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2023年介绍清明节英语作文五篇介绍清明节英语作文1TodayisApril5,chingMingfestival.MyfatherandIwentbacktothecountrysidehometownforancest下面是我为大家整理的介绍清明节英语作文五篇,供大家参考。介绍清明节英语作文1Today is April 5, ching Ming festival.My father and I went back to the countryside hometown for ancestors grave. We came to the ancestral grave, dad with his shovel the tombs to repair, and then put the tribute to the grave, took me to the ancestors on three head, got up and down a bowl of wine, spilled a circle around the tombs. In the grave, we walk in the mountains Youll also be able to contribute, on a mountain high, there are lush trees, there are green grass, there are clear lakes, beautiful!On the way home, winter jasmine, plum and cherry blossoms are scrambling to in full bloom, fragrance of flowers floating around, a lot of visitors to take photos in front of the flower, laughing faces as beautiful as flowers, how happy ah! Dad told me: tomb-sweeping day is our memory of martyrs, ancestor worship festival, festival is blooming, play for an outing. He told me the martyrs brave fight, fear no sacrifice revolutionary story. I listened to the very touched, it is our predecessors bloody sweat, hard working, just have our good life today, so we should cherish the happy life today, study hard, healthy growth, grow up contribution strength, serve the country!今日是四月五日,清明节。我和爸爸回到了乡下老家给祖先上坟.我们来到了祖先的坟前,爸爸用铁锨把坟茔修缮了一番,然后把带来的贡品放到坟前,带着我给祖先磕了三个头,起身倒了一碗酒,围绕坟茔洒了一圈.上完坟,我们就在山里踏青游玩 你也能够投稿,高高的山上,有茂盛的树林,有绿绿的青草,还有清澈的湖水,美丽极了!回家的路上,迎春花、梨花、樱花争相盛开,花香四处飘荡,好多游人在花前拍照留影,一张张笑脸和鲜花一样美丽,多么幸福呀!爸爸告诉我:清明节是我们缅怀先烈、祭拜祖先的节日,也是春暖花开、游玩踏青的节日.他还给我讲了先烈们英勇战斗、不怕牺牲的革命故事.我听了很感动,正是先辈们流血流汗、艰辛创业,才有我们今日的完美生活,所以我们要好好珍惜今日的幸福生活,努力学习、健康成长,长大了贡献力量、报效国家!介绍清明节英语作文2The tomb-sweeping day as a holiday, are different from pure solar terms. Solar term is a sign of phenology change, seasonal order in China, and it is more a festival of custom activities and some memorable.Tomb-sweeping day is Chinas traditional festival, is also the most important memory of ancestors and the grave. This grave to memorate the dead mans a kind of activity. The han nationality and some minority are mostly in the tombs. Grave, people to carry goods such as especially fruit, paper money to the grave, will be food for offering in the family tomb, to use paper money on fire new soil up to the grave, fold a few branches pale green branches ed in the grave, and then kowtow worship salute, finally eat especially home. The tang dynasty poet tu mus poem qingming : rains fall heavily as qingming es, and passers-by with lowered spirits go. Restaurant where? Boy pointed apricot blossom village. Write the ching Ming festival special atmosphere.Ching Ming festival, also called TaQingJie, according to the solar calendar for, it is in every year on April 4 to 6, between, it is beautiful spring scenery spring-out of season, also is a good time to people spring outing, so the ancients had qingming outing, and carry out a series of customs sports activities.Until today, tomb-sweeping day ancestor worship, mourning the late relatives customs still prevail.介绍清明节英语作文3The annual Qingming Festival is coming again. There are people at the crossroads. They begin to burn paper money for their dead relatives. However, I think we should pay tribute to our dead relatives in another way - replacing paper money with flowers; Burn incense instead of firecrackers. I say this because burning things produces carbon dioxide, which virtually causes another damage to the environment. My family has carried out a reform of sacrificial activities this year.My grandfather is going to pay tribute to my mother with flowers. Along the way, I saw many uncles and aunts working in a foreign land like my father, who would come to pay homage to their relatives. After a long journey, we finally came to Grandpas grave. Looking at Grandpas grave, I thought of the pictures of getting along with Grandpa. My eyes were slowly moist, tears swirled in my eyes, and I tried not to let it flow down. I think grandpa doesnt want me to cry, and everyone doesnt want me to cry. After lunch, we walked back from our hometown. Along the way, I saw many pedestrians with sad faces, like eggplant beaten by frost, mourning. I think this is the sentence of Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, it rains one after another during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls. What you want to express.In this sad Festival, the whole city shows a sad situation.介绍清明节英语作文4“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂”每年的这个节气,我们都会在心里默默地吟诵这首唐代诗人杜牧的诗句,来表达我们对先人的思念之情。It rained in succession during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road wanted to break their souls. Every year in this solar term, we will recite the poem of Du Mu, a poet of Tang Dynasty, to express our yearning for our ancestors.这一天,我们会来到墓前,放置一束鲜花,烧上一些纸钱,借以表达我们对亲人的思念和祝福,并在心里默默地为他们祈祷,祝福他们在天堂的那一边也能够和我们一样,幸福和快乐地生活着。此时,我们不禁会想起他们曾经和我们共同度过的那些岁月,那些画面仿佛还历历在目,想到这
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