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外研版八年级上学期期末词汇运用专项练习一Class_ Nme _一、单词拼写A. 根据中文完成单词,使句意完整、正确。每空填写一词。1.Th studens wtintothe classoom _(立刻)ater they head thebll. . Too muchsetfod s_ (有害的) to hidrens_ (牙齿). . Thegirl is ryouan she stillant ue_ (筷子) to ea. We edmorepeople _ (清除) te stone on the rad.5. Lisa is_(或许,可能)n theclasso. Im not .6 Therew be heavy_ (阵雨)rm tmeto ie ths ternon.7. It isery ot toy. Can youtl me what th_ (温度)is8.Coul yo lmethe dt of ur _ (出生)9. artoesntthin money wil _ (解决)all he oblms.0. My thers _(准备) fod nd drinksfor the pi. 选择方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词使用一次。medcie, differen, eal, all, train, 11.Te fotbal playerswil return fr the next _.12. ad is nteetd in _ books. e ns o b adoctor.13.The weahe is _ cod,so wehavetostay a home. 14 here ar ny _beteenJen ad her sise.15 o _ fom th tble to the floor ju now.外研版八年级上学期期末词汇运用专项练习二lass_ Nae _一、单词拼写A.根据中文完成单词,使句意完整、正确。每空填写一词。4. It i n olie o thowaout _ (垃圾).56.Tom bougtanew bifor nn, u she id wan _ (接受) i.5.Thwaer is so clrtht w a se the _ (底部) f heake5. On te ato thpar, Sally kept _(想象)w hugete pal olde.59.ey cdnt find out at _ (引起) he fire.6.When ou are in_ (烦恼), yocan sk ou pnfrhelp.B. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词使用一次。dfrent shouler rainhide hoie1. There w be _ tonight Tak nmbrella wito. H fel own o the goun ndhu b o h_ .63 Te gir e th lue one aan, bute _te ink netast.4. Tere ae svral _ betweenthee piting. anou findhm ut.racoed aroun the room nd ried tofind a safeplc _ his mone.外研版八年级上学期期末词汇运用专项练习三s_ ae _一、单词拼写 根据中文完成单词,使句意完整、正确。每空填写一词。51.Dont worr. Well aep_ o rom for e boxes5. Her is god a pling _ (排球) .3. I li fruit, e_apps.M Green set lost to os_(描述) the fil for .55. Mrs an aa gratlady. She _ (抚养) four kd all by erself. In the _(现代社会),eople et uc bui. 57. Teemeature will allom_fiv _ (度).5 S _ (掉下)hebalnd ran to his mum.5. The babte to _ (盖上) the cupwi the plae0 Theoon alwy oe_ (围绕地)the athB 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词使用一次。mediine surpsd glss hep sno6.MayI have a look attpaif _ 6. u need to tkete_traini firt.3. Eating vgetbes an be _Dnt ve i up.6. The ao ay that itw _ tomoro65. T ur_, n one laughedat teoorbo.外研版八年级上学期期末词汇运用专项练习四las_ Name_一、单词拼写.根据中文完成单词,使句意完整、正确。每空填写一词。. The bank ops evey day _(除了) Sdy.5. Cod you el hek tolee the _(拥挤的) eting room3.Te_ (奥运会) o 202was held n eng. Te _ (成本) of livingin hagh is iresing fast55Thisard ite sed _ (薄) of all.56. Aer seeral_(谈话) wh theocto,fltbeter.5. Di Jame spna hi fre time _ (提高) hs wrting skl58.He _ (喂养)the cat onloca daast mot59. Lets ae the difcut _(形势) toghr.0 on ikei at al. May I hae mre _ (选择) B用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子通顺、正确。每个单词使用一次。far different science luc noy61.Thtrp to Hinanslnd i mymot _experiene.6. hhardr yotai, the _ you can jmp63 oay s raly an _ for e. First hut my finger,and th lost m ke.64. Mr mithison ofthe yonest_urproic.65. Watre the_ betwen tfootbl ad te llyball外研版八年级上学期期末词汇运用专项练习五Cls_ m _一、单词拼写根据中文完成单词,使句意完整、正确。每空填写一词。.Th tudents wet ioh clasr _ (立刻)afte tyeard te bell Touch wee food is _(有害的) tohldrens_ (牙齿). 3. The gir is veryougandsh stil cntue_ (筷子)to eat.4. e eedmore peopl to_ (清除) thstn on theroad.Lisa i_(或许,可能) in h lassoo.
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