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此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。npt创始人斯皮格尔在南加州大学毕业典礼英语演讲稿 Dean Els, honord guets,fculty,family, frieds, and hClass of202X, annotbgitoepres my rtitude fryo genrstoday. Thky o much forivitingeto join ou in celbrng or graduatio! Thee yers ao,I colnerhavcomrhendedsuha oppotuy. Thn you, thank you, thk yu. Abouhreyas ago today, Iasightwher you ae. I as sng n a fling hai, justlke that e, n warg y ca an gow,witing twlon tagBut wan tgduti. Whenthy shokmyhad ad tokmy ictue, theyhaned m anpty older.You ee a Sanfrd, theyet o&qt;wal&quo; thrgh grauanevn ifyou havn;t actual fiishthe equiremts ecessary to gtyour dploma. oue t prtendthat re graduatngust like eeryonese, v thogh yu ren#3;theUiersity ha createdti program frsunts wowee sing thsummertr t fiishup ir dgrs. as uingi ba Iwas ebarrased, an I didn#39;t watt lefot of the celebrations.What was going todoStay in my or ro hilel of my friends pocessdtth adiu andossed teir capsino t air wto m S sa in th ho un and lstened to Cor Bokeral fr hat felike qute while, ad wavd to my aily ho had traveled all the way to Stanford to watce not gaduat. y thw, hi,om!It onl rcely occuredto me, while preparing this address, hootal bsu this holehaadwas. Itreined e tat ofentise d all sots silly hngt ad pperingdifere. ormin happens so nauralytate canfore howowerul it s dash;we ant tobe acped b our prs ‐ e wantto e a pat of he grou. t#39;s iurbiogy. But e ingsthat ke human re etiese lsten o hewispers of usoul an alowrselvobe pllinaohe rectn Confority i fascinangnd s pervaivehat i h beensued for verlong tme. See, it turns out her are two hig tha an dramataly duceconformy in goup setti. The frst is a ingdissenting voice, and scond s heabiit o omunicateprivaely wthther membes of theoup. Ougovernment giveustheriht topriacy a the gt to expres oursee rely inthe hopetha w gtmitte conormiy. Dmocrac asn#3;t sed to roote poplrtugt. It wasarcitectdo proect isset For, as Pesdet enneysad,&qut;Conformity isthe jailr ffreedondte emyf grh.&qot; recentlyfelln ove wih a storybut a reat piece of Amerian art And it's aou a guyname Bob aushn He was younartist, d hewent t go vi his dol. Yo kow, herey loved this guy d he wasttally errfied Hewas so nervustht he was cltcingtl of Jack Diels for liquidcor.Ad thetth s: heatually wan&; juvisiting.Hews vist ill d Kooning to sk sot wane ooBd Kooing#39;s drawingsousee,ll d ooi,e as dmb guy, new exactl at Rausc up ,becauseRaucheberg hadecentlye xeriing withhis ownart. He ha bn creatinghe rawigs ndthen erasngthm. But that wsn&39;tnough for oRauscenberg,bcaB Rsnbergdin#3;n o just rs is own at, hewant toerse ar ofsero. S deoong oliedut e to his me,ad he tu th yug artit as eandered ron his tudio i searh oth prfect dring. He i&39;t wo ust give him arado rwng He wand tto be somethig rely great, smethig ta hereally lvdAnde final settledon a dwingthat was vr, ver har to ers. t wa coprisedoflayer o lad and charcalAd he gnersly gave it toob Rauschenberg. Accordin Bob,ittook nerly two onhs t erase the rawing.But i was JasperJns h came ang anfradi and hgave hat draing ttle, alld &qo;sed d Kooing byBobRaschenberg.ut; Itwas Japer Johns who rcognzed that n thocs oferaing deooi's ork, BoRuschnberg hactlycretd soetngne,his wn nw wr of rt. I love thi sor ecaue Bilde Kning hd e humilttoecgniz th the greas thngwe cado povie te best possile foundaon forthose wo come fer us. We mutwelome r o ersure. S I'm aked on questio ost otn:&qot;Why didn#39;you sl yurbusinessItdo&9;t e makemney It's afd. o cold beonboa right n. Evrybodsbots. hatis wog it you&uo; AndI mnow conviced the fastt wat fiuret if ou arding something t is truly mportan toyo fn sooneo ofersyoabunch of mneyto prth it. So the best hing ithtno atter wther or noto sll,ouwi
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