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职场英语介绍别人怎么说职场英语介绍别人怎么说1.介绍别人口语句子: Do you know Mark?你认识马克吗?Have you met Kate before?你以前见过凯特吗?I dont think youve met David, have you?我想你不认识大卫,是吗?Have you two been introduced?有人介绍你们俩认识吗?By the way, do you know each other?顺便问一下,你们彼此认识吗?by the way“顺便问一下”each other“彼此,互相”May I introduce you to the staff?我把你介绍给全体员工,好吗?我可以介绍一下我的朋友蒂娜吗?staff n. 全体职员Id like you to meet Mr. Anderson, CEO of the pany.我想让你见一下公司的首席执行官安德森先生。Id like to introduce you to my father.我想把你介绍给我的父亲。“CEO”的意思是“首席执行官”,是“Chief Executive Officer”的缩写。Please allow me to introduce my colleague, Profossor Zhang to you.请允许我把我的同事张教授介绍给你。colleague n. 同事,同僚This is Nicolas Lee, manager of our pany.这位是尼古拉斯李,公司经理。manager n. 经理,管理人员我可以介绍一下中美友好协会_,约嘲格兰特先生吗?present v. 介绍,引见前缀“Sino-”表示“中国的”。我想你们会成为好朋友的。I think youll get along well with each other.我觉得你们会相处得很好的。2.情景对话 Paul: Hi, Amy. How are you?保罗:嗨,艾米。你好吗?Amy: Fine. thanks. Id like to introduce you to my father.艾米:很好,谢谢。我想把你介绍给我的父亲。Paul: All right.保罗:好的。( at Amys house )(在艾米家)Amy: ( to Father ) This is Paul. ( to Paul ) This is my father. He works for IBM.艾米:(对父亲说)这是保罗。(对保罗说)这位是我的父亲。他为IBM工作。Father: How do you do, boy? Nice to meet you.父亲:你好,小伙子。很快乐见到你。Paul: Nice to meet you. Mr. Clarke.保罗:很快乐见到您,克拉克先生。Amy : Paul is really into puters.艾米:保罗很热哀于计算机。Father: Glad to hear that. We need more hard-working young people. The pany will continue to grow and for that to happenwe need people who are creative and love to work hard.父亲:我很快乐能听到这些。我们需要更多肯努力工作的年轻人。公司要想不断开展壮大,就需要有这样有创造力、努力肯于的人。Paul: I have a dream, Mr. Clarke.保罗:我有一个梦想,克拉克先生。Father: Oh? What would that be?父亲:哦?什么样的梦想?Paul: I hope I can work for IBM someday too.保罗:我希望有朝一日我也能为IBM工作.Father: Only if you study hard.父亲:只要你努力学习就没问题。3.详细讲解 1.“be into sth.”在这里的意思是“对某物感兴趣,热衰于某物”,例如:I was really into ice skating when I was 10.(我十岁的时候对滑冰特别感兴趣。)2.“only if”意为“只有,只要”,引导条件状语从句,例如:He says hell e, but only if you promise not to tease him.(他说只有你容许不戏弄他,他才来。)当“only if”引导的条件状语从句置于句首时,主句要局部倒装,例如:Only if the red light es on is there any danger to employees.(只要红灯一亮.就表示有危及雇工的险情。)另外,我们要注意它和“if only”的区别,“if only”通常表示一种与过去事实相反的愿望或对如今或将来的一种强烈的愿望,意为“要是.就好了,但愿”,后面所接的句子要用一般过去时、过去完成时,或“could/would+动词原形”的形式表示虚拟。例如:If only I could be 15 again!(我要还是15岁该多好啊!)If only I had gone by taxi!(我要是当时坐出租车走的就好了!)If only hed call me!(他要是给我打 该多好啊!)第 页 共 页
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