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初二英语作文自我介绍 一遇到英文介绍就犯傻太理解了!偏偏现在面试也好、学习也罢,一碰到要考察英语口语水平,上来就要求你自我介绍。下面是小编整理的初二英语作文自我介绍,欢迎大家阅读。 初二英语作文自我介绍篇1 Frt of al, woulito a hans toeveryoywh gae me hanc t ntroduce yselI'm 2year old n. boy,&#;dlike ta basketball. the samei, lke nglih vey h I havea drea to e ameb ofNBA / Iikereadig an garening as athe otergirsAn I ike Cines ulture. Wouldlike tobe a riter i future Iwillstudy hrdocieve ol wih your hel! Thanks againfor akin yu time! Hel,all e udet nd teahers!Tod ,I&39;m ly lad toe here. hope thaI ca gie oua gooimpresionan makeood rienith yu.I' anoutging ,diliet reponsble ndosiderate person.Mypasion toEnglishmke e stan e.When as yarsl ,star to lean Eng.r thnon,'m ddcted to iPersnallyI thik,nglshinef th mst autiul lagagesin th worl.I ppraiateitspuniaio,intnion anso n.Whenee I&39; loe,I totalk o yslf in Eglh. ell,hat'me,an Eglih frea!hank yu fr your attion. ,pleremember e,agirl full o confidencand aness. Thankyou er much ! 初二英语作文自我介绍篇2Go morning,evryone! M ae is u Xin. amso pp t stnd n font of you toroduc mslf. Iam thrteen yar ol I grduatefm to.1 riary Sholoourcty. I lierad ok nd laigadminton. I o we a take exercses ater cass.side, I liketchng movies and lsteningto pop msic. I am surethre resome classmates v h ommonnterets with eherefr,we ancommuniat with each othr.I pary chool, I diwel in Chnse but math is not sogood.I hpe Ian mke proessi middleschool m vr excite bea lsmate oyou hpe we a k pogssan hve ood aystogther. 初二英语作文自我介绍篇 elo,eery! My nam is Lihu. M Englsh naeis len.I have to right e nd shot hair I39;mtwelve. Im fSezhncty,Chin.Tee are three peole i myfamil, my othr,fat nd I y parntsworna bank.Thy wk ard. bgi to go toShenzn No.Midle Schol ismonth I';mi CasThree, GldeSeveOrsool vryood.Tee re outhree thousan sudentsin it And I hava god nglih teher Her name is Luoei.shespeas English eryel. alieher。 No,I hesome fieds hey are l friendly m We ; ll apy 初二英语作文自我介绍篇4 Goo rigaternoon, teahers ndclassmate I9;m XXX romclss 1. I am girl/by of 3. My family inludig my ather,moh adme. l basketbalbs. n addiio, I lo like abl enni. My faort odis carrt. I#3;mlo very interestedi snacsWhat, I&;mgd at cmpuer Using heom E-mal, shpin nd ven olv myrolems i the uy and the ife i onvenent. So I pu cutramygd elpr. As for eadng,I&#;v readabot gic nvl. e these. Nice to mee yo! I sinerelyhopto make red wit ou. ww.X.co
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