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nit1 ould you pleae tell e whe th estroms arPrt : eachig design (第一部分:教学设计)trcturs: ndirec questionsTaret language: xcuse me Do you kowher can exhan moneySre. Ters ban n thesendloor.Take the escaltr to te ecnd flo ndturn rght.he bank is ext he oosteocbulary: eclaor, drutore, restr, furiture,deptentstore,shamoo, vanage,disadvantag, cane oney,han out Lringttges: Listenfor specific inrmtion, CooperaingSECTIOA GoalsTo earn o use Idrect questinslean totll abu pacePrcuresWing uby learig grmr Hlloeryone. am a srn e in this city.Coulou tellm hw t et t the uperarketAll igt, I am elling i to you. I am nw hre. saido just t he you lernto use niret qusosNw tutopage 87 rst andlok at e threeenenceint Gramaocus.Do yuknwwhre I cn bu shapo Cldyou me w to geto the pooffceCould ou plasetell me where I c get a diorave you notied the ord“whr” and “how” ued intenenes. hesionntroduc by tem arecalee Iirect question.Nin pasmake iil sentecs with “here” and “how”. oyou knw wre c go hikng n the mnain Could you tel m ho o have agood meina i itCol youplese ell mewhereI can fina ood nlishteache1aMtingthigs wih laesOnpage 86isa piture o a cit. visit is askingsomeoeqt abt things to do at certainaes.No lok the piturad math eah ting with plce.eretoC buysampooD g ome agazinesE makea telpone calG ga itioaryDt someinorma abotteownC bu some wringpper bu oe ampsB ae oney Listenin ad cmptingtisdificlt to get ond in a new lace.No lisen to he ordng ndcometthe dlogue inte piureonpage.TapeitConveration1ir:xcus e. Coulu tll e whee Icanbuysm smpsBy1: Yes. ra post offe on eter Street.Grl1: Oh. an outll me were etrSee 1: ue. Gopst h bank. Cete Stree ion ou right.Gir1: Than a lt.oy: Noprob.ConvesaionGrl: cuse e. Do yo knw whre I can avemneyoy2: Sure. Ther a bank on Mai Street.Gil:Oh.Could you plae tll m how o gt tereBoy2: Ys. Go srait ahead. ank sonyour leftGirl2: ha you.Boy2: Youwlcoe.Writ our wor hr i t seech bulesA:Could you tell mewhereI can buy some tampsB: Yes. erespt fce Center Street.: Excus me. Doyou knw hereI can savemoneyB: Su. Theres abao Main Steet.edh aesrit and try to undrlin al te eful erssons use nd circthe Idirect questions1c Doing paorn 1 the re man phases desrbng actvties. owsethemo mae up coersatonsto alk abutyou wn city. (The Indirecquestin are circled): Excuseme Can y laee me heeIabuy shamp in his citB: re. Thers dpatment tore over thereA: Exue me.Can yu pleastell whee I ca g omeagazinesB: Sr.Thresa pt ffi arounth core.A: Excuse me.Ca you pese telme wher Ican ak teehe call B: re. Theres a pos oficeoeundre mrs don thetree.A:Excus .Ca you please tel me er I can et sme infoatiobu the towB: re. Th alibrry opsite ofthe hospitl.: cuse me Can you peasetl m were Ican t sme writingpper: Sue. Theres eprtmnttocloetthebu stin.:e eCn upleasetel mewhee I cabuy some sapsB: Sureheresa st ice bside t libray verthre.A:cue me. Canyo plas l whre can ave moneB:Sure. Tres a igbnk esidethaf onthe ain library overtee.2a Listeiand nberngDo yu likehopin I oudo comeandistn to the dircnfr goinghping ronda new ci. TpesrptBoy1: Excue m Canyo tel me hereI can buy some amooBy2:s here drugsore on te scodfloor Um Lem thn. Tae theeslator to th second flr and then. ten yout et L see. Then opatthbak nd um. he drg tors ben thefunture soeanthe bookse. Yo shold le o shmpoo there.oy1: K, gre. Tansa lo.Boy: Yourewlome.ile lienng leae nmbert drctinsinte ore h yuher heTe te lvator heecond floor. Tun lef1Take thescalaorto the secod floor.Tu rg4 The drustoris twee theurnituetorea te bokstore.3 Gopstth b.ea tetaescrit for t ndrecqustions ntheful xpss irclhe Irect ustionnd
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