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Ex. 2翻译下列各句,注意将划线词转译成动词:By the use of ultrasonic waves, one can find out if there is a flaw in the metal.运用超声波,我们可以找出金属中的裂缝。The positive charges being crowded upon a conductor results in the rise of the potential of the conductor.正电荷聚集在导体上,使导体的电位上升。He made the assumption that the electronic charge is numerically equal to the charge on a hydrogen ion.他假定电子与氢离子的电荷数相等。Biochemistry is the study of the molecular basis of life.生物化学是研究生命分子基础的一门学科。生物化学是在分子基础层面研究生 命的学科。They are very familiar with the performanee of this type of transistor amplifier.他们非常熟悉这一类型晶体管放大器的性能。翻译下列各句,注意将划线词转译成名词:The instrument is used to determine how fully the batteries are charged. 这一仪器用来检测电池的充电程度。My talk today is about Einste ins Law of Relativity.今天,我的报告是关于爱因斯坦的相对论。Mercury is appreciably volatile even at room temperature.即使在室温下,汞的挥发性也很强Most isotopes produced artificially are radioactive.大多数人工制造的同位素都具有放射性。The crust of the earth may be only about 3 miles thick beneath parts of the ocean.在海底的部分区域,地壳在海底之下的厚度可能只有3英里。翻译下列各句,注意将划线词转译成形容词:The electrical con ductivity has great importa nee in select in g electrical materials.在选择电气材料时,导电性很重要。The sun affects tremendously both the mind and body of a man.太阳对人的身体和精神都有很大的影响。At ordinary temperature mercury is greatly stable in air.常温下,汞在空气中具有很好的稳定性。The engineer had prepared meticulously for his design.工程师为本次设计方案做了精心周密的准备。Contamination-proof is an absolute necessity in the maintenance of fluidic devices.防污装置对射流装置的保养是很有必要的。翻译下列各句,注意将划线词转译成副词:Only when we give full play to ma s initiative can we makefull use of machines to transform nature.我们只有充分发挥人的积极性,才能充分利用机器来改造自然。China pays great attention to the environmental protection. 中国十分重视环境保护。In our earlier study of light, atte ntion was particularly directed toward the theory of operation of spectrographs.我们早期,对光学的研究,把注意力直接放在了光谱摄影机的操作原理上。It is necessary for us to know how to convert energy.我们需要知道如何转化能源。A continuous in crease in the temperature of a gas confined in a container will lead to a continuous increase in the internal pressure with in the gas.容器中气体温度的不断上升会导致气体内部压强的持续增长。
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