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2023年燃气岗位职责20篇 书目 燃气站站长岗位职责要求 1、 仔细贯彻执行城市燃气法令法规,根据有关规定对燃气站进行全面系统地管理。 2、 在保证日常生产的同时,负责解决日常发生的技术问题或向有关部门请示,并将问题刚好反映给上级主管部门。 3、 负责制定燃气站综合管理制度及设备保养规程并不断完善。 4、 依据工作安排,定出燃气站生产运行平安保证制度,职工教化的详细安排,并定期组织对平安技术管理制度实施的检查工作。 5、总结推广先进阅历,表扬嘉奖在本岗做出贡献的职工,订正违反制度的现象。 燃气运营处副主任岗位职责 燃气公司运营处副主任岗位职责 1、在主任领导下,组织好本部门的输气平安生产和计量等详细工作; 2、负责平安管理和平安教化培训,督促检查气站,抢修队岗位执行规章制度状况,杜绝违章作业; 3、贯彻执行国家有关平安生产的法律,法规及行业标准的规定要求; 4、对运行设备,管线,运行管理进行制定平安评价安排,制定平安措施,并督促落实,保证平安运行; 5、负责对站场,管线区域的监督检查,对发觉违章施工单位刚好制止并上报有关部门,做好线路平安爱护工作; 6、做好计量交接工作,按时将计量交接票据交公司财务部; 7、监督管网巡检工作,做好计量和调压设备管理; 8、参与新建,改建,扩建燃气管道工程施工质量的平安检查与验收工作; 9、协作有关部门做好事故调查,分析处理和上报工作; 10、完成领导支配的其他工作. 燃气项目经理岗位职责职位要求 职责描述: 职位要求: 1、大专及大专以上学历,油气储运或燃气相关专业,高级工程师任职资格; 2、燃气项目管理十年以上阅历; 3、熟识自然气管道工艺流程、设备管理、计量管理以及燃气管道建设施工流程及技术规范,对现有国家颁发的燃气有关规定、标准有较深理解,并能娴熟驾驭应用; 4、具有管道安装、工民建、燃气平安等相关专业学问; 5、能吃苦,具有带领团队独立开展工作的实力。 工作地点:辽宁省 薪资面议 岗位要求: 学历要求:大专 语言要求:不限 年龄要求:不限 工作年限:10年以上 燃气工程处司机岗位职责 燃气公司工程处司机岗位职责 1、负责保证工程项目的车辆运用; 2、遵守交通规则,平安行车; 3、负责车辆的日常维护保养,使其处于良好状态; 4、完成领导交办的其他工作. 燃气站运行人员岗位职责 1、仔细执行城市燃气法令法规、在主管领导带领下,负责燃气站平安生产,技术管理的全面工作,熟识燃气站工作流程及外线管网走向。 2、了解气站设备设施的工作原理及操作规程,依据用户用量改变,针对各季节温度的改变摸索总结出蒸发器工作的规律。 3、娴熟驾驭消防器材的运用,了解站区供电,照明设施的限制系统,并做好设备运行保养修理记录、平安消防检查记录。 4、接受平安教化和业务培训,正确运用各种修理工具,能够从事常规设备保养和修理工作。 5、定期巡察站内燃气管线,燃气设备,有无泄漏,检查阀门井有无泄漏,燃气管线上有无违章建筑等。 6、依据油量的实际运用状况报上级主管刚好支配进油等日常工作。 7、发觉问题刚好向上级领导或有关部门汇报。 燃气输配岗位职责 阀门研发经理 e&d manager department:engineering& development manager director of ap operation engineering & development center, ap prepared by: factor 1: accountability * manages and directs the research and development programs to meet organizational needs and to capitalize on potential new products. * develops and implements research and development procedures and techniques. oversees complex research projects, analyzes results and provides recommendations based on findings. assesses the scope of research projects and ensures they are on time and within budget. * understand the latest industry standard and ensure the product development and improvement to meet standard requirement. develop new products based on latest technology and concepts through interface with customers and corporate. * ensure the procedures of the new product development and product improvement compliance to corporate process. * understand request form itc & checkpoint for engineering. ensure product design procedures comply with itc & checkpoint. * provide engineering resources and know-how in local manufacturing facilities to ensure products in design conformance. * liaison with corporate engineering group on all product changes, manage change process and testing. * manage local design and drafting function to ensure working drawings and specifications being in accordance with corporate standards. * establish in house testing facility in compliance to corporate engineering standards. * develop and coordinate with asian technical resources, namely consultants, universities and engineering companies, etc. scope data factor ii: knowledge and skills knowledge and skills how used * bachelor degree (prefer in engineering) with 8 years or above experience in engineering. * 5 years or above experience with engineering management and people management working experience. * engineering, technology and design capability * * experience in iso9001, iso14001& ohsas18001 management system, as well as corporate safety management and occupational health management. * good command in english. * good analysis and presentation skill. * self-motivation and customer focus. knowledge of business and management principles involved in strategic planning, resource allocation, human resources modeling, leadership technique, production methods, and coordination of people and resources. knowledge of the practical application of engineering science and technology. this includes applying principles, techniques, procedures, and equipment to the design and production of various goods and services. knowledge of design techniques, tools, and principals involved in production of precision technical plans, blueprints, drawings, and models. factor iii: supervision manages subordinate staff in the day-to-day performance of their jobs. factor iv: relationships 1. reports to director of ap operation 2. works closely with global engineering function leaders 3. collaborate with other pressure management business units and functions department:engineering& development manager director of ap operation engineering & development center, ap prepared by: factor 1: accountability * manages and dir
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