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广州市第十七届英语能力竞赛预赛暨荔湾区第二届“张道真杯”英语知识邀请赛 英 语 试 题请考生注意:1. 本试卷分“试题”与“答题卷”两部分。2. 考生应在“答题卷”上认真填写学校、姓名和准考证号。3. 全部答案应写在“答题卷”上相应题号后的横线上,写在其他地方无效。4. 听力部分60分,笔试部分40分。考试时间为90分钟。听力部分(60分)一、听英文解释一次,选出被解释的词。请把你所选答案的编号写在答题卷上相应题号后的横线上。(10%) (1) A. expensive B. cheap C. peaceful D. relaxing (2) A. tongue B. neck C. knee D. face (3) A. jump B. catch C. climb D. throw (4) A. cousin B. niece C. nephew D. brother (5) A. a second B. an hour C. a week D. a century (6) A. a sailor B. a reporter C. a plumber D. a judge(7) A. a theme park B. a lake C. a planet D. a wood (8) A. a department store B. a flea market C. a supermarket D. a shopping centre(9) A. a coin B. a mask C. a firework D. a doll (10) A. a camel B. a swan C. a buffalo D. a parrot 二、听问题一次,选择问题的正确答案。请把你所选答案的编号写在答题卷上相应题号后的横线上。(20%) (1) A. Four. Theyre spring, summer, autumn and winter. B. Three. Theyre spring, summer, autumn and winter. C. Two. Theyre rainy season and dry season. D. Two. Theyre hot season and cold season.(2) A. January. B. March. C. May. D. July. (3) A. Yes, they are. B. No, no sharks are dangerous. C. No, only the white sharks are dangerous. D. No, only some of the sharks are dangerous.(4) A. Yes, it is. B. No. Its in Africa. C. No. Its in South America. D. No. Its in Europe. (5) A. Yes, they are. B. No. Lilies are the national flowers of France. C. No. Lotuses are the national flowers of Britain. D. No. Cactuses are the national flowers of Britain. (6) A. On March 21st. B. On October 31st. C. On Second Sunday in May. D. On the fourth Thursday in November. (7) A. Taiji. B. American football. C. Hockey. D. Base-ball. (8) A. Because its skin is white. B. Because its fur is white. C. Because it lives in the Arctic area. D. Because it often wears a white coat. (9) A. Penguins. B. Ostriches. C. Swallows. D. Kiwis. (10) A. From December to February. B. From June to August. C. In September, October and November. D. In March, April and May.(11) A. A typhoon. B. A hurricane. C. An oval. D. A hexagon. (12) A. Neil Armstrong. B. George Washington. C. Christopher Columbus. D. James Cook. (13) A. Leonardo Da Vinci. B. Lu Xun. C. Nelson Mandela. D. William Shakespeare. (14) A. Moscow. B. Berlin. C. Madrid. D. Toronto. (15) A. 4 p.m. B. 2 p.m. C. 2 a.m. D. 4.a.m. (16) A. Main course. B. Starter. C. Dessert. D. Tea. (17) A. Noodles. B. Turkeys. C. Cereals. D. Porridge. (18) A. In 1919. B. In 1949. C. In 1929. D. In 1939. (19) A. The Yangtze River. B. The Yellow River. C. The Pearl River. D. The Thames River. (20) A. Mt. Taishan. B. The Baiyun Hill. C. Mt. Huangshan. D. Qumolongma Peak. 三、听问题一次,看图选出正确的答案。请把你所选答案的编号写在答题卷上相应题号后的横线上。(10)(1) (2)(3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (1) A. Hes the Prime Minister of Japan. B. Hes the new General Secretary of UN. C. Hes the president of Russia. (2) A. No. He was Ludwing Van Beethoven. He was a musician. B. No. He was Ludwing Van Beethoven. He was a receptionist.C. No. He was Ludwing Van Beethoven. He was an accountant. (3) A. He was Lei Feng and he always saved animals. . B. He was Lei Feng and he always caught criminals. C. He was Lei Feng and he always helped people. (4) A. His name is Rowan Atkinson, but people call him “Mr Tomato”. B. His name is Rowan Atkinson, but people call him “Mr Potato”. C. His name is Rowan Atkinson, but people call him “Mr Bean”. (5) A. Shes Guo Jingjing. Shes good at diving. B. Shes Guo Jingjing. Shes good at table tennis. C. Shes Guo Jingjing. Shes good at dancing.(6) A. In Thailand. B. In Japan. C. In China. (7) A. Its in Florence, Italy. B. Its in Madrid, Spain. C. Its in New Deli, India. (8) A. Its in New Zealand. B. Its in France. C. Its in Australia. (9) A. Its Paris. B. Its London. C. Its Berlin. (10) A. In Beijing. B. In Guangzhou. C. In Tokyo.四、听对话一次,根据对话选择问题的正确答案,。请把你所选答案的编号写在答题卷上相应题号后的横线上。 (5)(1) Who invented the first telepho
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