, nails, claws, etc; make a shallow wound in (the skin) in this way 刮, 划, 抓yelp a short sharp cry (of pain, anger, excitement, etc) (因痛苦 气愤 兴奋等的)短而尖的叫声spinerow of bones along the back of humans and some animals; backbone 脊柱; 脊椎icicle pointed piece of ice formed by the freezing of dripping water 冰柱, 冰锥, 冰溜(滴水凝成的冰条).creepy causing or having an unpleasant feeling of fear or horror 令人毛骨悚然的; 不寒而栗的desperate feeling or showing great despair and ready to do anything regardless of danger 感到绝望而不惜冒险的; 拚命的; 不顾一切的dare 2 Tt have sufficient courage 敢; 敢於; 竟敢; 胆敢:Tn, Dn.t suggest to (sb) that he tries to do sth beyond his courage or ability; challenge 激(某人)做某事; 挑战yank pull (sth) with a sudden sharp tug (often in a specifieddirection) 猛拉(某物)(struggle (a) I, Ipr, Ip (with sb) fight (with sb) (与某人)争斗, 搏斗, 打斗(b) I, Ipr, Ip, It (against/with sb/sth) move ones body vigorously, eg trying to get free 挣扎whimper I (of a dog, person, etc) whine or cry softly, esp with fear or pain (指狗 人等)发出长而高音的或微弱的哭声或叫声, (尤指因恐惧或痛苦)呜咽, 啜泣. creature living being, esp an animal 生物; (尤指)动物wimp weak and timid person, esp a man 懦弱的人(尤指男的): serious solemn and thoughtful; not frivolous 严肃的; 庄重的; 正经的tunnel (a) underground passage, eg for a road or railway through a hill or under a river or the sea 地下通道; 隧道; 地道iron 1 common hard silver-white metallic element capable of being magnetized and used in various forms 铁grill (a) device on a cooker that directs heat downwards for cooking meat, toasting bread, etc (热力自上而下的)烤架whiskery having whiskers 有络腮胡子的; (猫 鼠等)有须的.frilly having many frills 多饰边的; 多褶边的velvet woven fabric, esp of silk or nylon, with a thick soft nap on one side 立绒; 天鹅绒: grim very serious and unsmiling in appearance 非常严肃的; 无笑容的gloomy 1 dark or unlighted, esp in a way that is depressing or frightening 阴暗的, 黑暗的(尤指使人沮丧或恐惧):collar band, upright or folded over, round the neck of a shirt, coat, dress, etc 衣领band of leather, metal, etc put round an animals (esp a dogs) neck 戴在动物(尤指狗)颈部的项圈brake 2 area of brushwood, thick undergrowth or bracken; thicket 矮丛林地带; 灌木丛.universe the universe singall existing t
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