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聚焦定语从句江苏省灌云高级中学 赵斯明定语从句是中学英语中的一个基础语法,也是重要的语法之一。定语从句牵涉到众多的基础知识,考点多种多样,因此,我们很容易混淆。本文从定语从句相关的基础知识入手,结合近几年常见考点分类梳理,另付检测练习,以期同学们能系统掌握定语从句。请看下列例题:1.In my opinion, all Mr. White _ good to us students at present.A. does does does B. does do do C. does does do D. did do does2.The film star we had been looking forward _ yesterday.A. to coming B. to come C. to came D. came 不难看出,如果搞不清这两句的成分,我们则无从下手或进入选择陷阱。例1句子的主语是all, 不是 Mr. White。所要表达的意思是“怀特先生所做的事目前对我们学生有好处”,因此,本句的谓语动词是do(do good to:对有好处),all后面接了一个定语从句(that)Mr. White does。另外本题还考查了强调谓语的知识do/does/did +动词原形。所以答案为C。例2句子主语是the film star,谓语是came(由yesterday得知是一般过去时)。 the film star后面接了定语从句we had been looking forward to(由于the film star作look forward to的宾语,关系代词被省略),故答案为C 。 从上面例题发现,识别和理解定语从句离不开句子成分的划分。一. 基础知识1.句子成分的划分:主、谓、宾、定、状、补、同位语、表语例:He is a student. (a student是表语) 主 谓He likes English. 主 谓 宾This dictionary looks beautiful on the shelf. (this作定语) 主 谓 状He is studying here now.主 谓 状 状We students made him monitor. He was made monitor by us students. 主 谓 宾 主 补 主 谓 宾补 状 (monitor是同位语)Tom is fairly careless. Strangely, he drives very carefully. (fairly和very是状语)主 谓 状 主 谓 状2. 各成分的定义成分定义主语是句子所要说明的对象(人或物),是句子的主体谓语是说明主语的动作或状态。一般由动词充当宾语及物动词或介词的对象定语是用来限定名词或代词的成分状语是修饰动词、形容词、副词或全句的成分补语补充说明主语或宾语的成分表语连系动词后表示主语的身份或特征的成分同位语位于名词、代词后说明它们性质特征3定语从句定义:作定语用的是一个完整的句子He is a student who studies well in our school. 定语从句定语从句的基本结构先行词(介词)关联词其它成分 + 定语从句注:先行词是被定语从句修饰限制的词,有时它可以是一个句子(先行项)。如:I enjoy visiting the places in which the hotels are cheap. 先行词 介词 关联词 其它成分Jack failed in the examination again, which made his parents disappointed. 先行项 关联词 其它成分 先行项有时也可以放在定语从句之后,这时关系代词用as。 As is expected, most of the students in our class have made great progress.关联词 其它成分 先行项 关联词包括关系代词(that, which, who, whom, as, whose)和关系副词(when, where, why)。在句子中既起连接作用,又在定语从句中充当成分。如:My cousin who likes singing and dancing studies the behavior of animals.句中的关系代词who既连接先行词和从句,又在定语从句中作主语。 介词根据句子中的固定短语或句意来确定。如:This is the novel in which Im interested. (in 是根据固定短语be interested in)Is this the plane in which she came to Beijing? (根据句意“乘坐这架飞机”)非限制性定语从句起补充说明作用,去掉不影响主要意义,通常前要加逗号和先行(项)隔开;限制性定语从句和先行词有着不可分割的关系,去掉它,先行词就不能明确表示其所指对象。比较:The boys who wanted to play basketball were disappointed because of the rain. (限制性定语从句。意思是“想踢足球的男孩因下雨而失望”。)The boys, who wanted to play basketball, were disappointed because of the rain. (非限制性定语从句。意思是“男孩们想踢足球,因下雨而失望”。) 二 语从句的常见考点1考查关系代词的区别 考查that 和which的区别。如:Is this the second question _ you want to ask me? A. what B. that C. which D. it答案注解:B。当先行词被序数词限制时用that。The professor talked about the famous writers and works _ have far-reaching effects on modern American literature. A. who B. that C. which D. who and that答案注解:B。当先行词既含有人又含有物时用that。Is there anything else _ you require? A. that B. which C. what D. who答案注解:B。当先行词是something, anything, nothing, everything, all, little, few等不定代词时,用that。 The most important measure _ should be taken is prevention. A. which B. C. as D. that答案注解:D。当先行词被最高级限制时用that。This is the very dictionary _ we are looking for. A. as B. which C. that D. what答案注解:C。当先行词被very(正是)限制时用that。The railway tunnel has been completed, _ will play an important part in transportation. A. which B. that C. it D. where答案注解:A。引导非限制性定语从句用which,不用that。 考查whose和which的区别。如:Have you seen the film “A Time To Love”, _ leading actress is Zhao Wei. A. which B. whose C. its D. that答案注解:B。whose 在定语从句中作定语用,修饰后面的名词,不仅可以指某人,而且可以指某物。该句中whose 指物,whose leading actress可以改为the leading actress of which或of which the leading actress (指人时which换成whom)。 考查who和whom区别。如:The boy has many friends, _ are good at English. A. half of who B. half of that C. half of whom D. half of which答案注解:C。本句定语从句的先行项是many friends。介词后表示人的宾语用whom。 考查as/which的区别。如:Dont talk about such things _ you are not sure of. A. as B. which C. that D. 答案注解:A。as经常置于such/same 后面引导定语从句,表示“和一类”。Withthehelpofthepolicemen,shefoundthesamebicycle_gotstolenyesterday. A.asB.thatC.whatD. 答案注解:B。same后面也可以加that引导定语从句,表示“同一”。试比较:ThisisthesameMP3thatIlostyesterday.这就是我昨天丢失的MP3。ThisisthesameMP3asIlostyesterday.这个MP3和我昨天丢失的一样(仅是同类)。The stems of bamboo are hollow, _ makes them very light. A. as B. it C. that D. which答案注解:D。as 和which都可以引导非限制性定语从句,as强调“正如”,而which则没有此意思,如:As we all know, bats come out only at night._ is reported in the newspaper, this song is very popular. A. Which B. As C. That D. It答案注解:B。as引导的
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