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ACV automatic control valve 自动控制阀AIV air inlet valve 进气阀AOIV automatically operated inlet valve 自动操作进给阀 AOPV AirOperated Plastic Valve 气动塑料阀a/or automatic operated valve自动操作阀AV angle valve 角阀AWV automatic washing valve 自动清洗阀BAV ball valve 球阀BC bolted cap 螺栓连结阀帽BCV ball check valve 球止回阀BDV blow down valve 放泄阀BFV butterfly valve 蝶阀BUV butterfly valve 蝶阀BV breather valve 呼吸阀BVMA British Valve Manufactures Association 英国阀门制造商协会BWV back water valve 回水阀CHV check valve 止回阀CV check valve 止回阀DBB double block and bleed 双截断排放(阀)EPV elector-pneumatic valve 电动 -气动阀ESV emergency shut valve 紧迫迫断阀EXHV exhaust valve 排气阀FTV foot valve 底阀FV flush valve 冲刷阀GSV gas sampline valve 气体采样阀GSV globe stop valve 球形截止阀GTV gate valve 闸阀GV gate valve 闸阀HCV hose connection valve 软管连结阀HCV hydraulic control valve 液压控制阀HFSV high flow shutoff valve 高速封闭阀HPV high pressure valve 高压阀ILRV in-line relief valve 管道泄压阀INO inlet open 进气阀翻开INV in-line needle valve 管道针形阀IS inside screw stem 内螺纹阀杆(暗杆)IV inlet valve 进气阀JCVA Japan Cylinder Valve Association 日本高压容器及阀门协会MSS Manufactures Standardization Society of Valve and Fittings Industry 美)阀门与管件工业制造商标准化协会NRV non-return valve 止回阀OHV overhead valve 顶阀PCV pressure control valve 压力调理阀PRV pressure reducing valve 减压阀QEV quick exhaust valve 迅速排气阀RV pressure reducing valve 减压阀SOAV solenoid operated air valve 电磁操控气阀SOV shut-off valve 断流阀SSV surface safety valve 地表(井口)安全阀ST steam trap 蒸汽疏水阀SV safety valve 安全阀TDCV turning disc check valve 翻转阀瓣止回阀TV throttle valve 节流阀TVV thermal vacuum valve 温控真空作用阀TWV Tee valve 三通阀USV underwater safety valve 水下安全阀val. valve 阀门VB valve body 阀体VB valve box 阀箱vl. valve 阀门VSLO valve stem leak-off 阀杆漏泄YV wye valve Y 形阀,斜杆直流式阀AAE Acrylic acid - ethylene 丙烯酸 乙炔ABRA abrasive 研磨料ACM asbestes covered metal 包石棉金属Al aluminum 铝Al.B aluminium bronze 铝青铜ALBC aluminium bronze casting 铝青铜铸件asb. asbestos 石棉BRS brass xxBRZ bronze 青铜CLAS cast low alloy steel 低合金铸钢SS stainless steel 不锈钢TZM titanium-zirconium-molybdenum alloy钽-锆-钼合金 CS carbon steel钢
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