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知识点:现在完成时一. 一般现在时用法: 过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果:强调结果e.g. Yesterday I finished my homework, that haVo Sajshed myhomework now. 过去已经开始一直持续到现在的动作或状态:强调继续e.g. I have lived here since 1990.二. 现在完成时的构成 have/has 过去分词三. 现在完成时的四个基本句型肯定句 He has finished the work.一般疑问句 Has he finished thework?否定句 He has not finished the work. 两回答 Yes ,he has. / No, he hasn. t特殊疑问句What has he done?四. 在下列情形下用现在完成时(1) 九词语 already 已经 肯定句中或句尾e.g. I have already found my pen. = I have found my pen already. yet已经否定句和疑问句句尾e.g. I have not fini shed the work yet.Have you bought a computer yet? ever 曾经 句中e.g. Have you ever see n pan das? never 从不 句中e.g. I ha ve never been to Beijing. just 冈 H 冈 H句中 e.g. I have just done my work. before 以前 句尾 e.g. I have n ever bee n there before. so far 到目前为止e.g. So far he has lear nt 200 words. how long 多久e.g. How long have you lived here? how many times 多少次 e.g. How many times has he been to Beijing?(2) 两词组havevhasgone to去了某地 例:He has gone to Beijing 去了北京)for two mon thsfor + 一段时间since last yearsince 3 years agosince +过去点时间since 1990since he camesince +过去时态句here3)两结构havevhasbeen tofc 过某地 例:He has been to Beijing.去过北京)Jim has lived here for 2 mon ths.Lucy has bee n in Beiji ng since 3 yearsago.He has bee n in China since he came here.4)如果句子里面没有时间状语,汉语意思能够加“已经”,往往用现在完成时态。e.g. Have you lost your library book?你已经弄丢了从图书馆借的那本书吗? (5)现在完成时态还常常用于下列句型They have pla nted many trees in the last few year在 过去的几年,他们已经种了 很多 树。This is the best book I have ever read 这是我曾经读过的最好的一本书。It is the first time I have played the computer games 这是我第一次玩电脑游戏。五. 在现在完成时中,一次性动词不能和一段时间状语连用e.g. He has bought the book for 3 years 错)因buy这个一次性动词不能和一段时间for 3 years连用,改正的办法有五种: He has bought the book.(去掉一段时间 for 3 years) He bought the book 3 years ago改为一般过去时,使句子的意思不变) It s 3 years since he bought the book. = 3 years has passed since he bought the book.(改为固定句型 It is -since-) He has not bought the book for 3 years.(改为否定句) He has had the book for 3 years. (用延续性动词 have 代替 buy)六 还有其他一次性动词也是这种情况,可参照前面的五种办法改正,前四种改法都一样,第五种改法各不相同,举例如下:come/arrive/get to/reach 八 be here例: I have come here for 3 years.错)改为:I have been here for 3 years. leave/gobe away例:He has left for 3 hours.(错) beg in /start be on改为: He has been away for 3 hours.昔)例: The film has begun for 3 minutes.改为: The film has been on for3 minu tes. ope nbe ope n / close be closed 例: The shop has opened for 3 years 错)改为: The shop has been open for3 years.改为: His father has been dead for die be dead例:His father has died for 3 years错)3 years.改为: The work has been fini sh/e nd be over例:He has firiishoc? tihcworhemdaos 辭ears.昔)over for 3 days 改为(错)have been inytHerOJnyears 或 I have been ajoier for 3 y例ars. buy /catch have改为: I have had the bike for 3e.g. I have bought the bike for 3 years(错)years.改为: He has had a cold for 3e.g. He has caught a cold for 3 days(错)days. borrow keep改为: I have kept the booke.g. I have borrowed the book for 3 years.昔) for 3 years.还有其它的归纳如下:break be broke nget upA be upmarry be marriedbecomeA belose be lost七. 延续性动词和终止性动词 延续性动词:表示的动作是能延续的动作,这种动作可以延续下去或产生持久 的影响。如: learn work sta nd lie know walk keep have wait watch si ng read sleep live 终止性动词:也叫非延续性动词,瞬间动词,一次性动词。表示的动作不能延 续, 即动作发生后立即结束,产生某种结果。在有了某种结果后,动作就不能再 继续下 去。女口: leave ,start, set out ,arrive ,reach ,get to, beg in, stop, shut, tur n off, marry ,put ,put on, get up, wake, fall, join ,meet, receive, fini sh, end, complete ,become, come, go, die, ope n, close, break, give, jump ,buy, borrow 八. 终止性动词不能和一段时间状语连用。He has died for three days.(错,终止性动词 die 不能和一段时间 for three days 连 用)同步练习:单项选择题1 、Maybe theyBothwhats happenedhis pare ntsto him .look sad.A. knewB. have knownC.m ust knowD. willknow2、He hasbee n to Shan ghai, hashe ?A.alreadyBn everC.everDstill3、Have you metMr Li?A.justB.agoC.beforeD.a mome nt agowroteD. has writte n5、一 Our country a lot so far .Yeshope it will be eve n _ .A. has cha nged ; well B. cha nged ; goodC. has cha nged ; better D. cha nged ; better6、Zhao Lan already in this school for two years .B. will ; studyD. areA. was ; studyingC. has ; studied7、Westudy ingXiao Li since she was a little girl.A.knowB.hadknownhave knownD.k new8、Harry Pott er is a very nice fil mit twice .A. willseeB.have seensaw9、一 These farmershavebeen tothe Uni ted States.Really ? Whenthere ?A. will theygoB. did they goC.do they goD. have they gone10、you yourhomework yet ?Yes . IA. Did ; do ; fini shed fini sheditmome nt ago B. Have ; done ;C. Have ; done ; havefini shedD. will ; do ; finishD.see知识点:过去
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