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关于青春梦想的英语演讲稿 篇一n 18 yars oflfe, tere hav beenma thig universty days are te est prt o them ican nverfrg th da wheni tee intomy university. i was impressd y itsgarden-like ampus,itsnthusisic students and epecally its earnig atopr.i at ocefe i lo with t.after theruus military rinin, ge absoutely abore in y stuesth class givny te teahers e ecele. teyroide us wit nforto nt only from u extboks but from mny thrsurces as wel. they easiy arosey satiale desiet ake n a uc a can. ranky speaking, atir i had some difclty fllothe techers.oweve, trough my ownffrtsnd thank tom teacher&ruo;nc, i ade remrkable pogrs. now i&rsqo;v bnetd a otfm lectresandan otracdemic rpr.arnn isan prcess;&rsqu;llkeep expoin in theteau ous fnowlegeto nrichmysef.this summer got ou o thivor tower an ener the realworld a publisin ue offre e a par-time job in cmpilaion and revison. t the begnnin iablitled y mycolleagues. but they were rally surpried en i tanlated seenenlh articles ove ,00 wrds nonly onea radually, ey begn to lok at me withrspectl eys. inther inion iurned out to e a usfu and tustwrthy cllagei also rize tat onl thse who ring appiess ohs an e tuly happyso iftentaert in actiitiesccerning public efae. nce went to aarren mountain vilag wit mcassmats. we tauhtthe kids ter ho cu notaffrd schol. while show te how boandhw cvlized e oue wrld , i ws deply touch b thir eagernssto lrn, her honesty adheirpurity. ioln&squo;totro my ter o thday wh elet. he precious eec iththe poor s made aware ofthe reponsibilty on the shuderf us,utre teahrs esies stu and soapacie, there are entertaimnsas weli doboy bul ery day, hopigto kep healhy andeertc. w also wit play d put it n in ur sare tim. cpuslfes th mos sid time.bu dffer pople have dffee cices. thmaoriy o tuentseristeir eutiuleaoadherih e hope that on day y&rquo;ll become outstndng. but thre re nde some stuentstll uderignoac. eygatergether eaig,drinig o payig card. tey&rsuo;re usy i searchnfo agirlfrendorabyrin they rget cmlely abou the mssn ascollee tudens and th hoe of hei motherland fial, i do hpe everybdy c trei est becme orthy ctin of the cunt.d e eveyboy n bcome tbakboe ofou nation and mkgra cotbtins t socety! 译文:享受生活、不忘使命在我这202X年的生命中,有着许多美好的经历,而大学生活则是其中最难忘的一段。我永远不会忘记刚刚跨进大学校园的那几天:花园一样的校园,热情活跃的学生,特别是那里的学习气氛,给我留下了深刻的印象。经过了一段艰辛的军事训练后,我完全融入到了学习中。老师的讲课真是棒极了。他们传授给我们的不仅是课本上的知识,还包括其他各种各样的信息。我渴望获得尽可能多的知识,是老师激发起了我这个不能满足的欲望。坦率地说,一开始我还不能跟上老师的讲课。但是,通过我自己的努力以及老师的指导,我取得了巨大的进步。我从老师的授课和其他许多学术报告中获益匪浅,学习是个循序渐进、长期的过程,我会在知识的宝库中不断探索,丰富自我。今年暑假,我跨出象牙塔,进入并接触到了真正的社会。一个出版社给了我编辑和校对的兼职工作。工作初期,同事们都礁不起我。但是,当我在一天之内翻译完7篇(总字数超过50字)的英语文章后,他们真的大吃一惊。渐渐地,他们开始用尊敬的眼光看待我。他们认为,我变成了一个有用并值得信赖的好同事。我也同样意识到,只有那些为别人带来幸福的人才能真正的幸福。因而,我经常参加有关公众福利享业的活动。有一次,我和同学去了一个贫痔的山区村庄。在那里,我们教那些没钱上学的孩子。我向他们展示了一幅宽广、文明的外部世界的画面,但同时我也被那些孩子学习的渴望、他们的真诚和纯洁深深打动了。在我们离开的那一天,我那不争气的眼泪禁不住流了下来。这次珍贵的经历让我们这些未来的教师意识到了自己肩上的责任重大。 除了学习和社会实践,我还经常参加娱乐活动。我每天都锻炼身体,希望保持健康和充满活力。我们还在业余时间写剧本并排练演出。园生活是最丰富多彩的。但是,不同的人有着不同的选择。大多数的学生珍惜他们的美好时光,并殷切希望将来能出类拔萃。可是,的确有学生无动于衷。他们聚在一起吃喝玩乐;他们忙于追求异性朋友;他们完全忘记了自己作为大学生的使命和祖国对他们的厚望。 最后,我希望每个人都能尽最大努力成为国家的有用人才。我也希望每个人都能成为我们民族的脊梁,为社会做出巨大的贡献 篇二an&rso;slife isprocs ogrowngupa’life is arocessofrowng up, actualy I’m standng hr ia rowh.Ifaperso&rsuo;s le m consttuted y vaioushoics, then Igow u alg withhesehoics. ne IhopeI canstudy i college infutue,howverha&rquo;s passe, a yo knoI ce her, no onr what the futuols fo ( h wll hapen to)m.When me ti cool, I t o mself: this mynearfutur,all at re.Folwig I illlear become aman, a integraedmn,wohas fne boy, ca take oniprn tak, hinependet thouht, a pn mnd, itensive toug,has the aility t judge rigtand wrong,has a peret ob. ncey eacheraid :”; yoarntsing, yu ae stylist;neve foget hch ou oullay uo peoleis ur thought, t cat.”; I willpu y pernalitywith m interst d abilt n my tdy,during te ocesI wl omielerning wth doin. f I cn acheves “;uture”;, I hink thatI rally goup. An eepyblekindred,gooflloshi an lewil erfection nd happyin the future Hw to say fuure ayb it&rsqu;a nice wish Lets
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