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Unit 13 Were trying to save the earth! Section A(3a-3b)教 学 设 计 户县甘河初级中学 张 优 浪一、 教材分析 本节课是人教版新目标Go for it九年级英语第13单元中Section A 的第3课时,此套教材集合了美式英语的特点,也融入了中国的教学理念,着重于文化背景知识和学习策略等部分,增加了任务型学习成份和语篇输入。本单元围绕“污染和保护环境”这个话题,使学生明白保护环境要从身边的小事做起。本单元的教学内容与学生的实际生活密切相关,容易激发学生运用简单的英语交际的兴趣。本节课的Section A3a-3b主要是阅读课,通过学习保护鲨鱼使学生明白保护环境的迫切性。二、 学情分析 经过两年的英语学习,学生已有一定的英语自学能力。在本单元的Section A1a-2d中,学生已经了解了如何保护环境,而且在八年级也学过现在完成时态,这些都对保护鲨鱼这篇文章的理解有很好的帮助作用。但是还有个别学生因为英语基础薄弱而导致课堂反应不积极,这有待于老师进一步对学生加强引导与点拨。三、Teaching aims1.Knowledge objects 1). Enable the students to learn and use the key words and phrases:shark,fin, cruel, ecosystem, scientific, law, industry, be harmful to, at the top of, the food chain. 2).Review and master the Present Perfect Tense.2. Ability objects 1)Enable the students to understand why the sharks are in danger and how to deal with the problems. Then complete the fact sheet after reading the passage. 2) Use reading skills (skimming, scanning, careful reading) to catch the main idea. 3) Learn to retell the passage by using conjunctions correctly.3. Moral objects Be friendly to nature, enhance the protection consciousness of endangered animals 四、Importance and difficulties 1. Importance (1) Review the Present Perfect Tense (2) Catch the main idea of the passage and retell the passage with some key words and phrases. 2. Difficulties Catch the main idea of the passage and retell the passage by using conjunctions correctly. 五、教学策略的选择与设计通过央视的一则公益广告“没有买卖,就没有杀害”引出本节课保护鲨鱼的话题,激发学生保护鲨鱼、保护环境的意识。在阅读环节,运用 Skimming, scanning, careful reading阅读方法理解课文大意,并能通过本节课的学习,明白怎样做才能更好地保护动物。 六、教学环境与资源准备 教师准备:PPT 学生准备:预习本节课的生词,复习之前所学的保护环境的一些做法。 七、Teaching procedureStep 1:Warming up 1. Show the pictures of endangered animals on the screen and watch the CCTV ad. “NO trading , no killing .”2. Ask the students something about sharks. Let the students know why the sharks are in danger and enhance the consciousness of protecting sharks.(The purpose is to stimulate the studentsinterest.)Step2:Reading 1. Before reading Ask the students to read the passage and discuss the following questions (1) What do you know about sharks ? (2) Why are the sharks in danger ?(The purpose is to make the students read for the answers.)2. While reading (1) Skimming Read the passage and catch the main idea of each paragraph. Para.1 Bad things happen when people cut off sharks fins. Para.2 Environment protection groups have done things to protect sharks. Para.3 Youre killing a whole shark when you enjoy a bowl of shark fin soup. (The purpose is to cultivate the students how to get the main ideas.) (2) Scanning Complete the fact sheet in 3a on page 99. Ask the students to write their answers on the blackboard and tell others how they completed them. (3) Careful reading Ask the students to read the passage again and judge the sentences true ( T ) or false ( F ) Sharks fin soup is popular and expensive all over the world. We get a bowl of shark fin soup by cutting off the shark fin. Sharks can swim without their fins. Sharks wont be endangered because they are the strongest in their food chain. Shark fin soup is famous and its good for peoples health. (The purpose is to help the students get the detailed information about the passage.)3. After reading (1) Read the passage again and fill in the blanks with the words in the box in 3b. (2) Retell the passage according to the words : shark fin soup, at the top of ,cruel, harmful (The purpose is to help the students output English.)Step 3:Language points 1. cut off /up /out/ down/ into 的用法区别 2.就近原则 not only but also neither nor either or There be 3. be harmful to / be bad for be good for 4.at the top/bottom of 5.so far 用于现在完成时态 Step 4:Practice Work in groups and discuss how to protect sharks, try to make a poster, then show the poster in class.Step 5: Summary In this class, we know the importance of protecting sharks and what we should do to protect sharks. And we learn to use conjunctions to retell the passage correctly.Step 6: Homework Try to write a composition about how to protect animals after class.八、Blackboard Design Unit 13 Were trying to save the earth! Section A 3a-3b 一、Ask questions about sharks:(1) What do you know about sharks? (2) Why are the sharks in danger?二、Language points 1. cut off /up /out/ down/ into 的用法区别 2. 就近原则 not only but also neither nor either or There be 3. be harmful to / be bad for be good for 4. at the top /bottom of用于现在完成时态So far 5. , no scientific studies have shown that shark are good for
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