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幼儿教师英语自我介绍幼儿教师英语自我介绍 关键词:幼儿教师,英语,自我介绍幼儿教师英语自我介绍 介绍:英文自我介绍决不千人一面在口语竞赛和面试中,一段与众不同的自我介绍往往能使人印象深刻。小编收集了幼儿教师英语自我介绍,欢迎阅读。 幼儿教师英语自我介绍【一】 Mning,veryoe.Iynortohvetisopotuntyointrdceyeler幼儿教师英语自我介绍详情:免费论文:www.ll.co英文自我介绍决不千人一面在口语竞赛和面试中,一段与众不同的自我介绍往往能使人印象深刻。小编收集了幼儿教师英语自我介绍,欢迎阅读。 幼儿教师英语自我介绍【一】 Mrnng, eery. Is m hono tohae this opotniy tointrduc mysefrem Guo Qingyan. Of coure youn lme en if olieMhmhttp:/www.0747.n/eton is yanan ShanXPrvince.Wll,I ill graduate froShann xUnversty fhse edice Juehsyar. My major isEglih,ut strily spekng,y ngs s medicl Enlh.Becascept Engl,i havean heChes edici.My major is to trnslate theaditionalChines medicne. Duri my shol yers, Iave passe ET-4 and 6.n myfre tm and weekend,Ihvengagd se part-ime js, ecialy he ew ConceptEngis, I ha tauh Ne C English one ear oreign langage rnngschoos So I havesome xpeene abt English eahng. m very ofdnwih th joI apply for. fyor copraionn ge me cace oprform mself, I will do my best. Pleasegiem appcatina seis conidetin. Tank you or listeni! 幼儿教师英语自我介绍【二】 Igradaed from Teaher Cllege xxkndergartn eacng, 21 eas od, l and rsonsile, for the iffrent stgs ochid cre,idivdualze to tart children. Ihaveworke inCina We Noral nivsity, Nachon Ciy,ichuarvince sbsidiar kinderarten, kindergarnadhngdu in Sichua Provice igsan salthistleldy Iterntionl Foreign Lanuag Scool Kindrgrenkidergrtn hree wee on to t nths of ntersip, an latr n at hie Frein Lage PiaryScool for onth, tekindrgatn teachig inernship durig tepatent can e copleted together withhechildretolearnand pla, an atve ccn adassstnci thr dily ves. no onlytauht hidrn to lan extbokknowldge,also cs n devling their lrning iteetedinornizing avities to fostr team wabiity and the capaiys that eah tuden can fuy emonstrae thir own o a their own adntages m t workmotvatd, hrd-woking, inpratic alofgrowh has niched my profesialand earnd moeand practical nowld, ndalso eceivedteherle praise Corework i he futu, Iwul ike toctnueolarn and mro themsev Plese gve e a chance to ead, wll mveo proemabilty!幼儿教师英语自我介绍【三】 Hll everyon. ice to met you. Im ery happy to stndhere toeacyu. Younow,hs i hehtp:/ww.03407.cn irst imewmeetac ther, so let e itrouce myself o you.M faminame i Chen, ad m glishnme i ark. oyou caall me Mr. Cen ark. Th yaris y animal yar.I radaed fr ubi Univrt of ehnlog.uine Englis is m ajr.In y spare tme Ilike stening t mic nplay pig-png. Inmylass, Io all of yo dyhard ad cooperate ithmy tehin.I thn youwil hve a ppy tim in my class. thwseu wil ecounte (mt) lotof trubl. I my pinion, iteayto study Engsh well, butyou must o it well in hefolowinpcts.For exmple, Lsen crandae notes in y ls. iniho omeok on time.You shoul rea, lsen, seakand ritengish eeryay. Aswe all kno Practie mak pec. 幼儿教师英语自我介绍【四】Hi tre, My naeis XXX.i wulldike o apy for his j of english techer or cilrn. M pn f the future sthat i oul liketo stay wit clrn and harethe momets in theirlive and proveheith elpu adice.maig friens withthemad ttng them felou are te onehcantalk nd trustlus like enlish ve uch.wihhs idea,i want to coine m oe or chidn with my biit of englistgeter,o ican or in a pleaant eionmet dn ert thigi enjo g I cniermyself wit rihpottial f qualitng out a a good engisteacher.I avh:/www.007573.n/e aheart forcildren, loing ad crighert.And i wud certinly place i upony students,beng thrclos frid ad sister.whil withmy craive and reainengls teacing mhod,tuentswuld larneglhtrougiteacting with me or the thers inteadofbeinold hattsay. a also vry open-minddad easygoing,whih wll makemyelfa plr figure everywheand cose iam ver ucht ype of the g et dor.alwys wilng to tae in sugstisand rate a u clasroo for our xt gention I ieveiv suiteeough f myslf.Ihope you ow nomoeaboume thnjust now. wold ranly cherish thisjo d gtalngerwel with al eple ot here.I hak yo very much agai for ivng m t ortniyto tawith
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