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初二英语作文集合0篇 初二英语作文 篇 M hoid was goo. I syd athom orsomtimeIn Tany Square and bouhtsam as. Buneday,my mnter, m younr brother and Int to Tiny diitalsuaeto bugme. An bohta ewniform in teevenin.Id lk t hveaglassoae uic my onthr ougt tfom.I ay, haksalot ght omhes. wat a irfsprt hoes Inthe hp, thewondrfu ong addetou pleasr.I e the bla oes mymote sys, he aeeuiul ! was appy t ay, beaus Iwent o an Suarand had alot of u 我的假期 我的假期很好。我在家里呆了一段时间。我去了天安广场,买了同样的游戏。但有一天,我的弟弟,我的弟弟和我去了Tai的.数字广场去买游戏。我在晚上买了一套新制服。我想要一杯苹果汁,我的妈妈给我买了一杯。我说,“非常感谢。“我买了一些鞋。”我想要一双运动鞋。在商店里,这首美妙的歌增加了巡演的乐趣。我看到了黑色的鞋子。我的妈妈说:“真漂亮!” 那天我很开心,因为我去了天安广场,也很有趣。 初二英语作文 篇2 Ilk nimal ery mu, such ashore,mns, cts, tiers ando o BtIik ost. WhyBcause they arevrcue an friel. Ihave a ite dg Itsam isbo. S i feald. he cmes omBeijing, Chin Se twobie nd sml onh She ear wie cloes. Sh ofen wlks ru atoe It hs otingtdo.Se liks aing ce-re o uc,Sodo I. enI e ce-ceam, sh will ook t the ice-cramcarell So will iv e o t ea. I in obsthe cuts g itod 初二英语作文 篇3 Elepant isthlet anal landod. Iweights o nnety kilogr nd is out ne treighhn born. en it s12years old, it studs overhree meers ad does ogro an ore. eat i usualy yicolo, havng aog tuk th lare iytuspotrudig rmeach sideof its muth. Usually oving n ropsad caing fo ea oh, ephn s kw obe a ve and gnl nimal.For any ear peole ave usedhe strengt of thspofl analsto moe rs d hey log. pha has eenand is a il to fo people toomny hnsta wuld orallb impssibl ehant i ilontiu to be ofhe greestcratures man haecomeintoconta wt ts siz. beat, anpo wil orverbe seful o mn 大象是陆地上最大的动物。它的重量有九十公斤,高约一米,出世。这是12岁的时候,它钉在三米,不增加任何更多。大象通常是灰色的,有一个大大的象牙从嘴的两侧伸出长长的鼻子。通常在互相照顾,象是知道是一个非常温和的动物。多年来,人们一直使用这些动物的力量移动的树木和沉重的原木。大象一直是人们通常不可能做到的重要工具。大象是并将继续是一个伟大的动物,它的大小,美丽,和力量将会是对人类非常有用。 初二英语作文 篇4 Dear ir, wato jin yr Wintramptolpthechildren ih sportand mc. My nm s i ingI a tirtee (yersod). I stud /aa st i No. 1 iddle Sol.I ik reaingn playig sel.Ilike comters,too cn pfotall wlI n sing ay English ong, d can dane a swm.I cn surf teItere and sende-mails. th a be good wh the childrn an hop oge your letter oo. Yous, LPin 初二英语作文篇 Wht nilo ou lik bes t lephnt Or tigrBu y vrite anima is onke . Basetey ave theyllow skn,a big outh,a all noe,and wobig eyesTh im tes uckly ,aney ca pc banana r aples in thy aeverlvely nd inresig!SoIopeyouolikehem ,too 什么动物你最喜欢?它是大象还是老虎吗,但我最喜欢的动物是猴子。因为他们的黄皮肤,一大口,小鼻子,两个大眼睛。他们爬树很快,他们可以选择香蕉或苹果。 我认为他们是很可爱,又有趣!因此,我希望你喜欢他们,也。译文:你最喜欢什么动物?它是大象?或者老虎?但是我最喜欢猴子。因为它们有着黄色的皮毛,一张大嘴,一个小鼻子和两只大耳朵。它们爬树是迅速的,它们还可以摘香蕉或苹果。我认为它们非常可爱,有趣。所以,我希望你们也喜欢它们。 初二英语作文篇6 t was n.Ig up yearlyawast frs to oe o th clssro. hn I camtomy desk an ws gointo st dn, ondy chai wasbke What oul d At ttimn asoudI uclychngd y arwitLi ins andt dn to rea th oka if othinghpene. Mycasmas cameinoafter anoher. Afer whe, L Mcme hn efound hi chairas bron, he tied orpair i. I didt sywrd bt yce tuned red o Iran tot teaeoffice andbughtback a her aid toI.g,etreai ittete. 初二英语作文 篇7 Th hvy urdencan don atast! v ben exectin a longwnter vaation hrs o snow ose.Th snwcoerthw cit: hero, on teass, on twiowsl, o tegrd.veryere i a pe ofwhie, even fel lethe ky s overedb sno. In thisnowy wine,we wil hav apy,happynew year. The e yer is syml of ayaf haste. W e gng toa a new yea a a nw yarfr uo hav aew str.In th new ear, e have to grasp thetio stdy wok. Lettsyar ive a littl re. In s cs, Iwish you a appy yara al hebet. 初二英语作文 篇8 the drwess, I hardhe snd of th ticn ri outsid th windw, s tha i uld be as a gen, ntrhythmohe eath. lthu Sprig Fstivaldoesnot etun home,but eer a he first tw a t o ack thehouse. Sevat or livey,g he elds brotr hme, whe
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