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物主代词用法归纳一、物主代词的用法物主代词分形容词性物主代词(my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their)和名词性物主代 词(mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs)。形容词性物主代词在句只用作定语;名 词性物主代词则不能用作定语,但可以用作主语、宾语、表语、连用of作定语。如:His son is taller than hers. 他的儿子比她的儿子高。Her son is a friend of ours. 她的儿子是我们的朋友。Ours is a great country. 我们的国家是一个伟大的国家This is my desk and thats hers. 这是我的书桌,那是她的书桌。She clasped Helens hand in both hers. 她用双手握住海伦自手。My view is the very opposite of his. 我的看法和他的看法恰恰相反。He lives in the house which is opposite ours. 他住在我们家对面的房子里。Our school beat theirs at baseball. 棒球赛我们学校打赢了他们的学校。This is your pen. Mine is in the box. 这是你的铅笔,我的在铅笔盒里。【说明】可以说 a friend of mine (ours, yours, hers, his, theirs),但是不能说 a friend of me (us, you, her, him, theirs),但是“名词+of it有时可用来代替“its+名词”,如 its pri ce 也可说成 the price of it。二、物主代词与 own 连用为了强调,有时可在物主代词后加上own 一词。如:Mind your own business. 别管闲事。I saw it with my own eyes. 那是我亲眼看到的。She had made her own tragedy. 她造成了自己的悲剧。Her private morality is her own business. 她的个人品德是她自己的事。Im a human being. I can stand on my own feet. 我是人,我可以自立。He referred his wealth to his own hard work. 他把他的致富归功于他辛勤的工作。I feel that I knew about the value of my own work. 我感觉我了解我自己工作的价 值。【说明】有可用 of ones own 置于名词后作定语。如:We have no children of our own. 我们没有自己的孩子。I wish I had a little lab of my own. 但愿我有自己的一间小实验室。We would be glad to have money of our own. 我们愿意有自己的钱。These professors had opinions of their own. 这些教授们有合己的看法。I hope to have a room of my own. / I hope to have my own house. 我希望有自己 的房子 反身代词用法归纳一、反身代词的基本形式反身代词是 oneself 根据所指词的人称、性别、单复数等的变化可以有 myself, himself, herself, yourself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves 等形式。二、oneself 与 himself当 one 指人时,其相应的反身代词通常用 oneself, 在美国英语中也可用 himself: One should not praise oneself himself. 一个人不应该自吹自擂。三、反身代词的句法功能:1. 用作同位语(加强被修饰词的语气,紧放在被修饰名词后, 或句末): The box itself is not so heavy. 箱子本身并不重。Martin himself attended the sick man. 马丁亲自照顾病人。Dont trouble to come over yourself. 你不必费神亲自来了。You yourself said so. / You said so yourself. 你自己是这样说的。Never leave to others what you ought to do yourself. 不要把自己该做的事留给别人 做。2. 用作宾语(动词或介词的宾语):Take good care of yourself. 照顾好自己。He has a right to decide for himself. 他有权为自己做出决定。He made no complaint for himself. 他没为自己抱怨什么。She finally gained control of herself. 最后她控制住了自己。She could not make herself understood. 她不能使别人听懂她的话。Everybody here has the influenza including myself. 包括我在内所有人都患上流感。The child cried himself to sleep. 孩子哭着哭着睡着了。She convinced herself that it was so. 她说服自己情况是这样的。He had a couple of revolvers with which to defend himself. 他只有一两把手枪用来 自卫。3. 用作表语The poor boy was myself. 那个可怜的孩子就是我自己。The ones who really want it are ourselves. 真正想要它的是我们自己。【说明】有时用于 be, feel, seem, look 等后作表语表示身体或精神处于正常状态: Im not quite myself these days. 我近来身体不大舒服。Ill be myself again in no time. 我过一会儿就会好的。4. 用作主语。在现代英语中,反身代词一般不能独立用作主语,但是它却可以借助 an d, or, nor 等连词与其他名词一起构成并列主语(且位于并列主语的后部),以及用于某些特 殊结构(如 as.as 等):My brother and myself went there yesterday. 昨天我兄弟和我一起去了那儿。He was asanxious as myself. 他和我一样担心。选用关系代词的小技巧一、掌握关系代词的基本用法 关系词分关系代词和关系副词。关系代词主要的有 that, who, whom, whose, which, a s等,其中who和whom只用于指人,which和as只用于指事物,whose和that既可于指 人也可用于指物,它们在定语从句可用作主语、宾语、表语或定语。如:A plane is a machine that can fly.飞机是一种能飞行的机器。(that指物,在从句中用 作主语)I have forgotten everything that I learnt at school. 我把学校学的所有东西都给忘了。 (t hat指物,在从句中句作宾语)The man who lives in that house is my uncle. 住在那座房子里的人是我叔叔。 (who 指人,在从句中作主语)The house whose windows are broken is empty. 破了窗户的那座房子是 空的。 (whose 指物,在从句中作定语)There are some students whose questions I cant answer. 有些学生提出的问题我回答 不了。(whose指人,在从句中作定语)He is not such a fool as he looks. 他并不像他看起来那么傻。 (as 指人,在从句作表 语)二、选用关系代词学会四看 一看先行词的意义:即分清先行词是指人、指物、时间、地点还是原因(如指物时不能 用who或whom,指人时通常不用which等)。二看关系词的句功功能:即分清关系是担任什么句子成分,是作主语还是宾语、是作定语还是状语等(如作定语通常用whose,有时也用which;作状语要用when, where, why)0 三看定语从句的种类:即分清是限制性定语从句还是非限制性定语从句(如that和why 通常不引导非限制性定语从句)。四看文体是非正式:即分清是正式文体还是非正式文体,是书面语体还是口语体。相互代词的用法归纳一、相互代词的形式与用法英语的相互代词只有each other和one another,它们在句中通常只用作宾语:each otherWe dont see much of each other. 我们不常见面。We should help each other. 我们应该互相帮助。We may never see each other again. 我们可能永远不会再见。They soon fell in love with each other. 他们不久就互相爱上了。The sea and the sky seem to melt into each other. 大海和蓝天似乎融为一体。 one anotherThey respect one another. 他们互相尊重(对方)。You look as though you know one another. 你们看起来像是互相认识。They were very pleased with one another. 他们相互很喜欢。二、使用相互代词注意点1. 相互代词在句中通常只用作宾语,不可用作主语,所以以相互代词为宾语的句子不 能变为被动语态。2. 不要将相互代词误认为是副词,将其用作状语,如可说talk to each other,但不能 说 talk each other。3. 相互代词可以有所有格形式:The students borrowed each others notes. 学生们互相借笔记。They often stay in one anothers houses. 他们常常在彼此家里住。I hope that you all enjoy each others company. 我希望你们在一起过得愉快。I hope that you all enjoy each others company. 我希望你们在一起过得愉快。They looked into each others eyes for a silent moment. 他们默默地对视了一会儿。Theyll sit h hours looking into each others (one anothers) eyes. 他们有时对坐几小 时望着
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