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应届毕业典礼五分钟优秀英语演讲稿范文五篇 演讲是人格魅力渲染的舞台介质,一场精彩演讲是足以影响到人一生,以下是小编给大家带来上台演讲的应届毕业典礼五分钟优秀英语演讲稿范文五篇,欢迎大家参考借鉴! 英语演讲稿1 Bu Home uderst as we shoul bynow wel that atolerant society i ncessy fo the puposes o skng tetuth, hatthi podued thruh anct o collectivcomitmetto liv coring to t values an hat this requis constant vince an psitet ressertiof thos valus,yt e ofn lapse. Uurprisgly then, hitryovides couns illustrationsof heseida collidng ith eple n goermen who felt threteed b the current of thir tim andchoseto be hosteto h magni andenored of hr owno and belieAt e e f th fist world wr, wesr cilization had lst its way and the poitia n econoi ivisios wer nralith atu quo Fr f Rusi and the spred ofcomunism and soialsm alngwith growng unet amlabor ge rse t ear and anic mong ts ho she to prserve th ord as i as l hes foce ofisabiliy, in trn, calated into rprsson, censorshipnd thesceoating of mrginal ppuatons, ofrdics, dienters,onnfrnce,forignera imigrats. The leader of teAmcan socialst rty ugene Deb ws imrisone for devng a spech.Ta, a centurlater, a ne hreat tour core vales has mrged, rounde word an ihiscoutr Te rseo authoritarianisoften inth guys f mcraticllect dspos has ecomete defining feature of moderfe. The tats, unfortunaly, r age-ol nd tme ests Ther ust be n in-goup, conceive arund rliious thic, rcial nationaitic ines adan ougrup. ypicay,foreigners,iigrant,eites,ora opposigrty. 英语演讲稿Passonsarestoked, an teassut on truth egns. e necessrypd forscrditin ou oposiona for reaing suportrs. It usallytrts it ttacks the ress and jurnaists An then i move o univesitiad sudets and profeo. Sic tut ral nem, and woevr rsit itst b dlarede enemy. videnc f nation afer nation maing ths ditrssingtun i no al roudus We mus becrefulot o undreimtehe negtiv onsucs t our own valu caused b th pervi form f ensorshi ndsuppresson. in the ever-nrasing intgion o peos f t wrld. hrough the poerfl ocesfeconic aciity, communication, and mvet ross borers, w den n proesss, student, d ideas fowingfreelythrughurcommunty o nsiutions y tefore ometimes ok at escts of intoleance abroa s atesofheefoeign conseuence, butey almst alohve much more t and immeiate conseqencesfroron vlues.The st recnt ca tatvividly makss oinis the ideous torure and mrder of asggi. ad naiona and unspaing citic ofthateie. A voltin o internatoal law an human rights, yes, i certainly appears o But t a otentillyviolatio fmian law, andthe nteets ptectd bythoselws or hahogwasacunis with the Wasgton os nd legaeidntothe Unied State. With two hldre o hs our who ae US. citien. s sh he s protectdby ths amendment for tenhe sian forwic e was killed. Thisi a crime unermerican ws againstorreand vioati of civil rghts,for hichere is extrteriorialjursdici opseroseution. Thoh t i deporaletat no ation has ben tak n this ountrytobring th kiler tousice ad t vnicte .inerests prceentatshould concer us all O course, treis shotage of ttacks on tuth d n tuhseekers ghere a home. uderminng of honest sourseha ocurred so fr nt throug ofiil ct of csrship, t more indictly,i no vey stley, th an of suppression. 英语演讲稿 hefree pressi labeledeeemy f the pepe,the irefutble sciee undrlinng our understang of climae hnge ipotraydasa fabricaion rpagt fr olcal geda, adivesiie re icrasinlyat sncubator of intoerance,and nemie of fre expression, a sensationaist charge dipd byconsistet prsenc n uniesiyamue icldig Colub oconroersspeakersrombthte leftane rght S ght arge tht tese eba atks n te rs ad unversites as well n .The oher aily flsehoos thaacomany hmarearles, nly a superficial attck witou lasting consequences.For us,hwever, in theuerty, were truthis eerhng, wecannoaccept tatcharactertin. Itcutstoou oe. S wtare to doFounately, ther a eperien o uides inourresonse d nowhere i tht xrienceorresonant than t oumbia.Precisely 10yes go in 919 rigth chaotican rp
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