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英语专业四级考试完形填空复习题英语专业四级考试完形填空复习题Theres no question that the Earth is getting hotter. The real questions are: How much of the warming is our fault, and are we 1_ to slow the devastation by controlling our insatiable 2_ for fossil fuels?Global warming can seem too 3_ to worry about, or too uncertain-something projected by the same puter 4_ that often cant get next weeks weather right. On a raw winter day you might think that a few degrees of warming wouldnt be such a bad thing anyway. And no doubt about it: Warnings about 5_ change can sound like an enviro_entalist scare tactic, meant to force us out of our cars and restrict our lifestyles.forting thoughts, perhaps. Unfortunately, however, the Earth has some disforting news. From Alaska to the snowy peaks of the Andes the world is heating up right now, and fast. Globally, the 6_ is up 1F over the past century, but some of the coldest, most remote spots have warmed much more. The results arent pretty. Ice is 7_ , rivers are running dry, and coasts are 8_ , threatening munities.The 9_ are happening largely out of sight. But they shouldnt be out of mind, because they are omens of whats in store for the 10_ of the pla.AremoteBtechniquesCconsistingDrestEwillingFclimateGskillHappetiteImeltingJvanishingKerodingLtemperatureMcuriosityNchangesOskillful全文翻译毫无疑问,地球正变得越来越热。但是,真正的问题是:气候变暖的程度是我们的错,我们愿意通过控制我们对矿石燃料无止境的欲望来减缓地球变暖吗?全球气候变暖似乎离我们太遥远,以致于我们无需为此担忧;或者太难以确定,我们无法用计算机技术来测定,同样的计算机技术往往难以正确地预报下周的天气情况。在一个阴冷的冬日,你可能会觉得,变暖几度无论如何也不是件糟糕的事情。毫无疑问,气候变化的警告听上去就像一个环保者的恫吓策略,迫使我们远离汽车,限制我们的生活方式。这些也许是抚慰的想法。然而,不幸的是,地球给我们带来一些不安的消息。从阿拉斯加到安第斯山的雪峰,全球都在快速升温。上个世纪,全球温度上升了1华氏度,但是有些最冷、最偏远的地方却远不止如此。这些结果非常不妙。冰层正在融化,河流正在枯槁,海岸正在受侵蚀,我们的社区正在受到威胁。很大程度上,这些正在发生的变化处于我们的.视野之外。但是,他们不应该被无视,因为他们预示着地球的其他地方将会发生什么样的情况。1.【解析】E此处应填入E项,be willing to 为固定搭配。2.【解析】H此处应填入一个名词,而appetite通常和介词for搭配,此处句子的意思为控制我们无止境的欲望。3.【解析】A此处应填入一个形容词,根据上下文意思应选A项,意即:全球气候变暖似乎离我们太遥远,以致于我们无需为此担忧。4.【解析】B此处应填入一个名词,而与puter 搭配的名词在选项中根据上下文意思B为正确选项。5.【解析】F根据上下文意思此处应表达气候变化之意,因此F为正确选项。6.【解析】L该题较为简单,表示“上个世纪全球的气温上升了1华氏度”,应能迅速找出正确答案。7.【解析】I显然ice 与melt 搭配,因此I为正确选项。8.【解析】K此处应填入一个如今分词,表示“海岸受到侵蚀”,因此应选K项。9.【解析】N该题较为简单,应填入一个复数名词,所以填入N项。10.【解析】D选D项,the rest of 为固定搭配。第 页 共 页
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