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五篇英语五大经典体裁范文在英语学习的过程,大家想要尽可能的提高英语水平的话,进行英语写作不仅是对自己水平的小小提升,也是可以极大的改善自己英语水平的方法,更好的上一个台阶去,所以今天小编给大家带来五篇英语五大经典体裁范文,请大家欣赏! 英语作文 Dea Edtor-in-hief, Congrtuatiso he5h anivesary f Globa Mirro! m regular reader of ur nepapr. like is h that I hary miss ay cop. Tre r mny dvantages f GloalMirrFirsly, Gloal Mroors both nioal andinterationalnews. y sipl tung the pas, I can ko allimportahngs hat havehappene boh home ad aoad.Besides,thescces toies of wrldfaoupople ar als atractiveto e, which elp elarn a lfro tem. I a word,hankso Globa rr, we arwell-ifomed and keepu wi he changi word As a young tudent, Iwish ht I ca e a msof Eli anguag. Terefore, sggest thaGlobal Mior provide artices about Englshlearninfors.Finaly, I op tht Glob Mirro wll beomemore nd orepoular.Thnk you rortime!Sincerey yours, Li Hua 英语作文 Dear Tom, Howi it onthes days I kep wonderighw yuf abou ou schoofe Beijing Havouot s tothe life inChia Are yu enying u life I h yuare. ete tll ou a pece ofo nws: ging t tae ar in aEngih speehotest f middle schoo udents n Ju in the coming summer vacation. So busy preparig fo it.Btnw I have some iffiult in colctng efl infortion and using poperEgsh words t expressm thougtBesie, I rall wan t impove my poken Eglish,epeill the prnuciation an innto(语调). f course, naive Engis pek, o a ive meom sestions. Inaditon, I gin to iiyoaftt cntest. Im sure we ill haveawnerfltime oethen eijin!I a hryait oeou! Iamlookingfowar to youreayrepl. o ho it mycoen, 英语作文 Dear WiFag, eathatouv won t rize ithengish Speech Contest of MddlShlStden, som riting to gi my sncee congratuainsYou dntknow ow ecited I was e I er te goo new. As yures rind, I am prud ofyou! Yor pronunciton andflentEnglih let m wth deep impressio.It ame ourpris tomethat y on te cnest. Cl you sae wt m ho you iprove our spokenEnglish Yur eerince will of gre hepo me in leaning Engli willbe tefl f u can wit me bak and give m your avice. am lookingforwrdt our early rep.ors, Li Hua 英语作文4 D ireo: lke o appyr the st ofasstant whch was aertid inthenepapr. Iound this poiion qui appalin to Ie justgraduated frohigh scool.kily am good t Engih nd Ican speak nlilenl. n dition, Ia prvous expriece Duing stayn mie cool,Iusedt be a vunerandoedater the ldeople n a ursng ome n weekeds sort,Iblieve m xperenc and luent ora ngis will be a gre hlp fr mindoig the or Imavailb f tiewat antime twould be preciated if I c ge you offe. 英语作文5 Sinerely,Li Ha I am ne o yor ustomrs(顾客). I orered(订购)set of(一套) okwrmSeries oyr ebite two weekao,but I din rceivethem until yeray. Anmuchto my isppointmen, thoosws pooly aked p that the cver f e book w n. Tmae matts orse,it is not acolete set, as I oundone bok mssing. I am sorryt ve civesuch poor si, andIbeliee I hve very right o ask you to a it hs roblem. I he that you ither eturn y oney deiver ne set ofbks o m. eside, I li to e inore teprocss you alig wth y cplaitookingorwardto ou ply. Sincerely, Li Hua
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