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2012年上海中考英语试卷语法选择题解析Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) (共20分)31. Could I have an early morning call _ six oclock tomorrow?A) on B) to C) at D) in【C】【解析】考察介词搭配,six oclock为时间点,介词用at。on加上具体某一天,in加上一段时间。32.We have decided to try _ best to raise more money for the local charity.A) us B) our C) we D) ours【B】【解析】考察固定词组搭配,try ones best to do解释为“尽某人全力做某事”,ones用形容词性物主代词。33.You really dont have to worry _ your weight. You look just right.A) for B) from C) with D) about【D】【解析】考察固定词组搭配,“对感到担忧”的词组是worry about。34.I cant connect my computer to the Internet. There must be _ wrong with it.A) something B) everything C) anything D) nothing【A】【解析】考察不定代词用法,在肯定句中用something,句中表示“肯定有些问题”。35.The baby feels _ while his mother holds him in her arms.A) save B) safe C) safely D) safety【B】【解析】考察系表结构,feel为系动词,后加形容词,表示“感觉起来”。36.Pudong International Airport is one of _ airports in the world.A) big B) bigger C) biggest D) the biggest【D】【解析】考察搭配,one of + the + 形容词最高级+ 可数名词复数表示“最的之一”。37.Martin and his friends didnt eat up all the food they ordered, _ they took the rest away.A) for B) or C) so D) as【C】【解析】考察连词的运用,翻译句子可得“Martin和他的朋友们没有吃完所有点的菜,所以他们把剩下的带走了”,so表示结果。38.Peter will cook for his parents _ the International Day of Families comes.A) unless B) when C) until D) though【B】【解析】考察状语从句引导词使用,翻译句子可得“Peter在亲子节那天给父母做饭”,为时间状语从句,而且will cook和comes也是主将从现的提示。unless引导条件状语从句,解释为“除非”;until引导时间状语从句,解释为“直到”;though引导让步状语从句,解释为“尽管”。39.With the help of the new technology, you _ e-mail your friends by mobile phone.A) can B) must C) need D) should【A】【解析】考察情态动词的使用,can表示“可以”,must表示“必须”,need表示“需要”,should表示“应该”。40._ Tony _ Frank likes the CD. They think the music is too noisy.A) Neither.nor B) Either.or C) Both.and D) Not only.but also【A】【解析】考察并列连词的使用。通过第二句“他们觉得音乐太吵了”及前句谓语动词为三单形式likes可得知Tony和Frank都不喜欢CD。either A or B解释为“不是A就是B、两者取其一”,后加动词单数形式;both A and B解释为“A和B两者都”,后加动词复数形式;not only A but also B解释为“不但A而且B”,使用就近原则,动词形式由B确定。41.Stop _ about the traffic. Just think about what we can do to improve it.A) complain B) to complain C) complaining D) complained【C】【解析】考察词组的搭配。Stop doing sth.表示“停止正在做的事情”,stop to do sth.表示“停下当前的事去做另一件事”。本题中解释为“停止对交通的抱怨”。42.Dont jump to a conclusion! Lets _ the problem first.A) to discuss B) discuss C) discussed D) discussing【B】【解析】考察词组的搭配。Lets do sth.表示“让我们做某事”。43. _do millions of online users visit the home page of the government?To read the news and search for the information they need.A) When B) Where C) Why D) What【C】【解析】考察疑问词的用法。可从问答句分析,问句为“_数以百万的人浏览了政府的首页?”,答句为“去看新闻和寻找他们需要的信息。”不难发现答案是一种目的的表示,所以用why提问。44.The volunteers _ a lot of help to the community for nearly ten years.A) offered B) will offer C) are offering D) have offered【D】【解析】考察时态(现在完成时)。本句中的时间为for nearly ten years,for+一段时间通常都表示一个状态或者动作的持续,为现在完成时的标志词。45.The students _ the Art Festival when I passed by their school.A) celebrate B) were celebrating C) will celebrate D) have celebrated【B】【解析】考察时态(过去进行时)。本句中由when引导了时间状语从句“当我经过他们的学校的时候”,从句表示了过去一个具体的时间点,所以主句用过去进行时,表示“学生们正在庆祝艺术节”。46.Jenny told me that she _ an English Speech Contest the next month.A) takes part in B) is taking part in C) took part in D) would take part in【D】【解析】考察时态(过去将来时)。主句中的told已限定了主句时态,为一般过去时,宾语从句中的时间状语为the next month,说明从句中的动作发生在told之后,所以用过去将来时。47._ wonderful concert they are putting on in the city square!A) How B) What C) What a D) What an【C】【解析】考察感叹句。本句中强调的部分是可数名词concert,所以不用how修饰。48.Im sure that stricter rules to control cigarette smoking _ very soon.A) made B) will make C) were made D) will be made【D】【解析】考察时态和语态。主句中的时态为一般现在时am,从句中的时间状语为soon表将来,而且“控制吸烟的规则”是被制定的,所以用一般将来时的被动语态。49.Shall we join in the Green World Summer Camp?_A) Good idea. B) Youre welcome. C) Not at all. D) Never mind.【A】【解析】情景对话。Shall we do sth.表示征求对方的建议,所以应给予赞成或否认的回答。Youre welcome解释为“不客气”,Not at all和Never mind解释为“没关系”。50.Congratulations! Youve got a chance to be an exchange student!_A) Thank you. B) I agree. C) Of course. D) Good luck.【A】【解析】情景对话。Congratulations表示对对方的祝贺。I agree解释为“我同意”,Of course 解释为“当然了”,Good luck解释为“祝好运”。
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