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Unit 16Finding jobs.Brief Statements Based on the UnitA person has to have a job in order to support himself and his family.Experts believe that there are about 40 000 different types of jobs in the world.Then how can we choose a suitable job?Choosing the right job is a difficult job in itself.This unit shows us a few steps which help us think about jobs which we might enjoy doing after school or university.It also tells us how to apply for a job,how to fill in a job application and how to conduct an interview.They are very important and helpful for the students to choose a career in the future.So students should learn this unit carefully.Teaching Goals1.Discuss job and career plans.2.Talk about likes and dislikes,wishes and expectations.3.Integrative language practice.4.Write a personal statement.Background InformationChoosing a CareerTo begin with we should remember,I think,that most people cannot choose their careers.They simply have their jobs forced upon them.This may be because they lack the training necessary for any other work (another job),or because of economic circumstances(情况),or because they live in a place where there is a limited choice of occupations,or because their fathers and grandfathers have always followed a certain profession.The Indian born of peasant parents in a country village has,for example,few opportunities of becoming anything but a peasant.But if one is lucky enough to be able to choose the work one is going to do,how should one make ones choice,and at what age?Ones choice clearly depends on what one wants to get out of ones work.Does one want to become famous?Should money be considered the most important thing?Is success the chief aim in life?Or should one aim at a career which gives one happiness or selfrespect?Should one only do a job that benefits the community or mankind as a whole,and for which one has some talent,no matter whether one likes it or not?Or is anything one does worth doing as long as one is good at it and enjoys it?Perhaps it is better to be a happy and efficient dustman than a dissatisfied bank-clerk.Some people believe that nobody can do a job well if they dont enjoy it.But this is probably true only of certain types of work.And there are those who have a capacity (ability) for turning their jobs into something,which is an enjoyable way of earning their living,but who do not really do their work well?Some doctors,for instance,who became rich and emient(著名的) men,are in fact lacking in the humanity(美德) necessary in their career,and may even not be especially skilled at their job.The same applies to some lawyers.Perhaps many of the best doctors,lawyers,and teachers spend their lives working so hard for others that they do not have time to become rich and famous.Fundamentally(十分重要地) one must decide,when choosing a career,whether he wants to do a job for its own sake or for the rewards it offers.Teaching Time:Four periodsThe First PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Learn and master the following words and phrases:barber,chef,accountant,adviser,typist,receptionist,greengrocer,astronaut,the total number of,be suitable for2.Encourage the students to talk about choosing a career.3.Help the students to know how to choose a job.Teaching Important Point:Help the students know more about different jobs in the world.Teaching Difficult Point:How to improve the students speaking ability.Teaching Methods:1.Discussion to make the students know more about different jobs,and improve the students speaking ability.2.Pair work or individual work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:1.the blackboard2.the multimediaTeaching Procedures:Step GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step Free-talk and Lead-inT:Today were going to talk about jobs.Weve learnt something about jobs before.Now try to think of the names of jobs that we have learnt,and then Ill ask one of you to say their names.S1:Writer,doctor,teacher,editor,worker,.(Teacher writes them on the blackboard.)T:Good.Wang Wei,what does your father do?S2:He works in a government office.T:Did he find or choose his job?S2:Yes,I think he found it.T:Do you think the job is suited to him?S2:I dont think so.T:Can you tell us why?S2:Because he once said he didnt enjoy it.T:What does he enjoy?S2:He enjoys writing.T:Thank you.Please sit down.Zhao Jie,may I ask you some questions?S3:Of course.T:When it is time for you to start work,how will you get a job?Do you think you can choose a job?Will your parents help you find a job?S3:I think I cant choose a job by myself.My parents will help me to find a job.T:What kind of job would you like to do?S3:Id like to be a doctor.T:Why?S3:Because I want to save the hopeless cases.T:Do you think you can be a good doctor?S3:I hope so.Ill try my best.T:Thank you.Please sit down.Now were going to learn Uni
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