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爱国英语演讲稿3篇爱国是公民应有的道德情操,是中华民族的优良传统,是民族精神的核心内容,也是社会主义核心价值观。以下是小编整理了爱国英语演讲稿3篇,希望对你英语的演讲能力有帮助。 爱国英语演讲稿篇一 Mo an 10 yearsago, or eighbrJapan,roug the Meji Retatio o oad leading onto the bourgos,hn e oallnatonal stengthof Chi.Thus, one he Cines subsidry are resoue-poo smll ountie begin ove Chinese Jiansha manifcen tterir and abundant resources,th gain and agan by orcofggression aainChin, whe our ne eat cnf histiean oly be allowe touy, beuse o thewak We imply ann cary out a powerful eneyrstane Fortunaly, ustic wl evenuall fat ev. Fom 137 o94, t hinese peoplewfuleigh yers o vetheilitayaggssi f Japaese miltarism hard o ombat,fenzied Japanese iitimin drityh peopl ad the Chinese a vete world ani-scitfront of epeople ftheouthasto thetail nd bowed erhd. Threfre, w cansay tha anti-fsctar, win te ntre Chiese natio r major eent i the isory,iti h Cines pepesetle dow, proud of estrt,but a Cinesenaton "ck Man of East ia&qo; sigs,restnd t ntion i e wold foe eginin. Unfortunael, sch promsing tat did oto mothy.ivil wa,thCultal Rvoluo, aftrth war the hole world specially in Asa,much f te cunty enmic te-ffou frst opportunity issed, China#9; delpment h eperienced frustations. Althouh ou liesday and as inernationalsttus n ixty yars ago squitediferent, bwe are non the truemeanin f te quo;ig cuyot;,ou compreieaiona tregth wih apa sil habg ap btween. Its for this rsn, Jaan haslwaysben n arroanatttue owards Cina,a the siieth nneraryof te victor ofh anti-facst today, ter germensata corct vew of iory te problem is still ambgou atitue,Prime Miniser Junihiro oizumi'srepeae visist YasukniShrie, Mmbers fPariamntopely deny the Class-Awar iml cs. Comrds, felwsudnts, leas ose your ees, o head rght, i the warfote coutrsacrifice hrle forthe sol ofte olders suted at, n thwar of350000 atthe sol of he oplering . Sayteei famoussaying oes: toforgiv, but not to frge.Onte one hd, in te contr, national adeen persoal elations, geaces thngeywhee, such as heart fo frgieness, rers orhergivancs illbetrnsld into phas eoed. On th other and, te hstorialctsansldn ort t lessonsof history. Histor will no e asyto rpeat,e nwramewor of internaional elatn,steica iltarim nolonger he market Bu t te sam time we must recognize th the ar moe than60 years onot fr ayfous, wasthe reason hapan nd Frne blatntnd wanton agrssinagainst Cina, bcause Chns re tay eak poor, economialy acward,and toay, caue ar n diater cultual genes, threa stilbeits-driven, people nedtorain viglant. Atpresnt, the thirtchnoogcalevolutioni fll swng,lea in e developmtof the oreconom,icreasigl closecntctih he wl heChiese re facng heestopportnity for comic develpmen, history tellsus that eace nd stabiliy norder or us tseie opportuiisZhongi the Cnsenation n the ccainof th sixtieh annivesary f th victory o War f Resistanc aginst Japan, thin yu tchr, colleaues ad studens,sid: ar and revnge wil not win orrspect, unrmitting,and hsis our vicorycebrate, hld a memra eremn for artys, nd beaing in min te hsr of hebeswy! 爱国英语演讲稿篇二ello,eveyoe. Toda u gateful!Ther my kinof Thansgivng, orexapl, Iwa in he ong igs, we ust be ratful arnt,paets ge s life,eduan of our taent,so that odywe are happ to wrk, hap lif - an it i t appy lie, el me, to tdaystopic -"; Happy Thaksgving&qut;Lmbkneeling mklov,crw ergiation-feedingffcto,alwayshun me, cry,thin. Aanewgenertin, we sti nee t adocate Thakgiving, Thnsgivin has give s e and ora cultivation,halth attitue,aead of hehappy fe. Inspied by hs, Iagainse:intr igt or my moter in the sein, the 00 and-milolinsvn I give, ters f extentmoe by ondestio, I juswant o lve sud: Mom, ouworke ha! S ratefu people wld cmplai, ewilvehapy orev in love sinunshi! In te ace of thedarknss,hewillmarh orwdcourgously;n face of filure,he will Yeuoyyog -because he frmlyblve that: s long the sn, thehadw
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