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高中英语口语考试训练材料2023有关日常英语口语对话练习老公: Honey, I have a mission tomorrow.亲爱的,我明天出任务。老婆: What is the mission?什么任务?老公: Go to Haiti and take part in the rescue efforts.去海地参加救援行动。老婆: But it must be dangerous.但是那很危险。老公: I know, but as a soldier, it is my duty.我知道,作为一名军人,参加救援是我的义务。老婆: I understand, I wish I could go with you.我懂,我真希望能和你在一起。老公: Dont worry, I am OK.别担忧,我会好好的。老婆: When are you back?什么时候回来?老公: Maybe when the rescue efforts are finished, I will be back.或许救援行动完毕后,就可以回去了。老婆: I am waiting for you, remember to take good care of yourself.我等你,记住,好好照顾自己。保险和索赔英语对话口语练习W: Hello, Mr. Brown, how are you? It is nice to see you again.B: How are you, Mrs. Wang. It certainly is a pleasure to see you again here. I hope you had an enjoyable trip from London.W: The flight was really long, but it was fortable so I do not feel very tired.B: I am glad that you had a pleasant trip. I hope you are fortably settled and find things at the hotel satisfactory.W: Everything is perfect, thank you. Well, now, Mr. Brown, if you dont mind, Ill get to the point.B: Okay. You want to take up the subject of the arbutus, dont you?W: Thats right. You see, Mr. Brown, you have probably been ad- vised of the serious damage done to the last consig_ent of 60 cases of arbutus. Upon its arrival in London on board the S.S. Cornea, it was found, much to our regret, that about 50% of the cases were leaking. Closer inspection by the Health Officers showed that the contents were considered unfit for human consumption. 布朗先生,你好。很快乐再次见到你。 王小姐,你好。很荣幸在这里又见到你。希望你从伦敦来一路 旅途愉快。 飞行时间虽长,但客机非常舒适,所以也不觉得很累。 我很快乐你旅途愉快。希望你住得舒适,旅馆设备都还觉得满意。 谢谢你,一切都很好。噢,布朗先生,要是你不介意的话,如今咱 们就开始谈谈业务吧。 好,你想谈谈杨梅的事,对不对? 对。布朗先生,也许你已经知道最后一批60箱的杨梅严重损坏的 情况。“柯娜”轮一到达伦敦的时候,我们就遗憾地发现其中有一 半左右的箱子渗漏。经卫生检疫局官员仔细检查,认为 内装食品 不可供人们食用。B: Just a minute, if you please, Mrs.Wang. Have your people in London discovered what were the exact causes of the leakage? It was rather a singular case, for thousands of tons of this product have been exported and this seems to be the only case of ashipment being damaged en route.W: I am sorry I have to say it was not en route. It was definitely damaged prior to loading onto the S.S. Cornea. You may think it a singular case, yet the fact remains that this has made itnecessary for us to file a claim on you. Here, Mr. Brown, I have brought along with me the certificate issued by the London Health Office. It speaks for itself. As to the causes, closer inspection and examination by our cargo-handling people revealed that theleakage of juice was brought about damaged tins. They wereevidently broken through careless handling while being loaded onto the ships hold in Sydney dock.B: As I have said before, the whole business is most unfortunate. We have never e across such a case of damage during loading. 王小姐,请稍等。请问伦敦的人有没有发现渗漏确实切原因?这件 事还只这么一次,我们已经出口好几千吨了,在中途损坏还是头一 回。 很抱歉,我得说明,损坏不是在运输途中发生的。很明显, 损坏是 在装上“柯娜”轮号前发生的。你可能认为这事是头一回,可事实 不得不让我们向你们提出索赔。布朗先生,这儿是伦敦卫生检疫局 官员签发的证书,上面写得一清二楚。至于原因,我们经办装卸的 人仔细检查,结果发现果汁渗漏的原因是锡罐被损坏了。很明显是 在悉尼码头装船时,因搬运忽略大意而造成锡罐受损的。 我刚刚讲过,整件事实在是很不幸。我们从未遇到过罐头在装船时 发生这样的损坏。W: I have to remind you that our terms are C.I.F. port of London. While we have full confidence in your modities Inspection Bureau, this is a case that occurred after their sling and analy- sis at the factory. And the broken tins through careless handling and deterioration of the contents en route brought about this state of affairs. Now, Mr. Brown, you are well aware that our business has just started this branch of activities and the loses thus sustained will be a blow to this department. I am sure you will think it fair on our part when we suggest that the total value of the parcel should be reduced by 50% and that you should give us an allowance by way of credit for the amount to be set against our future purchases of canned fruits from you.B: To be fair to your pany, I am directed by my Sydney branch to settle this issue with you amicably on the condition that you give us a certificate issued by your Health Department. Now that this is available, I think everything will be in order.W: I am so glad to hear of your ready agreement. Your fairness in business dealing is unsurpassed. Shall we send you a letter confirming this?B: As soon as you send us a letter confirming this conversation, well send you a reply immediately.W: Thanks ever so much for your cooperation, Mr. Brown. Goodbye.B: Goodbye. 我不得不提醒你,我们的条款是伦敦到岸价。虽然我们很信赖你们 的商品检验局,可是损坏是在工厂抽样化验之后发生的,是由于搬 运不慎而锡罐破裂,中途食品变质所造成的。布朗先生,你很清楚 我们才开始经营这项业务,蒙受的损失将对业务部门是一个打击。 我们建议这批货从总价中削减百分之五十,并给予我们补贴,这款 项就用于将来向你们订购罐头水果时冲销,我相信你认为这样对我 们才是公平的。 悉尼分公司派我来和你们公平友好地解决这件事,前提条件就是把 你们卫生部签发的证书给我们。如今证书已经有了,我想事情都会 解决的。 听到你这么痛快地同意了,我很快乐。办理业务这么公平,真是无 法比啊。我们将寄信让你们确认好吗? 我们一旦收到你们的信确认此次谈话,就会立即回复。 万分感谢你的合作。布朗先生,再会。 再见。保持安康英语口语对话情景练习A: Do you know what are the factors c
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